【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《走马观花的用法》,欢迎阅读!
【用法】:作谓语、状语、宾语;含贬义,指走过场。 【近义词】:浅尝辄止、浮光掠影、蜻蜓点水 【反义词】:入木三分、鞭辟入里 【结构】:连动式
【谜语】:骅、千里坐骑看木兰、宝玉乘骑探袭人 【歇后语】:骑兵逛公园 走马观花成语典故
唐朝诗人孟郊年轻时隐居嵩山,过着清贫闲淡的生活,在母亲的鼓励下,他多次进京赶考没有考中,直到46岁时才考取进士,他用写诗“昔日龌龊不足夸,今朝放荡思无涯。春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花”来抒发自己的喜悦心情。 走马观花英语解释 简明释义
look at the flowers while passing on horseback -- to glance over things hurriedly;cast only a passing glance at;gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation;give a hurried and cursory glance at; 例句
I have just had a quick glance at london. 吃过午餐后,我走马观花地参观了龙门石窟。
After lunch, I managed a brief visit to the longmen grottoes. 看来,她好象不得不回去,只是想到那里走马观花。
It was as if she had to return, just to give it a look.
Cast only a passing glance at looking at vietnam: canon of the underdeveloped country.
走马观花似的行程,强行军的时间安排,种种这些是让人一时难以承受啊? Skim the surface like a stroke, the timing of military force, all these are temporary people unbearable ah?
Because the countryside student are very few to city life's experience, even if the countryside school must organize themevery year to visit to the urban district inspects, that also is only
gives a cursory look and gains shallow understanding,how many perceptual knowledge can the student have?