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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《新世纪高职高专英语第四册课后翻译》,欢迎阅读!

1.The salesman passed me the catalog of products. 2.The cave is famous for sending out echoes. 3.The label is on the inner side of the box. 4.He doesn't manifast much interest in his studies. 5.She declared that she didn't want to see him again. 6.He was paged repeatedly as the flight was boarding. 7.I dread the rush-hour traffic so much that I often avoid it by coming late to work.

8.The man said that the civil war had been a divined punishment.

9.The sunshine tempted them to go out.

10.There was a"No Smoking" sign on her door.

1.The company will soon set up its own property development operations

2.No credit is given at this shop. 3.Only two people survived the fire. 4.They pooled their money to buy a van. 5.He was jailed without the option of a fine. 6.Inflation keeps getting worse.

7.Coins and paper money are currency in the United states. 8.Everybody contributed towards Jane's present when she left the office.

9.The couple made provisions for the future.

1.有些人容易对陌生人产生怀疑。(be prone to) (Some people are prone to distrust strangers.) 2.琳达拒吃甜品,因为她正在节食。(pass up)

(Linda passed up the dessert because she was on a diet.) 3.约翰快速翻阅杂志找甘分类广告(page through)

(John paged through the magazines for classified ads.) 4.他们的声音回响在空荡荡的大厅里。(echo) (Their voices echoed in the big empty hall.) 5.她并未充分表现出与他结婚的愿望。(manifest) (She didn't manifest much desire to marry him.) 6.没有什么事情能使我采取这样的措施。(tempt) (Nothing could tempt me to take such a step.) 7.如果你这样开车,最后得上医院。(end up)

(If you drive your car like that, you'll end up in hospital.) 8.这是我们正在努力的目标。

(This is the goal that we are striving toward.) 1别担心,民生几个小时就到了。(a matter of)

(Don't worry; it's only a matter of hours till the doctor arrives.)

2.新顾客不能在本店赊帐。(buy on credit)

(New customers can't buy on credit at this shop.) 3.我没有足够的钱买汽车,所以只好将就了.(do without) (I haven't enough money to buy a car, so I'll just have to do without.)


(They learned the hard way how to cope with the emergency

1. It echoed through the hallways and out onto the quad like some ancient Gregorian chant.(这个问题在走廊里回荡着,一直传到了院子里,就像古时候的格列高利圣咏。)

2. Like an astronaut floating unchained through space, I had no purpose in life (没有人生目标,我就像个没有系上保险索的航天员,在太空中漂浮。)

3. Everyone else was happily moving forward in their lives, striving toward careers in anthropology,sociology, biology and the like. (其他人都兴高采烈地迈向人生之路,在人类学,社会学,生物学等领域开拓前程。)

4. They each had to share their majors with me, and each had opinions as to what mine should be.(他们各自都要与我共享他们的专业,每个人都要对我的专业提供忠告。)

5. i left for campus hoping for a divine major-declaring inspiration between my house and the administration building that would point me in the right direction. (我出发赶往学校,希望在从家到学校行政大楼的路上,上天能赐予我申报专业的灵感, 指明正确的方向。)

1. The inflation grows up by the elevator, but the salaries grow up by the stairs.(通货膨胀是乘着电梯往上,而工资却是走着楼梯往上。)

2. In the United States we panic if the inflation rate 10 percent. (在美国,如果通货膨胀率接近10%的话,我们就会感到惶恐不安。)

3. To compensate for inflation, Argentina's government has periodically devalued the nation's currencysometimes 10.Many people scraped and saved to get their boys into boarding schools.

1. Mary set up a schedule for the next two days.

2. Everyone marveled at the breathtaking natural beauty of the rain forests,

3. I've got to drop by the bank to get some money.

4. Let me congaratulate you on the birth of your daughter. 5.None of students filled out the application for the part-time job.

6. He(proposed)that we should go for a walk. 7. Linda tried to(figure out)a way to do it. 8. These people (deserve) our help. 9. She's very(modest)about her success.

10. We (located)the shops and the post office as soon as we moved into the town.

1.Scholarships will be (awarded) to needy students. 2.No one really knows what (motivated) him to do so. 3. He was one of the (victims)of the air crash. 4. My uncle is a merchant by (occupation)

5. There was a (widespread) belief that the newspapers had not told the truth.

6. We (intended) that it shall be done today. 7. You should be more (accurate) in your work. 8. At the end of the first half there is no (score) 9. He (specialized) in painting birds and later in writing about them.

10. The professor was deeply (offended) at Jack's refusal to come.

1.He (folded) down the comer of his page. 2. The (assessment) of this house is $50,000.

3. 1 hope that we will have a more (profitable) meeting. 4. The canoe (floated) down the stream.

