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【期刊名称】《医学与哲学》 【年(卷),期】2011(032)021
【摘 要】从神经衰弱到抑郁症这个医学标签转变的背后有着一系列社会原因:理性化进程中人的主体地位的凸显,心理化的抑郁症取代了躯体化的神经衰弱;国家政治对个体的精神健康的介入,抑郁症获得了知识和心理基础;在美国和前苏联、西医和中医以及全球化和本土化冲突中抑郁症合法性的确立;现行医疗制度设计中经济利益驱动等.%The reasons of neurasthenia into depression are social. Rationalization improves individual subjectivity that induced to the ways of expressing diseases and pains from somatization to psychologization. Intervention of National politics on the individual spiritual health Provide knowledge and psychological foundation of depression. United States and the former Soviet Union, western medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, globalization and localization in the establishment of depression legitimacy; The current medical system in the economic interest drive depression tags.
【总页数】3页(P35-36,78) 【作 者】陈剑梅
【作者单位】南京大学社会学院 江苏南京210093 【正文语种】中 文
【中图分类】R395.1 【相关文献】
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