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河北大学研究英语阅读课后翻译 UNIT 3 A hostess was giving him only a fragment of her attention, UNIT 1 1 my personal favorite prediction is E ,the further and her eyes were constantly straying past him to the 1 the new conquerors (called the Normans) broufattening of America ,but I’am just guided by a personal open window and the lawn beyond. It was certainly an ght with them a kind of french ,which became the langurule : never bet against the expansion of American’s unfortunate coincidence that he should have paid his age of Royal Court ,and the ruling and business classes waistlines ,especially not when public health experts get visit on this tragic anniversary. involved 接着她又饶有兴趣喋喋不休地谈起打猎,最近树

新征服者带来了他们的语言-一种法语,而这也成我最赞同观点E,也就是实行降低食盐摄入后美林里面鸟不多,以及冬天会有鸭子等等。对于弗雷顿为皇室法庭,统治阶级和商人阶级的语言。 国人反而会更胖。但我的判断不过是基于一条个人认来说,没有什么比这更加恐怖了。他急切的希望把这

2 Towards the end of Millde English ,a sudden an定的规律:永远别指望美国人的腰围会缩小,尤其是些可怕的话题转换掉,但是他没能成功。弗雷顿也意d distinct change in pronunciation (the Great Vowel Shif在公众健康专家介入后。 识到,这女主人只给了他一丁点的注意力,她的眼睛t) started ,with vowels being pronounced shorter and s 2 Pointing to evidence that a salt-restricted diet 一直绕过他,望着他身后的窗子和草坪。他竟然会在horter causes some people’s blood pressure to drop ,the 这个悲剧发生三周年的日子拜访这位夫人,真是个不

随着中世纪英语的泯灭,发音突然发生了很大的reformers extrapolate that tens of thousands of lives 幸的巧合! 变化(元音大推移),元音的发音越来越短。 would be saved if there were less salt in everybody’s 4 In the deepening twilight three figures were

3 Late Modern English has many more words ,arifood walking across the lawn towards the window, they all sing from two principal factors: firstly , the Industrail Re他指着证据,盐限制饮食会导致一些人的血压下carried guns under their arms, and one of them was volution and technology created a need for new words ;降,改革者推断将被保存,如果有每个人的食物中的additionally burdened with a white coat hung over his secondly ,the British Empire at its height covered one qu盐少了成千上万人的生命,数万指向一个shoulders. A tired brown spaniel kept close at their arter of the earth’ s surface, and the English language asalt-restricted证据表明,一些人的饮食导致血压下降,heels. Noiselessly they neared the house, and then a dopted foreign words from many countries. 改革者们推断,成千上万的人的生命是可以挽救的如hoarse young voice chanted out of the dusk: "I said,

晚期现代英语增加了许多词汇,这主要有两个因果有少放点儿盐,每个人的食物 Bertie, why do you bound?" 素:首先,工业和技术革命的出现需要更多的新词;3 the salt reformers dismiss these speculations , 在渐渐变黑的暮色中,三个人影穿过草坪向窗口其次,英帝国在其鼎盛时期覆盖了地球大约四分之一arguing that with the right help, people can maintain 走来;他们手中都握着枪,其中一个肩上还搭着一件的面积,英语也许多其他国家吸收了很多新词。low-salt diets without gaining weight or suffering other 白外套。一只疲倦的棕色小西班牙狗跟在他们脚边。4 From around 1600, the English colonization of North Aproblems .but even if people could be induced to eat 他们无声无息的接近了房子,然后一个年轻的声音划merica resulted in the creation of a distinct American valess salt , would they end up better off ? the estimates 破了霭霭黄昏:“我说,博迪,你为什么又蹦又跳?” riety of English. Some English pronunciations and words about all the lives to be saved just extrapolations based UNIT 5 A "froze" when they reached America. on the presumed benefits of lower blood pressure. 1 Some of Seligman's own research, University of

