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Part I Spot dictation: houses in the future Vocabulary

insulate:隔离,〔金属〕绝缘 economical: able to save money solar heating:

contract: to reduce in size.

ex: metal contracts as it bees cool. 金属冷却时体积缩小. gadget: small devices

sensor: any device that receives a signal or stimulus

and responds to it in a distinctive manner

Script & Exercise

Well, I think houses in the future will probably be <1> quite smallbut I should think they'll be <2> well-insulatedso that you don't need so much <3> heatingand <4> coolingas you do now, so perhaps very economical <5> to run. Perhaps they will use <6> solar heating, although I don't know, in this country, perhaps we <7> won't be ableto do that so much. Yes, I think they'll be full of <8> electronic gadgets: things like very advanced televisions, videos, perhaps videos which take up ... the screen <9> takes upthe whole wall. 1 should think. Yes, you'll have things like <10> garage doors which open automatically when you <11> drive up. perhaps electronic <12> sensorswhich will <13> recognizeyou when you. when you e to the front door even. Perhaps <14> architectsand designers will be a bit more <15> imaginativeabout how houses are designed and perhaps with the <16> shortage of spacepeople will think of putting gardens <17> on the roof and, and maybe rooms can be <18> expandedand, and <19> contracted* depending on what you use them for, so perhaps there' 11 be a bit more <20> flexibilityabout that. Part II listening for gist Script & Exercise

Woman: Surgery.

Stone: Good afternoon. My name’s Frank Stone. I want to make an appointment to see Dr Milton please.

Woman: Yes, of course, Mr. Stone. May I have your address please? Stone: 118 Hill Road, London, S. E. 18.

Woman: Yes, we have you on the records. Can you manage this afternoon at 5:30? Stone: I’m afraid not. I can manage tomorrow.

Woman: I’m afraid Dr Milton’s not on duty tomorrow he’ll be here the day after. That’s Thursday,

March 27th.

Stone: Fine.

Woman: Will 5:30 be all right?

Stone: Well, yes, but I’d prefer a later time so I can e along after work. Woman: Then what about 6:15?

Stone: Well, that’s fine. Thank you. Goodbye. Woman: Goodbye. Exercise

This dialogue is about making an appointment with Dr Milton.

The key words are appointment, Dr Milton, on duty, a later time, Thursday, March 27th, 5:30, 6:15



Part I Dialogue Script & Exercise

Im Terribly Sorry Im Late

Woman: ListenI terribly sorry, I late.

Man: Oh, thats all right. It doesn’t really matter, does it? I havent got anything better to do,

have I?

Woman: Just let me explain, will you?

Man: I’ve only been waiting for over an hour. Thats all. Woman: Yes. I know, and I would have

Man: After all, my time isnt really that important, is it? Woman: Please dont be like that. Just let me explain. <silence. Man say nothing.>

Woman: I I tried to get here in time but just after I left home, the car broke down. Man: The car broke down?

Woman: Yes, and well luckily there was a garage near me. And and it look them

a while to repair it.

Man: Why didn’t you at least phone?

Woman: I would have! But I didn’t know the number of the restaurant. Man: You could have looked it up in the telephone book! Woman: Yes, but youll never believe this I couldn’t remember the name of the restaurant.

I knew where it was, but forgot the name.

Man: I see. Well, at least it was lucky you found a garage to repair your car.

Woman: Yes. It was something I couldn’t do myself. It didn’t take too long, but thats why Im

late, you see.

Man: Uhhuh. Which garage, by the way? Woman: pardon?

Man: Which garage did you take it to?

Woman: Uh the one near my flat. You know. Lewis Brothers. Man: Yes, I know that garage. Its the only one near your flat.

Woman: Hmm, well now, lets have something to eat. Uh, what about some Man: I know the garage very well!

Woman: Yes. Lets see now. yes, I think Ill have some Exercise

Directions: Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions.

1. They arc possibly boyfriend and girlfriend. 2. In a restaurant.

3. "It doesn't really matter, does it? I haven't got anything better to do, have I?" "I've only been wailing for over an hour. That's all."

"After all. my time isn't really that important, is it?""Well, al least it was lucky you found a garage to repair your car.*

4. Because she wants to stop the conversation like this. 5. Because he knows the girl is lying. Part II Passage The Oscar Statuette



MGM: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 〈美〉米高梅电影制片公司 Cedric Gibbons 人名

depictto represent in a picture or sculpture crusader: 十字军战士 signify: 代表,意味

Academy: Actors, Writers, Directors, Producers, and Technicians the Academy Award of Merit

"the Academy statuette,"the golden trophy<纪念品>" or "the statue of merit." Margaret Herrick 人名 resemblelook like

columnist: 专栏作家 Sidney Skolsky

Katharine Hepburn Best Actress juvenile: 年少的;幼稚的 miniature:缩略的

replica: copy that is not the original; something that has been copied复制品

ventriloquist: 口技表演者a performer who projects the voice into a wooden dummy Edgar Bergen 人名 plaster 石灰

from marble<某某石〕 to metal unscathed: wholly unharmed Styrofoam 泡沫聚苯乙烯 Beverly Hills:比弗利山庄

via air express 通过〔美〕航空快递邮包 Windy city: nickname of Chicago

mysteriously vanished en route from the Windy City to the City of Angels en route〔法〕在途中

dumpster:大型垃圾装卸卡车;垃圾大铁桶 Willie Fulgear 人名

unscathedunharmed; unhurt

lacquer: a black resinous substance obtained from certain trees and used as a natural varnish corroded: 侵蚀的,已被腐蚀的 endure: 忍耐

Script & Exercise

The Oscar statuette, designed by MGM's chief art director Cedric Gibbons, depicts a knight holding a crusader's sword, standing on a reel of film with five spokes, signifying the original branches of the Academy: Actors, Writers, Directors, Producers, and Technicians. Born in 1928, years would pass before the Academy Award of Merit was officially named "Oscar." Industry insiders and members of the press called the award "the Academy statuette," "the golden trophy" or "the statue of merit." The entertainment trade paper, Weekly Variety, even attempted to popularize "the iron man." The term never stuck.

A popular story has been that an Academy librarian and eventual executive director, Margaret Herrick, thought the statuette resembled her Uncle Oscar and said so, and that as a result the Academy staff began referring to it as Oscar.

No hard evidence exists to support that tale, but in any case, by the sixth Awards Presentation in


