
2022-08-17 01:07:20   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《可数名词与不可数名词》,欢迎阅读!
countable and uncountable nouns (2.2.2 P.17)

1) Nouns can also be classified as either countable or uncountable. Countable nouns are those which can have an indefinite article before them or be used in the plural. Uncountable nouns are not used with an indefinite article or in the plural. Uncountable work scenery weather luggage furniture

advice, information machinery poetry literature grammar vocabulary hardware jewelry equipment mail progress travel

2) 个体名词表示抽象概念。

个体名词如book, car, teacher等,表示某类人或物中的个体,一般是可数的,这点中国学生很容易理解; 但是,有些个体名词可以表示抽象意义,这时它的单数形式之前可以用零冠词或没有任何限定词。例如:

They came here by bike. 他们骑自行车来这里。

by bike”指“通过骑自行车”这一手段,而不指骑某辆自行车;所以,即使他们骑了多辆自行车来,我们也不说by bikes 类似的还有:by boat(乘船)by bus (乘公共车)by car(乘小汽车)by coach(乘长途汽车)by sea(由海路)by ship(乘船) by train(乘火车)by tube(乘地铁)on foot(步行)等。试将此类固定说法与下面一句作比较,我们可以看出二者的区别。

They came here by the local bus/buses. 他们乘当地公共汽车来。 表示场所的个体名词可以表示与这场所有关的活动。例如: Children here go to school at the age of six. 这里的孩子六岁上学。

Countable job view day

suitcase, box, bag, briefcase chair, bed, table, couch suggestion, opinion machine poem

novel, fiction, article structure, rule word, phrase

nail, screw, bolt, washer ring, necklace, earring facility, printer

letter, postcard, package grade, score, achievement journey, tour, trip




I saw them in church just now. 我刚才看见他们做礼拜。

Which party will be in office after the general election? 大选后哪个政党会执政? When I arrived my friends were already at table. 我到达时我的朋友已经在吃饭。 When I was a boy I dreamed to go to sea. 我小时候梦想过当一名海员。 试比较下面句子中school表示“学校”,作可数名词的情形:

They are building a new school/many new schools. 他们正在修建一所(多所)新学校。 表示个体和物质的名词



Peasants raise chickens and pigs. 农民养鸡养猪。

Chinese people like chicken better than Americans. 中国人比美国人更喜欢吃鸡肉。 Some geese and ducks are swimming on the lake. 湖上有几只鹅和鸭在戏水。 People here prefer goose to duck.. 鹅肉和鸭肉比起来,这里的人更喜欢吃鹅肉。 有些名词既表示物体又表示材料。当它指材料时不可数,指这种材料做成的东西时可数。例如:

Iron rusts in the moist air. 铁在潮湿的空气会生锈。

My mother bought an electric iron yesterday. 我母亲昨天买了一只电云斗。 This old boiler is made of copper. 这只古老的茶壶是铜做的。 He gave the beggar a few coppers. 他给乞丐几个铜币。

We can insulate a live wire with rubber. 我们可用橡胶使带电的电线绝缘。 There is a rubber in the pencil-box. 铅笔盒里有一块胶擦。 物质名词一般不可数,它表示种类时可数。试比较:

Silk feels soft while iron feels hard. 丝绸摸起来柔软而铁摸起来硬。 Many silks are on display at the fair. 交易会上展出了各种丝绸。 Oil and water will not mix. 油和水不相溶。

Mineral oils are used for fuel; animal and vegetable oils are used in cooking and medicine, and in many other ways. 各种矿物油作燃料,动物油和植物油用于烹调、医药许多其他方面。

很多表示饮料的词如beer, coffee, tea等,被看作“物质”时不可数;但我们常把它们作可数名词用,表示a glass of , two glasses of 那样的意思。如:a beer, two beers.

3) 抽象名词的数


Her voice was soft, full of kindness and affection. 她的声音温柔、和蔼、充满感情。

He has done me many kindnesses. 他为我做了许多好事。

He watched me with interest, smiling all the time. 他饶有兴趣地看着我,一直憨笑着。 He was eager to know what his girl-friends interests were. 他很想知道女朋友的兴趣爱好。

These papers are in need of correction.这些文件需要修改。

I wrote very carefully, with many corrections. 我写作很小心,在很多地方进行了修改。 I will venture to send you a suggested correction of it. 我将冒昧向你提出建议,对那事提出一点改正意见。


Education is given to children by the government. 政府提供对儿童的教育 He received a good education. 他受过良好教育 Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。

He has a wide knowledge of history. 他有渊博的历史知识。

