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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《以保护鲸鱼为主题的英语作文》,欢迎阅读!

由于环境恶化和人类的大量捕杀,鲸目成员特别是一些大型成员由于经济价值高而受到广泛捕猎,许多鲸类已濒临灭绝。让我们保护鲸鱼,让它们不再受到伤害。 保护鲸鱼的英语作文(篇一)

Marine environment is one in water, seawater tolerance hydrolyzate and suspended solids, seabed sediment and marine organisms, including complex systems. Ocean rich biological resources,

mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources is an

indispensable resource treasure house of human beings, with human survival and development of the relationship very close.

The main objective of the current marine conservation is to protect the living marine resources, so as not to failure, in order for human sustainable use. In particular, give priority to

protect those valuable and critically endangered marine life. According to the UN for investigation, due to overfishing, accidental capture and killing of non-target to allow hunting of marine,

coastal shoreline construction, mangrove deforestation, widespread marine pollution, at least the world's 25 most valuable fishery resources depleted, whales, sea turtles, manatees and many

other marine animals face extinction risk. Is expected that with the expansion of the scale of ocean development,

Marine living resources are likely to cause more damage.

The task of the first marine protected right to stop over-exploitation of living marine resources and secondly to protect the habitat of marine life or habitat, in particular, their

migration, spawning, foraging, avoiding predators coast, tidal flats, estuaries, coral reefs, it is necessary to prevent the heavy metals, pesticides, oil, organic and easy to produce nutrients

such as eutrophication of marine pollution. Preservation of the marine living resources of the natural regeneration capacity and water purification capacity, preservation of the marine

ecological balance, to ensure sustainable human development and utilization of the oceans.


目前的首要目标是保护海洋保护海洋资源,使生活不失败,为了人类的持续使用。特别,优先保护那些有价值的、严重濒临灭绝的海洋生物。根据联合国调查,由于过度捕捞,意外捕获和杀害,对非靶标生物的允许打猎、沿海岸线建设海洋、红树林森林砍伐,广泛的海洋污染,至少世界上的25个最有价值的渔业资源枯竭、鲸鱼、海龟、海牛和许多其它动物面临灭绝的危险。预计,随着规模的扩大海洋开发, 海洋生物资源,容易造成更大的`伤害。

这项任务的第一个海洋保护权利海洋资源的过度开采生活停止,其次要能够保护海洋生物的栖息地或爱必居,特别是它们的迁徙,产卵,觅食,躲避捕食者,潮汐河口海岸,公寓,珊瑚礁,这是必要的,以防止重金属、农药、油、有机和容易产生富营养化水体的营养物质如海洋污染。保护海洋生物资源的自然再生能力和水净化能力、保存了海洋生态系统的平,以确保可持续人类开发和利用的海洋。 保护鲸鱼的英语作文(篇二)

The existence of the oceans allowed the first life to form, grow, and reproduce. T he oceans create atmosphere, weather, and climate. They supply the world with an abundance of life, much of

which sup plies humans, among others, with transp ortation, food,

medicines, and recreation . While other species may enjoy the ben efits of the oceans, humans have becom e so wide spread and

detached from the world around them that they have effect ively brought the oceans to the brink of extinction in a very short time Woodard, 2000. While the oceans count time in th e billions

of years, humans count time in years or decades. In the last fifteen deca des, human activity has decimated a sig nificant portion of the ocean, creating "d ead zones" where there is no oxygen

to support life. The ocean chemistry is beco ming dangerously acidic due to the burni ng of fossil fuels and the dumping of was te in the oceans, and may trigger a non-r eversible chain

reaction of extinction, sa y before the end of this century Global

warming, 2021. The goal is to motivate, educate, and offer possible solutions to t he problem, however it will not work unt il people across the globe work together. 保护鲸鱼的英语作文(篇三)

