【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《基于PYTHON的TEQC图形化展示》,欢迎阅读!
基于PYTHON的TEQC图形化展示(COMPACT3) 1、拷贝以下代码另存为teqcplot.py 2、需要在Python环境运行
说明:teqcplot version 1.4.2, 7 Sep. 2014. 程序作者:Stuart K. Wier
import os import sys import string import datetime
import numpy as np import matplotlib as mptl import matplotlib.cm as cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import *
from datetime import timedelta from datetime import datetime
from matplotlib.pyplot import grid, figure, plot, savefig
azifile="" elefile="" parmfile="" parmtype="" debug=False dogps=True doglonass=True dogalileo=True dosbas=True dobeidou=True doqzss=True
trackCountLimit=6 colorMax=1.234567 colorMin=1.234567 maxHour= -999.0 minHour= -999.0 global lineSize colorname="" showLegend=False showLabel= True doParmPlot=False svs=[] svslist=[]
parmsvslist=[] options=[] files=[]
SVpositionList=[] SVparmList=[] SVidList=[] SVparmidList=[] doShowSVslist=[] doNotShowSVslist=[] global asciiStartTime global maxT
global minT
widthDistance = 7.3 # for width of plot; inches is units of distance in matplotlib; pixeldensity = 100
def read_input_files (): global asciiStartTime # open the azi file
datapath1 = os.path.dirname (azifile) filename1 = os.path.basename(azifile) fileext = string.split(filename1, ".") file1 = open (azifile) # open the elevation file
datapath2 = os.path.dirname (elefile) filename2 = os.path.basename(elefile) fileext = string.split(filename2, ".") file2 = open (elefile)
# handle the parm file, if any if len(parmfile) > 5: datapathp = os.path.dirname (parmfile) pfilename = os.path.basename(parmfile) if plottype != "Time-parameter plot": print " Color by value the "+parmtype+" data from "+pfilename pfile = open (parmfile) # count lines in input files allLines = file1.readlines() file1linecount = len(allLines) file1.seek(0) # check ele file
allLines = file2.readlines()
if len(allLines) != file1linecount:
print " Problem: the input '.azi' and '.ele' files have differing count of lines; should be the same. \n Exit. \n" sys.exit(1) file2.seek(0)
if len(parmfile) > 5: allLines = pfile.readlines() if len(allLines) != file1linecount: print " Problem: the input .azi and parm files have differing count of lines; should be the same. \n Exit. \n" sys.exit(1) pfile.seek(0) epoch = None gotepoch=False
# step through each line in 2 files; or in 3 files if doParmPlot for ln in range( file1linecount) :
# read equivalent lines from 2 or 3 files, at index ln (line number); 0 base line = file1.readline()
file2line = file2.readline() if doParmPlot:
pfileline = pfile.readline()
# this code assumes that the azi and ele file structures are identical in structure, # except for the values in the the value lines after the epoch-sv lines.
# the epoch-sv lines must be identical in azi and ele files.
#if first line is not COMPACT3, break
if ln==0 :
if line[0:8] != "COMPACT3":
print " Problem: input file "+file1+" is not COMPACT3 format. Exit.\n" sys.exit(1)
if file2line[0:8] != "COMPACT3":
print " Problem: input file "+file2+" is not COMPACT3 format. Exit.\n" sys.exit(1)
if doParmPlot and pfileline[0:8] != "COMPACT3":
print " Problem: input file "+pfile+" is not COMPACT3 format. Exit.\n" sys.exit(1)
# make sure start time, in line index 1, is same for all files; get the start time as a datetime
if ln==1 :
if line[0:-1] != file2line[0:-1] :
print " Problem: azi file, line 2 (start time) does not match ele line 2.\n Exit \n"
if doParmPlot and line[0:-1] != pfileline[0:-1] :
print " Problem: azi file start time does not match parm file start time.\n Exit \n"
