
2022-12-27 09:03:25   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语短剧》,欢迎阅读!
New Lovely Rabbits 场景(在小兔家中) 第一幕

小兔:我是一只乖乖兔,名字叫长耳朵。上一次大灰狼来骗人时就是我听出来的。今天是我的生日,妈妈为我准备生日蛋糕去了,让我一个人在家里,不能随便给陌生人开门。(I'm a darling, little rabbit my name is long ears. Last time recognized the Wolf came to trick people. Today is my birthday, mom has gone out to prepare a birthday cake for me,she left myself person at home,and told me not to open the door for a stranger.)

背景音乐响起《do re mi》,小兔跳舞)the background music,the rabbit is dancing. 仙女突然出现,小兔做惊讶状。The peri suddenly comes out,the little rabbit is surprised. 仙女:(微笑)Happy birthday , baby .

小兔们惊叫:oh, it’s peri ,its peri ,oh ,my dear……

仙女:yes ,I am .today is your birthday ! 我可以满足你三个小小的愿望!(I can make your dreams come true ,but only three. )what do you want ?

小兔: Dear peri ,May I have some chocolate? (亲爱的仙女,我想要一些巧克力!) 仙女:yes, of course

小兔:等等Dear peri,May I have some toys ? (亲爱的仙女,我还是想要玩具!) 仙女:你想好了吗?只有最后一个愿望了!(Are you ready,only one dream left)

小兔:(想了想,出来一步)Dear peri ,I want nothing ?我只希望大灰儿郎不要再来欺负我们了,不要再来吃掉我们(I only want the wolf will not come to eat us,and thats all!)

仙女:My dear rabbit ,你的愿望都会实现的!(仙女退场)(your daeams will come true) 小兔:oh ,yeah! Thank you ,peri !

(小兔做在桌子上玩玩具)(The little rabbit is playing with its dolls.) 背景音乐响起)

(大灰狼背着袋子,从舞台的另一端上)The big wolf appeared from other side of the stage with its bag.) 大灰狼:I am Mr wolf . long long ago ,I was a bad wolf ,but now ,I am a good wolf .Can you believe me ? 自从上次被兔子们夹住尾巴后,我在家修养了整整一年,很想念兔子们,听说今天是兔宝宝的生日,我特地来庆祝……不知道他们会不会相信我??(Since last time I have been caught in my tails,I have been a rest for a whole year,,and I missed the rabbits a lot.i heard today is the rabbitsbirthday.i came to

celebrate ,I dont know whether they will believe in me ) 背景音乐继续想起,大灰狼舞。) 第二幕

(大灰狼站在门边敲门)(the big wolf is knocking at the door).

(小兔们听到敲门声。就全部站起来)the rabbits heard the sound ,they all stand up. 大灰狼:Please open the door .I am peri .

小兔:Yeah! Yeah! Peri is coming!!(但是仙女不是刚刚走吗,怎么又回来了呢?)(but the peri left just now,why she came back again,)

小兔:先看看他是不是真的?会不会骗人的(We should see whether it is true first.) Let's look at your skirt ! 仙女都是穿白色的裙子哦!the peris skirt is white!) (大灰狼一听。赶紧把裙子套上)(The wolf heard this and put on his skirt) 大灰狼: Yes, I am wearing a white skirt .

小兔:Let's look at your golve! 仙女都是穿白色的手套哦!(the peri is wearing whit e glove.) (大灰狼一听。赶紧把白手套穿上)(the wolf heard this and put on his glove) 大灰狼: Yes, I am wearing a white golve .

小兔:Let's look at your star stick ! 仙女都是拿着魔力星光棒哦!(The peri isholding a star stick). (大灰狼一听。赶紧把星光棒拿出来。)(The wolf heard this and took out his star stick.) 大灰狼: Yes, I have a star stick .

(背景音乐)小羊开门让大灰狼进来)(Background music,the sheep opened the door and let the wolf come in,)

(大灰狼进门了)(The wolf came in).

大灰狼:(充满微笑)happy birthday ! baby rabbit !(with smile)

全体小兔:Oh! No! 他不是仙女,他是大灰狼!(He is not the peri,he is the big wolf) Help! Help! 救命呀!救命呀!

旁白:小兔们吓的躲了起来。(The rabbits are frightened,they hide away)

大灰狼:(着急地)Don't be scared! Don't be scared! 别怕!别怕!)I am a good wolf ! (我已经变成好狼啦!)

小兔:(怀疑地)A good wolf? (恩?好的大灰狼?)with suspicion

大灰狼:yes, 以前是我不对,老是欺负你们,以后我再也不会了,我还想和你们交朋友,可以吗?(I was wrong in the past,and I always did wrong things,and I will not, I want to be friends with you.)