大约从1600年开始,北美地区的英国殖民地开低盐倡导者们不同意这些假说,他们认为只要措Pennsylvania psychologist , for instance, had focused 始形成美洲英语,这是一种独特的英语变种。一些词施得当,人们完全可以保持低盐饮食,避免增肥或遇on optimism, a trait shown to be associated with good 的发音,甚至单词本身,一到了美国就被“冻结”了。 到其他问题。但就算民众真的可以少吃盐,他们身体physical health, less depression and mental illness,

5早期的品种的日耳曼进入历史与日耳曼人向下就真的会更好吗?那些可以拯救数万生命的看法不longer life and, yes, greater happiness. 移动来自北欧的公元前二世纪中,以解决在北欧洲中过是些推测,其根据不过是低盐饮食理论上可以有降以宾夕法尼亚大学心理学Martin Seligman,沿着边界特文明、北地区未来的罗马帝国。 低血压的好处罢了 己的研究为例,关注的乃是乐观主义,研究显示这个

UNIT 2 A 4 when you reduce salt , Dr. Alderman said , you 特点和良好的身体健康,较少抑郁或精神疾病,长寿,1 This is an extraordinary change in a single generareduce blood pressure , but there can also be other 哦,还有更多幸福相关。 tion, and it is gathering speed: the growth prospects, acadverse and unintended consequences . as more data 2 A 2002 study conducted at the University of cording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, are in typically have accumulated , it’s less and less supportive of the Illinois by Diener and Seligman found that the most female jobs like nursing, retail and customer service. Mcase for salt reduction , but the advocates seem more salient characteristics shared by the 10% of students ore and more women are the primary breadwinner in thdetermined than ever to change policy with the highest levels of happiness and the fewest eir household (almost 40%) or are providing essential in“你吃更少的盐,”阿尔德曼博士说,“你的血压signs of depression were their strong ties to friends and come for the family's bottom line. Their buying power h会降低,可是也有可能导致其他相反和意想不到的后family and commitment to spending time with them. as never been greater and their choices have seldom 果。随着相关实验数据越来越丰富,降低食盐摄入就DienerSeligman2002年在伊利诺斯大学进been harder. 越不被支持,可是该政策的支持者们似乎仍然铁了心行的一份研究发现,幸福度最高抑郁迹象最少的学生

这是一代人里面非常了不起的转变,而且它还正要改革。 中,10%拥有最大的共同点是他们与朋友和家庭关系在加速:据劳工统计局的数据显示,增长前景最好的5 As Americans ate more calories , they could have 密切,并且一起共度许多时光。“需要广泛传播这种工作都是在偏女性化的工作里面,像护理、零售以及eased up on some of the saltier choices so that their 思想,Diener总结说。“社交技能,建立紧密的人际客户服务业。越来越多地女人承担起养家糊口的重任overall sodium consumption remained constant . by 关系和社会支持对于幸福至关重要。 40%,或者是为家庭收入底线提供重要的一部分。that same logic ,he speculated , if future policies 3 Asking people how happy they are, Kahneman 她们的购买力得到了空前的提高,而且她们的选择也reduce the average amount of salt in food , people contends, "is very much like asking them about the 从来没有这么艰难过。 might compensate by seeking out saltier foods or by colonoscopy after it's over. There's a lot that escapes

2 Progress is seldom simple; it comes with costs ansimply eating still more of everything. them." Kahneman therefore believes that social d casualties, even challenges about whether a change 美国人摄入了更多热量,他们或许会放弃一些含scientists studying happiness should pay careful represents an advance or a retreat. The TIME survey 盐量更高的食品,好让总食盐消耗量维持正常水平。attention to people's actual experiences rather than just provides evidence of both. At the most basic level, the 同样的逻辑,他预测说假如以后按新政策减低了食物survey their reflections. argument over where women belong is over; the battle 中食盐的平均含量的话,人们又会寻找更咸的食品问人们有多幸福,Kahneman争议道,“就好像在of the sexes becomes a costume drama, like 进行补偿——或者仅仅是吃更多的东西来补偿。 结肠镜检查结束后他们感觉如何一样。有很多都被遗Middlemarch or Mad Men. Unit 4 A 漏了。因此,Kahneman相信研究幸福的社会学家应