# get start epoch time from azi file, line index 1 st1 = line[15:-1] st1 = st1 [0:19]
starttimeDT = datetime.strptime(st1, '%Y %m %d %H %M %S') asciiStartTime = starttimeDT.strftime('%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S') gotepoch=False
# read the next values line (in 2 or 3 files) which correspond to a just-read epoch-sv line (next code block)
if gotepoch :
gotepoch=False azis=line[:-1]
azis=azis.replace(" ", " ") azis=azis.replace(" ", " ") azis=azis.replace(" ", " ") azis=azis[1:-1]
azislist = string.split(azis," ")
#if debug: print " there are "+`len(azislist)`+" azis"
# the List azislist for this line must correspond to the List of SVS svslist if len(azislist) != len(svslist):
print " Problem: number of SVs does not match number of azimuths at line "+`ln`+" \n Exit"
# for this epoch, make a List 'eles' of the elevation values at each SV in the List svslist
#if debug: print " elevations line is _"+file2line[0:-1] eles=file2line[:-1]
eles=eles.replace(" ", " ") eles=eles.replace(" ", " ")
eles=eles.replace(" ", " ") eles=eles[1:-1]
eleslist = string.split(eles," ") # split on whitespace; makes a List
# the List eleslist for this line should correspond to the List of SVS svslist if len(eleslist) != len(svslist):
print " Problem: number of SVs does not match number of elevations in file2 at line "+`ln`+" \n Exit" sys.exit()
if not doParmPlot:
# compose the tuples for the Lists of values to use in making plots for ist in range( len(svslist) ) : posituple = (svslist[ist], epoch, azislist[ist], eleslist[ist] ) SVpositionList.append(posituple) elif doParmPlot :
if debug: print " parm line "+`ln` +" is at epoch or seconds offset ="+`dt`+"_" if debug: print " line "+`ln`+ " parm data line is _"+pfileline[0:-1] parms=pfileline[:-1] parms=parms.replace(" ", " ") parms=parms.replace(" ", " ") parms=parms.replace(" ", " ") parms=parms[1:-1] parmslist = string.split(parms," ") # split on whitespace; makes a List
# the List parmslist for this line should correspond to the List of SVS parmsvslist nnn
#print ' the lines parm List is ' + ', '.join(parmslist) if len(parmslist) != len(parmsvslist): print " Problem: number of parm SVs does not match number of parm values in parm file at line "+`ln`+" \n" sys.exit()
for ist in range( len(parmsvslist) ) : psv=parmsvslist[ist] if psv in svslist:
for i,obj in enumerate(svslist) : if obj==psv: svindex=i break
# got the index of that SV in the azi and ele files; ist != svindex usually # make one of these tuples with ONE value of SV, time, azi, ele, parm-value.
posituple = (psv, epoch, azislist[svindex], eleslist[svindex], parmslist[ist])
#if debug: print " parm SV "+psv+" epoch="+`dt`+" azi , ele="+`azislist[svindex]`+" "+`eleslist[svindex]`
# read the next epoch-sv line; 1. get time of line; 2. get lists of SVS on line; one for az-ele data; one for the parms if ln>1 and ln % 2 == 0:
#print " epoch line "+`ln`+" is ="+line+"_" #print " epoch line key is ="+line[12:14]+"_" if line[0:-1] != file2line[0:-1] :
print " Problem: ele file epoch does not match azi file epoch line.\n" sys.exit()
#if debug: print "\n next epoch-SV line is _"+line[0:-1] offset=line[0:11]
dt= float(offset) if doParmPlot : poffset=pfileline[0:11] pdt= float(offset)
if pdt != dt: pass
# to use dt time offset from start of file, in seconds, in epoch varible: epoch = dt
# LOOK convert epoch in seconds since start to hours since start time epoch=epoch/3600.0 # get lists of SVs
# if epoch-sv line has -1 in line[12:13], use previous svslist if line[12:14] == "-1" :
pass # use previous svslist else:
