第14讲 长难句:状语从句的翻译(上)

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第十四讲 长难句 状语从句的翻译(上)




1. 词汇状语

词汇状语比较简单,只有副词是唯一作状语的单词。 1.1 当其修饰整个句子时一般置于句首,汉译时相同。如:

Usually, the more crowded the conditions of living, the higher is the attack rate. 一般说来,居住得越拥挤,发生率也就越高。

1.2 当修饰形容词或副词,或者其他词组句子时一般置于被修饰成分前,汉译相同。如:

The mistake was made entirely through a misdiagnosis. 错误完全是由于一次误诊所致。

1.3 英语中,表示频率的副词,如frequentlyoftenusuallyalways等等,修饰动词时,一般置于实义动词(如predispose,诱发)前,连系动词或助动词be后,不过不同的是,汉译时需要前置。

Influenza frequently predisposes to highly fatal secondary infections of the lungs.


1.4 修饰及物动词时往往置于宾语后,不过若该副词为频率副词,则不论动词及物不及物,都置于动词前或助动词后,汉译时前置。

Its wear characteristics far exceed those of all currently employed ball occluders.


2. 短语状语


2.1 短语状语谓语句首


In a given patient the choice of antihistaminic drug depends upon trial and error and a decision whether sedation is desired or not.


2.2 短语状语作为插入语位于句中或句末


Dust from floor, from the practical point of view, is probably a negligible source of airborne infection in operating rooms.


2.3 句中较长的短语状语


The bacteria show on all the common culture media under aerobic conditions a

slimy growth.


2.4 短语状语用来修饰谓语


Our findings suggest that the symptoms of chronic bronchitis begin early in life. 我们的研究结果表明,慢性支气管炎症状的出现早在幼年就开始了。

2.5 多个短语状语并列的情况


Influenza virus, like vintage wines, varies unpredictably from year to year. 流感病毒就像葡萄酒一样,一年一年未可预卜地变化着


There is little doubt that antibiotics, particularly of the broad spectrum, can be used to reduce secondary bacterial infection.


3. 从句状语


一般状语从句的作用是修饰主句的多种成分,包括谓语动词、定语、状语,也可以修饰整个主句。状语从句也有顺序,一般是: 表示结果、比较、方式的状语从句在主句之后;


汉译时需要将结果状语、比较状语放在主句后面,方式、原因状语则前后均可,其他状语从句则一般在前。 3.1 时间状语从句 3.1.1 译在句首

When an organism is nomozygous dominant, it has two dominant genes. 一个生物是显性纯合子,它就有两个显性基因。

Pulmonary congestion occurs when the lungs are filled with fluid. 肺部充满血液,就会发生肺充血。 3.1.2 转译为并列分句

一般这种情况是aswhilewhen等连词引导的时间状语从句。 The earth turns round its axis as it travels around the sun. 地球一面绕太阳运行,一面绕地轴自转。 3.1.3 转译为条件状语从句


When the abnormal is sensed, an alarm is sounded to alert the nursing staff. 如果测出异常情况,闹铃响起来,引起护理人员的警觉。 3.2 地点状语从句 3.2.1 译成地点状语

Heat is always being transferred in on way or another, where there is any difference in temperature.

凡是有温差的地方,热都会以这样或那样的方式传播。 3.2.2 转译成条件状语从句或结果状语从句


It is hoped that solar energy will find wide application wherever it becomes available.


3.3 原因状语从句

The application of knowledge of the ABO system in blood transfusion practice is of enormous importance since mistakes can have fatal consequences. 在输血中应用ABO血型系统的知识至关重要,因为输血失误可能置人于死地。 3.4 条件状语从句

3.4.1 译成表示条件假设的分句,放在句首

Recessive genes are only expressed if no dominant gene is present. 只有在显性基因不存在的情况下,隐形基因才回表现出来。

Circulation is slowed down if the blood dangerous to delay the operation. 如果血液过于稠密,血液循环就会变慢。 3.4.2 译成补充说明情况的分句,放在句末

The patient was discharged from hospital yesterday, if you want to know. 该病人已经于昨天出院,如果你想知道的话。 3.5 让步状语从句

3.5.1 译成表示让步的分句

Although a cold itself is not serious, many of its complications are. 虽然感冒本身并不严重,许多并发症却是严重的。

Even if we achieve great success in our work, we should not be conceited, 即使我们在工作中取得了巨大的成绩,不应该自满。 3.5.2 译成表示无条件的条件分句

这里所说的无条件,指的是由不管”“无论”“不论等关联词引导的句子。 No matter what technique is used, however, elimination of all the cancer cells is the goal, and it is presumed that is the requirement of cure.






也希望版主能够给认真回答作业的战友给予积分奖励。可以视回答程度给予1~2分。最好有区分度吧!我的个人建议而已。 1. Complication must be treated as they arise.

2. It seems unlikely that infection plays an initial role as cultures made in early cases are usually sterile.

3. It is just as important for the body to get rid of its waste gases as it is to get the oxygen in.

4. The skeleton, which is composed of 203 bones, forms the framework and supports the body as the reinforced concrete construction supports the modern building.

5. Take good care of the patients so that may recover more rapidly.

6. The symptoms of the disease are very slight, so that it is difficult to make correct diagnosis.

7. An X-ray examination is often given so that the diagnosis may be confirmed.

8. Inasmuch as the pathology, clinical picture and treatment of the two conditions are different, they warrant separate descriptions.

9. Supposing that there is no evidence of secondary metastasis, the treatment

is operative.

10. No proof has been provided that gastric hypomotility or stasis is more prevalent in patients with gastric ulcer than in the normal population.

11. No sooner had they set up an operating-room than the wounded soldiers were brought in.

12. The first attack may only last for a few days or a week or so with a long period of freedom until the next presents itself.

13. Not until the microscope had been discovered could the faintest idea of the texture of the nervous tissue be formed.