5. The workers experienced heat during the (construction) of the railway line.

6. We are now in a great new (era) of information. 7. They (argued) against such a policy.

8. A (massive) piece of furniture was put in the living room.

9.1(attempted) to read the entire novel in one sitting. 10. The hunter followed the animal's (tracks) 1.Cox's performance was (brilliant) .

2.They have a talent for seeing,creating andexploitingopportunities.

3.Anne took a permanent with the law firm.

4.He is distinguished from the other boys by his height. 5.This money wasn't earned by honest means.

6.A large mosquito was suck blood from the back of her hand.

7.If we can't agree ,we'll have to vote on it.

8.There are limits to what the human body can endure.

9.There has been development on a massive scale since 1980.

10.A newborn baby will gain weight at around one ounce per day..

during the war.)

5. (Ralph 拉尔夫6.wanted (Ralph)to 想为他的孩子们做好应有的准备make proper provisions for his .

children.) (Any increase in wage costs would certainly be passed on 任何工资上升的成本肯定会转嫁到消费者身上。(pass on) to the consumers.)

7.(She scraped together the last of her savings to buy a 她拿出全部储蓄,揍足买了一套两居室的公寓。

two-bedroom flat.)

8.(He had included a large number of funny stories into his 他在演讲中加入T很多有趣的故事。(include into)


I.(I'll schedule an appointment with my dentist for Friday.) 我将安排本周五见牙医。(schedule with)

2.(I warmly congratulated him on his marvelous discovery.) 对他的惊人发现,我表示了热烈祝贺。

3.(Drop by any time you're in town.) 你在城里时,随I才来看我们.(drop by) 4.(I feel the same way about the movie as you do.) 对于这部电影,我跟你的感觉是相同的。

5.(After 汤姆通过驾考后,填写了一份驾照的中请。application for the driver's license.) Toni passed his driving test he (fill out)

filled out an 6.(Mary got the old newspaper out of the way before she did 彻底大扫除以前,玛丽先清理掉屋里的报纸。

a general cleaning of the house.) 7.(Hang on and he w等待片刻,他马上就来。8.(I'm sorry. I can't fit this meeting into my schedule.) 很抱歉,我不能将这个会议列入我的行程come soon.)

(hang on) .

1.(He purchased the desk and chair at a fraction of their 他以原价的一小部分钱买下这张书桌和椅子。

original cost.)

2.(They've had the house broken into by thieves.) 他们的房子被窃贼破门而入。(break into)

3.(Nearly one hundred passengers filed a lawsuit against the 上百名乘客对该家航空公司提起诉讼。


4(I like fish in general, and salmon in particular.) 一般说来我喜欢吃鱼,尤其是鱿负.(salmon; in general) 5.(Many girl students specialize in medicine.) 许多女学生专攻医科。(specialize in)

6.(I tend to think that's not a good solution.) 我倾向于认为这不是一种好的解决办法。(tend to) 7.(An ambulance raced by.)

救护车风驰电掣般地驶过。(race by) 8.(This book has something to do with airplanes.) 这本书与飞机有关。(have something to do with) 1.(At best a few hundred people attended the meeting.) 充其量只有几百人出席会议。(at best)

2.(The explorers were beset with severe cold and storms.) 探险者们深受严寒和暴风雪的困扰。(be beset with)

3.(I am committed to taking part in this bid.)

我承诺参加这次竞标。(be committed to) 4.(It is off the clock to invest in the antique business.) 现在投资古董生意是不合时宜的。(be off the clock)

5.(He is slated to become chairman next month.) 他将在下月出任主席。(be slated to)

6.(We must bite the bulls在困难时期,我们应该迎难而上。(bite the bullet)

7.3(The three-thirty train is pulling out of platform rive.) 30分的列车正从5号月台驶出。吐。hen we are in difficulties.)

8.当她被车掩倒时,她大声哄喊,试图引起其他人的注意。 to draw the attention of other passengers.) When she was hit by a car, she cried out in an attempt 1.(Many people can't conceive of a dinner without meat or 许多人认为正餐没有负和肉是不可想象的。


2.(Cancer has been linked to smoking.)

癌症与吸烟是有关的。(link to) 3.(John's red hair distinguishes him from his relatives with 约翰一头红发,这使他和一头黑发的亲戚们有所不同。

black hair.

4.(National currencies always gain an advantage over private 国家发行的货币总要胜过非困家发行的。


5.(They are trying to trace the river to its source.) 他们试图追溯这条河的源头。(traceto)

6.(We 我们应当学习反映比较发达经济特点的尖端生产技术。are characteristic of the more developed economics.) should learn sophisticated production technologies

that 7.(As the investigation went on, they narrowed their focus 随着调查的深入,他们的注意力集中到一个人的身上.

on one man.)