svslist = string.split(svs," ") if doParmPlot :
if pfileline[12:14] == "-1" :
pass # use previous parmsvslist else:
if debug: print " parm svs ="+parmsvs+"_"
parmsvslist = string.split(parmsvs," ") # split on whitespace; makes a List
# end function read_input_files()
def makePlot ():
global asciiStartTime global maxT global minT global lineSize maxPV=-999.0 minPV=9999.0 svid="" allToPlot ={}
maxT= -100000.0 # float hours minT= 100000.0 # float hours numberplotted=0 for svid in SVidList: times = [] azis = [] eles = [] parms = []
slipcount=0 for aRow in SVpositionList: if svid == aRow[0]:
if plottype == "Skyplot": times.append (aRow[1] ) azv = float(aRow[2]) azis.append( azv*(np.pi/180))
anele = float(aRow[3]) eles.append(90.00-anele)
t=float(aRow[1]) if t>maxT: maxT = t if t times.append ( aRow[1] ) azv = float(aRow[2]) azis.append(azv)
anele = float(aRow[3]) eles.append(anele)
if doParmPlot : pv = aRow[4] if pv[-1:]=="S" : pv = pv[:-1]
pv = float(pv)
if pv>maxPV: maxPV= pv if pv parms.append (pv) if doParmPlot :
plotDataArrays= (times, azis, eles, parms) else: plotDataArrays= (times, azis, eles) allToPlot[svid] = plotDataArrays
print " "+parmtype+" data values span "+`minPV`+" to "+`maxPV` print " Done reading data to plot. The figure is being created." starttime_t1= datetime.now() bgcolor="#FFFFff" if plottype == "Skyplot":
fig= figure (figsize=(widthDistance, widthDistance), dpi=pixeldensity, facecolor=bgcolor, edgecolor='k')
ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], projection='polar', axisbg=bgcolor) else:
fig= figure (figsize=(1.6*widthDistance, 1.2*widthDistance/1.62), dpi=pixeldensity, facecolor=bgcolor, edgecolor='k')
ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.13, 0.8, 0.8], axisbg=bgcolor) if showLegend : box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) numberColors=30 size=0.3
svPRNIndex=0 plotlist=[] svlist=[]
trackcount=1 bandindex=0 mplot=None pvtop=-9999 pvbot = 9999
numberplotted = 0
for svid in sorted(allToPlot.keys()) : bandindex += 1
if svid[0:1]=="R" and doglonass!=True : continue if svid[0:1]=="G" and dogps!=True : continue if svid[0:1]=="E" and dogalileo!=True : continue if svid[0:1]=="S" and dosbas!=True : continue
if svid[0:1]=="J" and doqzss!=True : continue if svid[0:1]=="C" and dobeidou!=True : continue if len(doShowSVslist)>0: if svid not in doShowSVslist: continue;
if trackcount > trackCountLimit : continue trackcount+=1
svPRNIndex= int(svid [1:])
if svid[0:1]=="R" : svPRNIndex += 32 plotDataArrays=allToPlot[svid] times=plotDataArrays[0] azis= plotDataArrays[1] eles= plotDataArrays[2]
if parmtype == "Multipath combination" : minPV=-1.5 maxPV= 1.5
elif parmtype == "Signal to Noise" : minPV= 20.0 maxPV= 60.0
elif parmtype =="Ionspheric Delay (m)": minPV=-30.0 maxPV= 40.0
elif parmtype =="Ionspheric Delay Derivative (m/min)": minPV= -0.5 maxPV= 0.5
if colorMax != 1.234567 : maxPV= colorMax if colorMin != 1.234567 : minPV= colorMin
# else use minPV maxPV values already found from the data
if plottype == "Skyplot" or plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot": if True==doParmPlot:
parms= plotDataArrays[3] colmap=mptl.cm.hsv prange= maxPV - minPV pvtop = -999993.0 pvbot= 999993.0 for pi in range (0, len(parms)): pnew=parms[pi] if pnew>maxPV : pnew=maxPV; if pnew pnew = (pnew - minPV) / prange parms[pi]=pnew if parms[pi] > pvtop : pvtop = parms[pi] if parms[pi] < pvbot : pvbot = parms[pi] #if debug: print " pvbot, pvtop= "+`pvbot`+" to "+`pvtop`+" min max PV="+`minPV`+" to "+`maxPV` +"\n" norm=mptl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) mplot = plt.scatter (azis, eles, c=parms, norm=norm, s=lineSize, cmap=mptl.cm.hsv, lw=0) numberplotted += 1 else:
if colorname == "" :
mplot = plt.scatter(azis, eles, s=size, color=cm.gist_ncar(1.0*svPRNIndex/numberColors) ) numberplotted += 1 else :
mplot = plt.scatter(azis, eles, s=size, color=colorname) numberplotted += 1
elif plottype == "Time-elevation plot": if True==doParmPlot:
parms= plotDataArrays[3] colmap=mptl.cm.hsv #print " parameter allowed range ="+`maxPV`+" to "+`minPV` prange= maxPV - minPV pvtop = -999993.0 pvbot= 999993.0 for pi in range (0, len(parms)): pnew=parms[pi] if pnew>maxPV : pnew=maxPV; if pnew pnew = (pnew - minPV) / prange parms[pi]=pnew if parms[pi] > pvtop : pvtop = parms[pi] if parms[pi] < pvbot : pvbot = parms[pi] norm=mptl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) mplot = plt.scatter (times, eles, c=parms, norm=norm, s=lineSize, cmap=mptl.cm.hsv, lw=0) numberplotted += 1 else:
if colorname == "" : mplot = plt.scatter (times, eles, s=lineSize, color=cm.gist_ncar(1.0*svPRNIndex/numberColors) ) numberplotted += 1 else :
mplot = plt.scatter(times, eles, s=lineSize, color=colorname) numberplotted += 1
elif plottype == "Time-parameter plot": # ppp if True==doParmPlot:
parms= plotDataArrays[3] yvals=[] for pi in range (0, len(parms)): yvals.append(parms[pi] ) colmap=mptl.cm.hsv prange= maxPV - minPV
# to set color legend and color of points correctly, need this: pvtop = -999993.0 pvbot= 999993.0 for pi in range (0, len(parms)): pnew=parms[pi] if pnew>maxPV : pnew=maxPV; if pnew pnew = (pnew - minPV) / prange # shoves parm values into 0 to 1 range parms[pi]=pnew if parms[pi] > pvtop : pvtop = parms[pi] if parms[pi] < pvbot : pvbot = parms[pi] norm=mptl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0)
# plt.plot line style: in plt.plot function: k- means a connected black line; # see matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html
# ko black circle point markers. g green, b blue , etc. mplot = plt.plot (times, yvals, 'ko', markersize=1.5 ) numberplotted += 1 else : print "\n Your teqcplot command needs a parameter input filename, to make a time-parameter plot.\n" sys.exit(1)
elif "GNSS Band Plot"==plottype : for yi in range (0, len(eles)): eles[yi]= bandindex * 1.0 if True==doParmPlot:
parms= plotDataArrays[3] colmap=mptl.cm.hsv prange= maxPV - minPV pvtop = -999993.0 pvbot= 999993.0 for pi in range (0, len(parms)): pnew=parms[pi] if pnew>maxPV : pnew=maxPV; if pnew pnew = (pnew - minPV) / prange parms[pi]=pnew if parms[pi] > pvtop : pvtop = parms[pi] if parms[pi] < pvbot : pvbot = parms[pi] norm=mptl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) mplot = plt.scatter (times, eles, c=parms, norm=norm, s=lineSize, marker='s', cmap=mptl.cm.hsv, lw=0) numberplotted += 1 else:
mplot = plt.scatter(times, eles, s=lineSize, color=cm.gist_ncar(1.0*svPRNIndex/numberColors) ) numberplotted += 1 else:
print " NOTE: plot type=_"+plottype+"_ is not recognized. Exit. \n" sys.exit() if showLabel :
if plottype == "Skyplot" or plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot": lenaz=len(azis)
ax.annotate (svid, (azis[ (lenaz/3)], eles[(lenaz/3)]) )
elif plottype == "Time-elevation plot" or "GNSS Band Plot"==plottype: lenaz=len(times) ax.annotate (svid, ( times[(lenaz/3)], eles[(lenaz/3)] ) )
elif plottype == "Time-parameter plot" : # ppp lll
svnumb = 5 * (int(svid[1:])) # for an offset from start point ax.annotate (svid, (times[ svnumb ], parms[ svnumb ]) )