进步永远不会轻易到来;它到来的路上充满了代1 He was wondering whether Mrs. Sappleton was 该更加注意人们的实际体验而不是只调查他们的回价和伤亡,甚至还有这么一个改变到底代表了一个进in the married or widowed state. An undefinable 顾。 步还是倒退都不一定。《时代》调查提供了这两方面something about the room seemed to suggest 4 Of those three roads to a happy, satisfied life, 的证据。最基本地,女人属于什么地方这种问题已经masculine habitation. pleasure is the least consequential, he insists: "This is 过去了;性别之争已经变成了像《米德尔马奇》或者房间的一些迹象含糊的暗示着这里有男子居住,newsworthy because so many Americans build their 《疯子》这样的古装戏。 但是弗雷特不能确定赛普顿夫人的丈夫是否还健在。 lives around pursuing pleasure. It turns out that

3 Among the most confounding changes of all is 2 Out through that window, three years ago to a engagement and meaning are much more important." the evidence, tracked by numerous surveys, that as day, her husband and her two young brothers went off 在这三条通往幸福满足的生活的道路中,愉悦最women have gained more freedom, more education for their day's shooting. They never came back. In 不相关,他坚持说:这具有报道价值,因为有那么and more economic power, they have become less crossing the moor to their favorite snipe-shooting 多美国人将自己的生活构筑在寻欢作乐之上。我们发happy. ground they were all three engulfed in a treacherous 现投入和意义其实重要得多。

最为让人想不通的就是,女人的自由、教育以及piece of bog. It had been that dreadful wet summer, you 5 Because of the large influence of our genes, 经济权利变大的同时她们却没有以前快乐了。这一点know, and places that were safe in other years gave way Lykken proposed the idea that each of us has a 已经被许多调查所证实了。 suddenly without warning. Their bodies were never happiness set point much like our set point for body

4 If male jobs keep vanishing, if physical strength recovered. That was the dreadful part of it. weight. No matter what happens in our life--good, bad, loses its workplace value, if the premium shifts ever “三年前的今天,我姑妈的丈夫和两个弟弟从那spectacular, horrific--we tend to return in short order to more to education, in which achievement is increasingly 窗户里穿过,出去外面打猎,此后就再也没有回来。our set range. female, then we will soon be having parallel 他们本来要去那最合适猎杀锥鸟的沼泽地的,可是谁基因的影响,Lykken提出,我们每个人都有幸福conversations: What needs to be done to free American 也没有想到,在穿越沼泽的时候,他们都被陷了进去。既定点,好像我们的体重既定点一样。不论生活中出men to realize their full potential? You can imagine the 那是个死气沉沉又湿闷的下午,你也许不知道,那地现什么问题——好的、差的、精彩的、恐怖的——我whole conversation flipping in a single generation. 方本来是安全的,可那天突然没了预兆和警示。最悲们都会在很短时间内恢复到既定范围。

如果男性的工作持续消失,如果体力失去其工作哀的是,他们完全陷了进去,连尸体都没能找到。 价值,如果收入和教育更加相关——在这里女性做的3 She rattled on cheerfully about the shooting and 越来越好,那么不久之后我们就会有一个类似的讨the scarcity of birds, and the prospects for duck in the 论:要让美国男人充分发挥其潜力,我们要做什么?winter. To Framton it was all purely horrible. He made a 在下一代人之内你可以看到这一个讨论甚嚣尘上的。 desperate but only partially successful effort to turn the

talk on to a less ghastly topic, he was conscious that his

