
2023-03-18 08:28:11   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《香港读研计划》,欢迎阅读!

. 确定将报考的学校及相关专业和课程 大概大三下左右的時候,大家應該可以到各港校的主頁上瞭解自己想要申請的授課式項目的專業信息。看leaflet,看course list,看objective,努力尋找更適合自己的項目

香港的deadline一般比较晚的,各个学校不一样,港大main round一般是131日。科大各个系不一样 大致都在2月份左右截止,中大大部分院系是2月底截止。城大一般1月底截止,岭南、浸会的申请一般是3月份截止。

他們會綜合衡量申請人本科學校背景專業背景GPA (有時還有輔修專業的GPA語言成績 工作經驗/實習經歷、PAPER、報讀熱情、是否適合該研究生項目,並沒有一以貫之的標準。對於應屆生畢業生申請來說,GPA是王道這個觀點得到了大多數人的支持

.仔细查看申请大学的研究生院网站,在网上提交申请表后, 需要邮寄提交的材料一般包括: 1)本科毕业证书(中英版本)

学校若没有英文毕业证书模版,还需要自己翻译。同时,毕业证书复印件都 要盖学校红章,表明不是自己随便复印的

2)本科成绩单(中英版本)GPA最好3.0以上. 也要盖章 3)护照复印件

4)雅思(至少6.5,浸会翻译专业要求7.0)、托福成绩单复印件 5英语专业八级证书复印件(如果你是英语专业又考过专八的话)


第五项的证书for reference only 6)林林总总的获奖证书

7实习part-timereference letter



:适合的专业: Faculty of Arts

Master of Arts in Chinese Language and Literature4/15 Master of Arts in Arts, Media and Cultural Leadership(4/29) Master of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies(4/30) Faculty of Social Sciences

Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology(4/31) Master of Arts in China Development Studies


1. 香港中文大学

MSSc in Corporate Communication传媒/文化文学硕士 MA in Intercultural Studies / MA in Global Communication 国际传媒


托福550笔试8分网测 /雅思 7分以上

申请时间51日—831日(越早申请,几率越大) 3. 浸会大学申请材料的要求: (a)

Photocopies 影印本

HKID card (for local applicants) or passport/other identity document of home country (for non-local applicants) 护照

Original degree certificate(s)/graduation diploma(s) AND transcript(s) for the academic qualification(s) 毕业证书和学生成绩报告

Original certificate(s) of professional qualification(s) 工作证明原件 Original certificate(s)/supporting document(s) of scholarship(s) and prize(s) 奖学金证书

Sample(s) of publication or research work/record of research experience/publication list 研究出版样本

HKCEE/HKALE/TOEFL/MIL/CET/other examination results雅思托福等成绩 (b) Proof of payment of the application fee except on-line payment支付申请费用证

(c) Confidential Recommendation Form可信任的推荐信表格

The two referees should be requested to have the form completed and returned direct to the Office of Graduate School, Hong Kong Baptist University within two weeks from the date the applicant files his/her application.

Note: Applicants who provide supplementary supporting documents should quote the application number in the documents. We would notify the student by

email in case students have outstanding information.

Note Upon receipt of the admission offer, applicants should arrange the official 1

transcript(s) for the academic qualification(s) to be sent direct by the original institution to the Office of Graduate School, Hong Kong Baptist University bearing all academic records of undergraduate and/or postgraduate studies to date.

Note HKBU graduates/students would be exempted from submitting certificate(s) 2

and transcript(s) for their previous/current studies in the University