#print " put svid label at time=" + `times[0]` + " y="+ `eles[0]` plotlist.append(mplot) svlist.append(svid)
if True==doParmPlot and mplot!= None and plottype != "Time-parameter plot": pvtop=1.0000 pvbot=0.0
dran=(pvtop-pvbot) /4 m1= pvbot m2= m1 + dran m3= m1 + 2* dran m4= m1 + 3*dran m5= pvtop
lran=(maxPV-minPV) /4 l1= minPV l2= l1 + lran l3= l1 + 2* lran l4= l1 + 3*lran l5= maxPV
colorbar = plt.colorbar(mplot, shrink=0.85, pad=0.075) colorbar.set_ticks ([m1,m2,m3,m4,m5]) colorbar.set_ticklabels([l1,l2,l3,l4,l5])
#print " Colors limited to values "+`minPV`+" to "+`maxPV` ax.grid(True)
if plottype == "Skyplot" : ax.set_theta_zero_location('N') ax.set_theta_direction(-1) ax.set_rmax(90.0) ax.set_yticks(range (0, 90, 10)) # (min int, max int, increment) ax.set_yticklabels(map(str, range(90, 0, -10))) if plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot": ax.set_xticks(range(-360, 405, 45)) ax.set_xticklabels(map(str, range(-360, 405, 45))) ax.set_yticks(range (0, 100, 10)) ax.set_yticklabels(map(str, range(0, 100, 10))) if plottype == "Time-elevation plot" : ax.set_xticks(range(0, 25, 3)) ax.set_yticks(range (0, 100, 10)) ax.set_yticklabels(map(str, range(0, 100, 10))) if plottype=="Time-parameter plot" : # ppp ax.set_xticks(range(0, 25, 3)) spacing = int ( (maxPV-minPV) / 5.0) if 1>spacing : spacing = 1 ax.set_yticks(range (int(minPV), int(maxPV+1.0), spacing)) ax.set_yticklabels(map(str, range(int(minPV), int(maxPV+1.0), spacing))) if plottype == "GNSS Band Plot" : ax.set_xticks(range(0, 25, 3)) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if showLegend :
plots=tuple(plotlist) svs= tuple(svlist) plt.legend(plots,svs,scatterpoints=1,ncol=1,fontsize=10,markerscale=5.0, loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1))
title1= plottype+" for station "+azifile[-12:-8] if "" != parmtype :
title1= title1 + ". "+parmtype+" from "+parmfile elif "" == parmtype and plottype == "GNSS Band Plot" : title1= " Visibility for station "+azifile[-12:-8] if plottype == "Skyplot" :
plt.suptitle(title1, y=0.90, fontsize=11) else:
plt.suptitle(title1, fontsize=11) doyear=azifile[-8:-5]
if len(doyear) < 3 : doyear=""
if plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot":
title2= " \n Azimuth, degrees \n Data starts "+asciiStartTime+". Day of year "+doyear elif plottype == "Time-elevation plot" or plottype=="Time-parameter plot" or "GNSS Band Plot"==plottype :
title2= " \n Time, hours of day \n Data starts "+asciiStartTime+". Day of year "+doyear else:
title2= "Data starts "+asciiStartTime+". Day of year "+doyear if plottype == "Skyplot" : if True==doParmPlot:
plt.title(title2, y= -0.15, fontsize=11) else:
plt.title(title2, y= -0.11, fontsize=11) else:
plt.title(title2, y= -0.15, fontsize=11)
if plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot" or plottype == "Time-elevation plot": plt.ylim(-2.0, 92.0)
plt.ylabel('Elevation, degrees', fontsize=10) if plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot": plt.xlim(-370.0, 370.0)
if plottype == "Time-elevation plot" or plottype=="Time-parameter plot" : # sett
if minHour > -998.0 : minT = minHour if maxHour > -998.0 : maxT = maxHour plt.xlim(minT-1, maxT+1)
if plottype=="Time-parameter plot" : #ppp plt.ylim( (minPV), (maxPV)) if "GNSS Band Plot"==plottype :
plt.ylim(-1.0, trackCountLimit+1.0) plt.xlim(minT-1, maxT+1) plt.ylabel('SVs', fontsize=10)
elapsedtime= (datetime.now() - starttime_t1)
print " Plotted "+`numberplotted`+" tracks in "+`(elapsedtime.total_seconds())`+" seconds."
