【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《谷歌街景搜图 意外发现祖母生前照》,欢迎阅读!

谷歌街景搜图 意外发现祖母生前照
If you think it's a waste of time to spend hours browsing Google Street View, you should meet Dustin Moore.
In a Reddit posting on Wednesday, the Beaverton, Ore. man wrote that he and his brother found a picture of their grandmother while exploring images of her house on the Google service. Google's cameras happened to lock onto the woman, who passed away two years ago, while she read the newspaper on her porch.
家住美国俄勒冈州比佛顿市的达斯汀周三在Reddit上贴出一张照片,他和弟弟在谷歌应用上搜索祖母房子的图片时,竟发现了祖母生前的照片。这位两年前去世的老妇人当时正坐在走廊上看报纸,谷歌街景的摄像头恰好拍下了她的身影。 "I made the joke with my brother. I was like, 'Well, grandma's gone, but she still somehow lives on in Google and is watching over us," Moore told KATU in Portland, Ore.
"I thought it was such an uplifting and awesome picture because it showed just how laid back and awesome she was," Moore wrote on Reddit, noting that it was one of the last few pictures taken of his grandmother. 摩尔在Reddit上写到:"我觉得这张照片拍得很好,非常鼓舞人心。它展现出了祖母随和的个性,她是个很棒的人。"摩尔还标注说,这是祖母生前最后拍摄的数张照片之一。