英语人教版三年级上册第三单元A Let's learn

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Unit 3 Look at me A Lets learn

教学内容:三年级上册Unit 3 Look at me A Lets learn 一、教学目标

1. 学生能够听说认读单词:face, mouth, eye, ear, nose. 2. 学生能听懂、会说句型:Look at me! This is my...

3. 学生能听懂并会说口令:Close your... Open your... Touch your... 二、学情分析

1 、知识目标是让生能听说、认读单词: body,foot,leg,hand,finger,arm. 2 、能力目标是能用英语介绍自己的身体的各个部位,如: This is my

body… 并能听懂所接触的指示语,能按照指令做出相应动作。 3 、情感目标是激发和培养学生的学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养

成良好的学习习惯。培养乐于助人的优秀品质,懂得和同伴交流,合作,从交流中获取更多的知识与快乐 三、教学重点

words:face, mouth, eye, ear, nose sentence:Look at me, this is my 四、教学难点

1、单词 body,foot,leg,arm.finger,hand 的听说认读 2mouth的正确发音

五、教学准备:课件、zoom的头饰 六、教学课时:1课时 七、教学活动

Step 1 Warm-up and Revision Revision:Lets do(出示PPT2) Step 2 Presentation and Practice

1(出示PPT3)(带上zoom头饰)Look at me(手势). Now, Im zoom. (教学look at me,同时用手势来解释意思) Look, at, me 分步教学 (1)操练


S: Look at me. Im Zoom. 2(出示PPT45)教学eye 1)听录音跟读 2)操练巩固发音。 3Lets do

T: Look at me. I close my eyes. Now, close your eyes. T: Good job.

3(出示PPT67)教学nose 1)听录音跟读 2)操练巩固发音。 4(出示PPT89)教学mouth 1)听录音跟读mouth. 2)巩固mouth的发音

(学生操练mouth,方式:S1mouthmouthOpen your mouth. mouthmouthClose your mouth.S2做动作,之后两人交换角色)

5(出示PPT1011)教学ear (1)听录音跟读ear. (2)巩固ear的发音

(学生操练ear,方式:S1eareartouch your ear. S2做动作,之后两人交换角色)

6(出示PPT12Listen and repeat .

7(出示PPT13T: Look at me. This is my eye. This is my nose. This is my ear. This is my mouth. They make my face.

(教学a-e, face) 学生操练face Step 3 Extra-Practice

(1)(出示PPT14)完成Lets learn . (2)(出示PPT15)Whats missing . (3)(出示PPT16)Lets do .

Step 4 Summary. (出示PPT17)

What have you gained from this lesson ?

Step 5 Homework(出示PPT18)

Say something about your face to your classmates after class.