# Note: process pauses here until user clicks on something. # end function makePlot
# def Main program: global maxT global minT
global asciiStartTime global lineSize lineSize = 2.5 args = sys.argv lenargs = len(args) if lenargs==1: print helptext
sys.exit() if lenargs==2:
print "\n Your teqcplot command is missing either a teqcplot command option or an input filename. "
print " Please see the help:" print helptext sys.exit(1) plottype = " " for arg in args:
if arg=="+skyplot" :
plottype = "Skyplot" if arg=="+azelplot" :
plottype = "Azimuth-elevation plot" if arg=="+timeelplot":
plottype = "Time-elevation plot" if arg=="+timeparmplot":
plottype = "Time-parameter plot" if arg=="+bandplot":
plottype = "GNSS Band Plot" if arg=="-R" and len(arg)==2: doglonass=False
if arg=="-G" and len(arg)==2: dogps=False
if arg=="-E" and len(arg)==2: dogalileo=False
if arg=="-S" and len(arg)==2: dosbas=False
if arg=="-J" and len(arg)==2: doqzss=False
if arg=="-C" and len(arg)==2: dobeidou=False
if arg[0:4]=='+pw=' and len(arg)>=5 : # set plot width in cm; matplotlib uses inches so / 2.54 widthDistance = float(arg[4:]) / 2.54
if arg[0:4]=='+pd=' and len(arg)>=5 : # set pixel density per cm (matplotlib uses dpi or dots per inch) pixeldensity = int( 2.54 * int(arg[4:])) if arg[0:5]=='+tcl=' and len(arg)>=6 : trackCountLimit= int(arg[5:])
if arg[0:10]=='+colorMax=' and len(arg)>=11 : colorMax = float(arg[10:])
if arg[0:10]=='+colorMin=' and len(arg)>=11 : colorMin = float(arg[10:])
if arg[0:9]=='+minHour=' and len(arg)>=10 : minHour = float(arg[9:])
if arg[0:9]=='+maxHour=' and len(arg)>=10 : maxHour = float(arg[9:])
if arg[0:7]=='+msize=' and len(arg)>=8 : lineSize= float(arg[7:])
if arg[0:7]=='+color=' and len(arg)>=9 : colorname = arg[7:] if arg=="+legend" : showLegend=True if arg=="-tracklabels" : showLabel=False
if arg[0:2]=="+G" and len(arg)>2: liststr=arg[2:] if "," in liststr: svnumbers=liststr.split(",") for svn in svnumbers: doShowSVslist.append("G"+svn) elif "-" in liststr: numbers=liststr.split("-") i1=int(numbers[0]) i2=int(numbers[1]) for numb in range(i1, (i2+1)) :
svn = ""+`numb`
if len(svn)==1 : svn = "0"+svn doShowSVslist.append("G"+svn) else:
doShowSVslist.append("G"+liststr) if arg[0:2]=="+R" and len(arg)>2: liststr=arg[2:] if "," in liststr: numbers=liststr.split(",") for svn in numbers: doShowSVslist.append("R"+svn) elif "-" in liststr: numbers=liststr.split("-") i1=int(numbers[0]) i2=int(numbers[1]) for svn in range(i1, (i2+1)) : doShowSVslist.append("R"+`svn`) else:
doShowSVslist.append("R"+liststr) if arg[0:2]=="+J" and len(arg)>2: liststr=arg[2:] if "," in liststr: numbers=liststr.split(",") for svn in numbers: doShowSVslist.append("J"+svn) elif "-" in liststr: numbers=liststr.split("-") i1=int(numbers[0]) i2=int(numbers[1]) for svn in range(i1, (i2+1)) : doShowSVslist.append("J"+`svn`) else:
doShowSVslist.append("J"+liststr) if len(arg)>5 and arg[-4]==".": files.append(arg) if arg[-4:]==".azi": azifile=arg if arg[-4:]==".ele": elefile=arg if arg[-4:-2]==".i": parmfile=arg
parmtype="Ionspheric Delay (m)" if arg[-4:-2]==".d":
parmtype="Ionspheric Delay Derivative (m/min)" if arg[-4:-1]==".sn": parmfile=arg
parmtype="Signal to Noise" if arg[-4:-2]==".m": parmfile=arg
parmtype="Multipath combination" if parmtype!="": doParmPlot=True if plottype == "GNSS Band Plot" : lineSize *= 10.0
elif (plottype == "Skyplot" or plottype == "Azimuth-elevation plot") and doParmPlot : lineSize *= 2
elif (plottype == "Time-elevation plot") and doParmPlot : lineSize *= 3
elif (plottype == "Time-parameter plot") and doParmPlot : lineSize *= 3
print "\n Teqcplot: do "+ plottype +" with azimuth and elevation files "+ azifile +" and "+elefile
read_input_files ()
for tuples in SVpositionList: svid =tuples[0]
if svid not in SVidList : SVidList.append(svid) SVidList.sort()
print " There are "+`len(SVidList)`+" SVs with plottable data, and " \ +`len(SVpositionList)`+" sets of SV, time, azimuth, and elevation." print " The SVs with data of this parameter are: " + ', '.join(SVidList)
if doglonass!=True : noplot+= " GLONASS" if dogps!=True : noplot+= " GPS" if dogalileo!=True : noplot+= " Galileo" if dosbas!=True : noplot+= " SBAS" if doqzss!=True : noplot+= " QZSS" if dobeidou!=True : noplot+= " Beidou"
if "" != noplot : print " Will not plot SVs from"+noplot if doParmPlot:
if len(SVparmidList)>0:
print " There are "+`len(SVparmidList)`+" SVs with parm values, and "+`len(SVparmList)`+" sets of SV parm values."
#end main