【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《小学英语作文丢手绢》,欢迎阅读!

On Sunday, I asked some of my classmates to come to the green grass of the Celebrity Garden and play the game of losing handkerchief. First, I sat in a circle; then I chose who would be the first to lose my handkerchief; finally, we decided that the game would start with me.
Of course, we must talk about the rules of the game first: 一、丢手绢的人不能围着圈子走了一圈又一圈,还是没有把手绢丢给某人。
1、 People who lose handkerchiefs can't walk around in circles, and still don't give them to someone.
2、 When the person who lost the handkerchief just walked behind you, you can't peek at the handkerchief behind you. 三、其他人不能提示被丢手绢的人。
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3、 Others can't remind people who have lost their handkerchiefs.
In the expectation of my classmates, I began to lose my handkerchief. While Lai LAN is not paying attention, gently 把手绢丢在了她背后,当我走了二圈她还没有发觉,我正暗暗得意时,她最终发觉了,猛追过来,我立刻逃跑,坐在了她的座位上,大家就罚赖岚唱歌。接着,轮到赖岚来丢手绢了,她趁王逸雪津津有味地唱歌时,蹑手蹑脚的把手绢丢在她背后,王逸雪是一个既机智跑步又快的小姑娘,她立刻就发觉手绢已经丢在也背后了,快速地抓起手绢,向赖岚追去。由于她跑步比较快,所以赖岚被抓住了,我们异口同声地高喊:“还要罚赖岚唱歌!”然后,还是赖岚连续丢手绢,这次她当然会丢她最好的伴侣我啦!当我发觉后,还没有来得急抓起手绢,就已向赖岚追去了,但是我没有抓到赖岚,由于她跑得比我快,所以我只好无可奈何地表演了节目。 She left the handkerchief behind her. When I went for two rounds, she didn't find it. I was secretly proud. She finally found it. She ran after me. I ran away immediately and sat in her seat. Everyone punished Lai LAN for singing. Then, it's Lai Lan's turn to throw the handkerchief. She stealthily threw it behind her
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