
2022-05-04 07:31:15   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语词组》,欢迎阅读!



1. 断断续续 off and on 2. 对…感到腻味 be bored by ...

3. 觉得…枯燥难懂 find ... dull and difficult 4. 以…而出名 have a reputation for... 5. 据说某人… sb. be said to be ...

6. 拘谨刻板,落后于时代 formal, rigid and out-of-date 7. 随笔小品文 an informal essay 8. 躺在沙发上 lie on a sofa 9. 不得不面对… face up to ...

10. 围坐在晚餐桌旁 be seated around the supper table 11. …重现在我脑海中 ... reawake in my mind 12. 自得其乐 for my own joy 13. 违反规定 violate the rules 14. 不及格分 a failing grade

15. 别无选择,只好做… There is no choice but to do... 16. 更不可思议的是 whats more 17. 专心听讲 listen attentively

18. 乐乎乎地开怀大笑 laugh with open-hearted enjoyment 19. 心花怒放 pure delight

20. 最后的时刻 at the eleventh hour


1.完全沉浸于 be completely lost in 2.引起…的注意 get sb.s attention 3.坐进后座 settle into the back seat 4.不着急 in no hurry

5.不大会… not much of a hand at 6.保持通信往来 keep up correspondence

7.小学一直到高中 all the way through both grade and high school 8. 老街坊 an old neighborhood 9. 保持联系 keep in touch with 10. 老同学聚会 a class reunion 11. 时间不饶人。 Time goes by.

12. 在一起闲逛 hang out on the same corner 13. 点头称是 nod in agreement 14. 在远处 in the distance


1. 在过去的一百年间 in the last hundred years 2. 回到 go back to

3. 享有特权的少数人 a privileged minority 4. 当今政府 the present government 5. 基础科学 basic science 6. 全球政府 a global state

7. 民主社会 a democratic society 8. 作出明达的决定 make informed decisions 9. 生活水准 10. 卡通人物 11. 科幻小说 12. 酸雨 13. 温室效应 14. 核武器 15. 基因工程 16. 死记硬背 17. 使销量减半 18. 分子生物学 19. 外星文明 20. 充满信心


1. 结结巴巴的英语 2. 大萧条时期 3. 上门求助 4. 重整业务 5. 夏去秋来 6. 人事部门 7. 培训工人 8. 工学 9. 精密加工工作 10.减薪水 11. 人品贷款 12. 没门 13. 人品端正 14. 首付 15. 从那以后 16. 零星杂物 17. 样子自信 18. 穿戴整齐 19. 儿时的伙伴 20. 最后

the standard of living cartoon figures science fictions acid rain

greenhouse effect nuclear weapons genetic engineering learn by rote halve the sales molecular biology alien civilization

have sufficient faith in broken English the Depression days come to sb. for help

rebuild ones business summer passes into fall personnel department train laborers

an apprentice school precision work take a cut in pay

loan money on character no sale

a man of character down payment from then on odds and ends

have a look of confidence be neatly dressed childhood friends in the end


1. 搞错 getwrong

2. 整了整军装 straighten ones army uniform 3. 人群 the crowd of people 4. 发现自己被吸引 find oneself absorbed 5. 多思善虑的心灵 a thoughtful soul 6. 富于洞察力的头脑 insightful mind

7. 前一位拥有人的姓名 the previous owners name 8. 确定地址 locate ones address 9. 请她回复 10. 被运往海外 11. 仅因为那而碰运气 12. 安排了两个人的第一次见面 13. 始终支持他 14. 犹如春天般生气盎然 15. 差不多就站在后面 16. 体态臃肿 17. 那本蓝色羊皮面旧书 18. 挺胸站立,敬了个礼 19. 失望的痛苦使我哽咽 20. 理解且钦佩某人的智慧

invite her to correspond be shipped overseas

take a chance on just that schedule their first meeting sustain him unfailingly

be like springtime come alive stand almost directly behind more than a little overweight

the small worn blue leather copy of the book square ones shoulders and salute

feel choked by the bitterness of my disappointment understand and admire ones wisdom

