【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《要睡觉了用英语怎么说》,欢迎阅读!

问题一:该是睡觉的时候了 用英语怎么说?
It's time to sleep
It's time for bed 该睡觉了
I am going to sleep because I am sleepy 问题四:赶快睡觉用英语怎么说
命令式:Go to sleep! Now!(去睡觉!立刻!)
威胁式:I want to see you into your bed as soon as possible!(我要马上看到你在床上!)
温柔式:It's time for bed now.(现在该睡觉了)
逗小孩:I'm gonna put you into your bed now. (我现在要带你去睡觉啦)
正常式:how about let's go to bed now (我们去睡觉吧 怎么样)
还有...挑逗式:楼上正解...默默点赞... 问题五:我要睡觉了英文怎么说?
有很多的说法 I am going to bed I am going to sleeping I have to go to bed lts time for sleeping now Its too late to sleep. 问题六:我想睡觉了用英语怎么说
I want to go to sleep. I feel like sleeping. I want to go to bed.
I gotta go to bed.是很口语话的表达 老外常用gotta+动词 表示要做什么
像“想要做什么”不说want to dosth 而说wanna do sth 问题八:你该睡觉了用英语怎么说啊?
It's time for you to sleep.
现在已经必须要睡觉了 Now we must go to bed