8.(He 在上次的选举中,他投了现任总统的票 voted for the incumbent president in .(vote for)

the last election.)

by 11000 percent in one year.(11,000%)

政府定期将国家货贬值为了抵消通货膨胀的影响,阿—有时年贬率竟要达4. If you own a fruit stand and you expect the price of gas to go up by 25 percent next week, most likely you will raise the price of your bananas by at least 25 percent, if 将上涨not more.(如果你拥有一个水果摊,而且你预期下周的煤气费些。25%,很可能你会把你的香蕉价格提高至少25%或是更多5. In Buenos Aires. cash payments for large purchases are )

often transported in armored cars.(购买大宗货物的现款往往是用运钞车来运送的。在布宜诺斯艾利斯,用以1. 1 wanted to ask if you had thought about securing an )

internship for your final semester.(学期是否要找个实习岗位。我曾想问你在最后一个2. That's wonderful! Sure, I can definitely fit it into )

my schedule. (3. She is helping compile information 那太好了!我当然能够安排的.)

become America.(the authority on cultures and for a book which will peoples in South 文化和民族的权威著作。她正在为编写一本书收集数据,4. That way, there wouldn't be so much pressure on each )

该书将成为介绍南美洲of you.(5. 这样的话,你们俩都不会感到那么紧张。)

information I'm basically looking for someone who can gather River.(regarding cultures which exist along the Amazon 人。我主要是找一个能收集关于亚马逊河流域文化数据的1. The other Americans and I roared with laughter, while )

the Chinese looked puzzled.(中国人却一脸的迷茫。2. Taken literally, an ambulance chaser is a lawyer who )

我和其他的美国人哄然大笑,而follows an ambulance to the scene of an accident, hoping to persuade the accident victim to file a lawsuit against whoever 一位律师跟着救护车来到事故现场,想说服受害人起诉伤害他的injured him.(从其字面上理解,一个追逐救护车的是指人。3. It would be a serious ethical violation for a lawyer )

to follow an ambulance to an accident scene in order to solicit business.(到出事现场,那会被认为是不道德的。实际上,假如律师为了揽生意而追逐救护车4. compliment, The term "ambulance chaser" )

is not intended as a prefer to be called "personal injury lawyers."

and lawyers who represent accident victims (更愿意人们称他们为“人身伤害律师”“追逐救护车的人”并非褒奖之词。替事故受害者打官司的律师5. But accurate or not, they underlie much of the American

public's negative attitude towardawyers.(这些但无论是真是假,1. Maglev trains, which use advanced magnets to achieve (看法和故事)使得律师在美国公众心目中的地位很低) super-speeds, needs.(may be the answer to Japan's future transport 足日本未来的交通需求。利用先进的磁技术以达到超高速的磁悬浮列车也许能满2. As the train pulls out of the station, most of the )

sensation is of quiet power.(受的是列车沉稳的动力系统。3. At just over 160 kph, the wheels fold upward while the )

随着列车驶离车站,给人最深感engines and carriages sink until they sit just above the track.(头和车身却会下沉至轨道正上方。时速一旦超过160公里,列车的车轮就会向上折起,而车4. Maglev's Achilles' heel is obvious:it's very expensive. Given its reliance on cutting-edge )

technology, the (费用昂贵。考虑到磁悬浮列车依据的是尖端技术,它的致命弱点显而易见:5. public construction projects in the past decade, largely The Japanese )

government has poured trillions of yen into in an attempt to keep construction companies afloat as commercial building slowed in the post-bubbl era.

(主要是为了使建筑公司能够在泡沫经济破灭后商用房建设锐减的在过去十年中,日本政府在公用事业项目中投人了数万亿日元,情况下继续运作。1. restless entrepreneurial desire to go someplace new, do It's impossible )

to conceive of America without the something new, and become someone new.(想到不安于现状的求新、创新、争当新人的企业家精神。想到美国就不可能不2. At mid-century, the beau ideal of business might have ) been the manager, but at the century's

beginningheroes are builders, founders, and risk takers.(and certainly now at its conclusion中叶,即将终结的现在,企业的美好理想体现在管理者身上,但在20世纪之初及其20世纪our 3. nod --Microsoft's no smaller, but it'sonly No. 109 If"size matte most,then sloan or watson might win the 我们的英雄当数企业营造、创始人及冒险家。) on the FORTUNE 500.(到首肯,微软也不示弱《财富》如果规模最重要,那么斯隆或沃森都能得4. Gates' story is far from over, of course500强中仅名列第109happen to burnish or blot his memory. (a lot could )

未结束,众多或荣或辱的事情都可能留在他的生平记录当中。当然,盖茨的故事远5. The Businessman of the Century was the builder of an ) industry that transformed the very land we live on, the first it, as great an entrepreneur as we've ever seen.(to create a mass market as well as the means to satisfy 家缔造的工业改变了我们赖以生存的国土,首次创立了杨销市场


