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警察枪杀黑人 police shooting of black man
US President Barack Obama said police shootings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota show the US has a "serious problem."
当地时间6日,美国明尼苏达州发生一起警察枪杀黑人事件(police shooting of black man)。一则网络视频显示,一名中弹的非洲裔男子瘫倒在汽车里,司机一侧的车窗外是一名用枪对着他的白人警察。32岁的费兰多·卡斯提尔据称因汽车尾灯损坏而被警察拦停,随后被其枪杀(be shot to death by a policeman after allegedly being pulled over for a broken tail light)。枪击发生后,费兰多的女友立即上传了事件现场的直播视频(post a live video recording the scene on site immediately following the shooting),这使得他的死亡引起了公众极大的愤怒(his death has largely fueled public fury)。
这是本周内发生的第二起警察暴力(police brutality/violence)事件,被枪杀的都是黑人男性。当地时间5日凌晨,路易斯安那州警察开枪打死了在一家便利店外销售光盘的黑人男子奥尔顿·斯特林。网上流传的一名目击者拍摄的视频显示(a video shot by a witness and circulated online),两名警察勒令奥尔顿趴在地上(two officers ordered him to the ground)。在奥尔顿被他们按倒在地(be pinned down by the officers)期间,其中一名警察近距离对其开了4枪(one shot him four times at close range)。 当地时间7日,抗议者聚集在芝加哥、纽约和圣保罗等城市举行游行示威以表达他们的愤怒(protesters gathered for demonstrations in cities including Chicago, New York and St Paul to express outrage)。在达拉斯的抗议活动中(during protest in Dallas),多名警察遭枪击,已造成至少5名警察死亡,6名警察受伤(five police officers died and six were injured)。
奥巴马就两起枪击事件发表讲话称:“类似事件发生时,我们的大部分同胞都认为这些人是因为他们的肤色而遭到区别对待(because of the color of their skin they are not being treated the same)。而我们全体美国人都应对此感到不安(that should trouble all of us),因为这不只是非裔美国人的问题、拉美裔美国人的问题(Hispanic issue),这是一个所有美国人都应该关心的问题(this is an American issue that we should all care about)。”
种族歧视 racial discrimination 种族隔离 racial segregation 校园枪击案 school/campus shooting 大规模枪击案 mass shooting
民愤 public outrage/popular indignation