
2022-05-04 18:09:25   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语100字周记》,欢迎阅读!
英语100字周记大全 英语100字周记一

转眼间,我的暑假生活已经接近尾声。暑假里我过得既紧张又轻松。 紧张的是我每天都要做两个多小时的暑假作业和弹两小时的钢琴,把我累得够呛!不过,等我完成作业以后,妈妈就允许我看精彩的动画片,晚饭后我还能到小区广场上玩,有时我们全家会一起去锻炼身体。


Blink of an eye, my summer vacation is nearing its end. During the summer vacation I was both nervous and relaxed.

Tension is that I have to do more than two hours a day summer

vacation and playing two hours of the piano, tired of me enough to choke! However, after I finish the homework, my mother allowed me to watch the wonderful cartoon, after dinner I can go to the district square to play, and sometimes our family will work together to exercise.

Summer vacation, both learned the knowledge, so I had enough TV addiction, while through exercise, but also enhance the physical. How about my summer vacation life is not too nervous and very full? 英语100字周记二



我非常期待返校日的到来,因为我好想知道三年级分到哪里一班,好期待哦! 暑假虽然爸妈带我们去很多地方玩,可是家里都没有客人来吃饭,所以吃饭的气氛很差,一点也不好玩。

加上我有上不完的补习课程,就跟没放暑假一样忙碌,我都快要累死了。 My summer vacation is very miserable, my father sent a lot of things to let me busy, I am busy every day, is not happy.

Summer job I wrote very early very early, because my father asked me every day: "I did not write?" I am afraid he asked non-stop, simply write a breath, so he would not worry.

I am very much looking forward to the arrival of school days, because I really want to know where the third grade to a class, look forward to Oh!

Summer vacation Although my parents took us to a lot of places to play, but the family did not have the guests to eat, so the atmosphere is poor meal, is not fun.

Plus I have endless tutorial classes, just like the summer did not like busy, I was almost exhausted. 英语100字周记三




当然,里面的游乐设施我也都有玩,玩得超级开心,叫的好大声,也笑个不停。我牵着爸爸的手,告诉他我还想再来一次。 我每天都过的轻松愉快,最好天天都是暑假就好了。 I like summer vacation, do not like to start school.

I can be in the summer vacation I like the course, astronomical camp, swimming, English, Saturday I can still on the training class, I also go to Feng teacher home writing class, also on the piano lesson.

Dad also took me to the small country to play, small country what things are small, I see the small jingle and Nobita, Duo A dream comic in every character, I have seen.

Of course, inside the amusement facilities I also have to play, play super happy, called the good loud, but also laughing non-stop. I took my father's hand and told him I wanted to come again.

I am relaxed and happy every day, the best summer is like every day. 英语100字周记四


我们一起去了西湖,东方博物馆,杭州海底世界还爬了许多的名山。 今年的暑假有那么多的亲人陪我过暑假,我今年的暑假是最快乐的。 I am very happy this summer, my family have come to my house. There are uncle, aunt, cousin, grandmother, uncle and brother and sister. They all come to Hangzhou tourism.

We went to the West Lake, Oriental Museum, Hangzhou underwater world also climbed a lot of mountains.

This summer there are so many relatives to accompany me in the summer vacation, my summer vacation this year is the most happy. 英语100字周记五



Classmates, for the long summer, we are looking forward to it To go swimming, go to the movies, or go to the library to read a few good books?

Classmates will say, to travel! However, where to play into our "heart disease". Is to go all year round the pleasant scenery of the Daxinganling it? Or to the large-scale Xi'an Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors and Horses? Faced with this problem, I am very upset, I believe we are so smart, we can help me?

