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spots on bby pits replied: ; sked why he is lme foot, he replied: only
七夕节,又称七巧节、七姐节、女儿节、乞巧节、七娘会、七夕祭、feet jump longmen. The emperor ws very stisfied, they hired him. 牛公牛婆日、巧夕等,是ZG民间的传统节日。下面是给大家整理的初中生 completely different legends, though disgruntled kuixing ye 写关于七夕英文作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,盼望对大家有所关怀。 初中生写关于七夕英文作文1
for the reder, so certin specil kuixing reverence for worship in his
sid before, but not every exm, he threw himself to grief. Conclusion ws rescued by heven, becme turtle fish kuixing. Becuse the literti 初中生写关于七夕英文作文2
On July 7th kuixing pss is vulgr. Wen, wnt to kuixing chievement kuixing cn control on July 7, so hes birthdy, inprticulr solemnly itself seventh dy, his exm shipped to prosper. Bless Mi is chief dou kuixing Chinese nicknme week. Tng dynsty, the Chinese fu in the spirit in str, 28, the KuiXing ccommodtion for the big dipper, lso the first str the week, god pose s soon s possible to the moon nd the the week kuixing or KuiShou. In ncient scholrs sid scholr or corporl pq dys did, with the moon nd the pr, highlighted in the ssocited with ffection, becuse of the plm exm kuixing.
nd love the most beutiful, is lso the most sdness moving two nights.
ccording to the folk tle, kuixing ye were full fce looks strnge ugly, bout is for this reson, people cll the men nd women mrried nd lme spots. Someone then wrote limerick to mke fun of him: uspicious dy week.
wht ct the role ofing, rise even while lso dont hide. Mrry to MGu into On cler summer night, shining strs in the sky, white Milky Wy two beuty, no difference thn bees room fruit. mn following clws, like bridge cross the north nd south, in the river on both sides, ech beside the muzzle on the snd. Mos eves, before the wind; npping with shining str, river, distnt reltive, tht is ltir nd veg.
foreheds fell plum. The prince is jde toe, step by step to high. Ech Seventh eve sit wtch petuni veg, is folk custom, ccording to body to dnce, rther like the flowing in degrees. The rod is only edge legend, on this night of the yer is heven veg nd the cowherd meet lens risks, nd tired footsteps do side. MoXio wist brnches often hlf on the mgpie bridge. Veg is beutiful firy bright, ingenuity, erth fold, temporry swying lso.
However, the elders mbition, kuixing ssiduous study,
women in this evening to her beg for wisdom nd rtful rt, little lso not to grnt her hppy mrrige, so the seventh dy is lso clled the
unexpectedly high school. The emperor DinShi, sk him how he is ll needlework.
Legend in the Tnbt night, looked up nd cn see the gigolo knit Niu Lng (Cowhnd)。 His prents died when he ws child. Lter he ws meet the Milky Wy, or in the melon nd fruit under the frme cn be overherd two people meet in the sky when tlking bout. the sky, on the sesonl fruits, the god worship, beg celestil firy cn
driven out of his home by his sister-in-lw. So he lived by himself herding cttle nd frming. One dy, firy from heven Zhi Nu (Wever him. The cowhnd frmed in the field nd the Wever Mid wove t home.
Girls in the evening is full of romntic breth, the bright moon in Mid) fell in love with him nd cme down secretly to erth nd mrried empower them clever mind nd deft hnds, let own knitting sewing They lived hppy life nd gve birth to boy nd girl. Unfortuntely, techniques skillfully, beg for love mrrige mrrige more rtful mtch. The the God of Heven soon found out the fct nd ordered the Queen pst mrrige for women is decided to lifetime of hppiness for life, so, Mother of the Western Hevens to bring the Wever Mid bck. there is countless beings men nd women will in this night, the night 初中生写关于七夕英文作文4 sttic people deep time, to the sky pry yourself being extremely. 初中生写关于七夕英文作文3
The Double Seventh Festivl, on the 7th dy of the 7th lunr the Gregorin clendr.
This festivl is in mid-summer when the wether is wrm nd the grss nd trees revel their luxurious greens. t night when the sky is
The Double Seventh Festivl, on the 7th dy of the 7th lunr month, is trditionl festivl full of romnce. It often goes into ugust in the Gregorin clendr.
grss nd trees revel their luxurious greens. t night when the sky is dotted with strs, nd people cn see the Milky Wy spnning from the north to the south. On ech bnk of it is bright str, which see ech
month, is trditionl festivl full of romnce. It often goes into ugust in This festivl is in mid-summer when the wether is wrm nd the
dotted with strs, nd people cn see the Milky Wy spnning from the other from fr. They re the Cowherd nd Wever Mid, nd bout them north to the south. On ech bnk of it is bright str, which see ech there is beutiful love story pssed down from genertion to other from fr. They re the Cowherd nd Wever Mid, nd bout them genertion. there is beutiful love story pssed down from genertion to genertion.
Long, long go, there ws n honest nd kind-herted fellow nmed Niu Lng (Cowhnd)。 His prents died when he ws child. Lter he ws
Long, long go, there ws n honest nd kind-herted fellow nmed driven out of his home by his sister-in-lw. So he lived by himself
herding cttle nd frming. One dy, firy from heven Zhi Nu (Wever Tizong nd his concubines. By the Song (960-1279) nd Yun
Mid) fell in love with him nd cme down secretly to erth nd mrried (1279-1368) dynsties, specil rticles for the Qi Xi were seen being sold him. The cowhnd frmed in the field nd the Wever Mid wove t home. on mrkets in the cpitl. The bustling mrkets demonstrted the They lived hppy life nd gve birth to boy nd girl. Unfortuntely, significnce of the festivl. the God of Heven soon found out the fct nd ordered the Queen Mother of the Western Hevens to bring the Wever Mid bck.
Tody some trditionl customs re still observed in rurl res of Chin, but hve been wekened or diluted in urbn cities. However, the legend
With the help of celestil cttle, the Cowhnd flew to heven with of the Cowhnd nd Wever Mid hs tken root in the herts of the people. his son nd dughter. t the time when he ws bout to ctch up with his In recent yers, in prticulr, urbn youths hve celebrted it s Vlentines Dy wife, the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hirpins nd mde in Chin. s result, owners of flower shops, brs nd stores re full of joy stroke. One billowy river ppered in front of the Cowhnd. The Cowhnd nd Wever Mid were seprted on the two bnks forever nd
s they sell more commodities for love.
could only feel their ters. Their loylty to love touched mgpies, so 初中生写关于七夕英文作文
tens of thousnds of mgpies cme to build bridge for the Cowhnd nd
Wever Mid to meet ech other. The Queen Mother ws eventully moved nd llowed them to meet ech yer on the 7th of the 7th lunr month. Hence their meeting dte hs been clled Qi Xi (Double Seventh)。
Scholrs hve shown the Double Seventh Festivl originted from the Hn Dynsty (206 BC-D220). Historicl documents from the Estern Jin Dynsty (D371-420) mention the festivl, while records from the Tng Dynsty (618-907) depict the grnd evening bnquet of Emperor