
2022-05-15 09:09:24   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语六级翻译题练习两篇》,欢迎阅读!


曾几何时,一直被称作“白衣天使”的医生的形象突然大翻转,医院闹事现象屡见不鲜。医生一方面需要在技术上帮助病人脱离危险,一方面也需要在精神上与病人进行沟通,但是这同时也需要病人及其家属的配合。 请将下面这段中文翻译成英文:


正常的结果,希望能刺激病人更好地照顾自己。而病人们也需要清楚并确定他们所期望的医生的诚实度。毕竟,即便在医生的办公室里,交流也是双向的。 参考译文:

How can doctors learn to be honest with their patients? More training about how to communicate with patients about their health is criticalespecially when it comes to delivering bad news.

Doctors may not tell the anxious patients the slightly abnormal results of a lab test, if it has no impact on the patient’s health.Conversely, they might exaggerate a normal result in hopes of

motivating a patient to take better care of himself. Patients also need to be clear and certain about how honest they want their doctors to be. Communication is a two-way street, after all, even in the doctor’s office. 词句点拨

1. 极其重要的 critical

2. 尤其是在告知deliver坏消息时 when it comes to delivering bad news. 注:注意come to的用法。come to sth. 其中的一个意思就是“当达到某种状况尤指不好的状况时”。

3. 如果检查结果对病人的健康没有影响的话,医生们可能不会把略有异常的实验室检查结果告诉给焦虑的病人。Doctors may not tell the anxious patients the

slightly abnormal results of a lab test, if it has no impact on the patient’s health.注:注意这句话的翻译顺序,及检查结果重复出现时,翻译时可译为it

4. 希望能刺激病人更好地照顾自己 in hopes of motivating a patient to take better care of himself

5. 清楚并确定 be clear and certain 6. 双向的 a two-way street


随着工业化的快速发展,环境问题也日益严峻起来。诚然,发展经济是第一要义,但生态环境却同样的重要,毕竟这是我们生存的地方。保护环境人人有责,目前,中国的环境治理也已经取得一定成效。 请将下面这段中文翻译成英文:

中国是发展中国家中的大国,其工业化正在快速发展,环境问题也变得日益严峻,因此环境保护被国家视为一项基本国策。近年来,国家采取了很多措施来加强环境治理,如建立了世界著名的生态工程“三北防护林工程"the Three-North Shelter Forest Program。此外,中国也在大力发展自然保护区,颁布了《环境保护法》The law on Environmental

Protection,加强环保意识和环保教育。目前,环境治理已取得明显成效,大部分城市环境和农业生态环境得到了很大改善,工业污染防治能力也大大提高。 参考译文:

China is a major developing country undergoing rapid industrialization. The environmental problem in China is getting more and more serious, thus environmental protection has been taken as

one of the basic national policies by the government. In recent years, the government has taken lots of measures to improve the environment governance, such as carrying out the world famous

ecological project“the Three-North Shelter Forest Program”.Moreover, China has been greatly developing the natural reserves.“The Law on Environmental Protection”has been issued to strengthen

the awareness and education of environmental protection. Now, distinct achievements have been gained in environmental governance.The environment in most cities and the agricultural ecological

environment around the country have been greatly improved.The capability of preventing and controlling industrial pollution has been highly enhanced. 词句点拨

1. 发展中国家中的大国:可译为a major developing country

2. 变得日益严峻:可译为is getting more and more seriousis getting increasingly serious

3. 三北防护林工程:the Three-North Shelter Forest Program 4. 自然保护区:译为natural reserves

5. 颁布了《环境保护法》:《环境保护法》即“The Law on Environmental Protection'“颁布”可用issue—词表达。

6. 环境治理已取得明显成效:翻译该句时可使用被动语态,译为distinct achievements have been gained in environmental governance


