【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《CATTI二级笔译《综合能力》练习:语法与词汇》,欢迎阅读!

1[单选题]We were told during our_____briefing that these warehouses were abandoned. Ainsolent Bindefinite Cintimate Dinitial 参考答案:D
2[单选题]I felt completely squashed by her_____comment. Asuspicious Bsarcastic Csympathetic Dsubstantial 参考答案:B
3[单选题]Human impact on climate is real, and there is_____in the scientific community. Aconcession Bconsensus Cconfession Dconscience 参考答案:B
4[单选题]We didn't have time to read the whole novel, so the teacher prepared a ____for us. Asymmetry BB symposium Csynopsis Dsynthesis 参考答案:C
5[单选题]Their society has found a biological trigger to shut down human feeling, creating cold,_____, orderly communities where the people resemble mildly judgmental robots. Atortuous Bcredulous Cplacid Darrogant 参考答案:C
6[单选题]Of course, there are personal factors: some run clever experiments, have good collaborating skills, and are____ in communicating their work. Aeloquent
Btransparent Cpractical DRadical 参考答案:A
7[单选题]The surgeons often wear loupes mounted on eye glasses to _____their work, which limits their field of vision to a few inches. Atrack Bcapture Cmagnify Dstrengthen 参考答案:C
8[单选题]Urban centers with strong teleconnectivity need fewer volunteers than remote areas with ____communication systems. Aprimitive Bprovident Cparticular DPendent 参考答案:A
9[单选题]Part of political engagement is having hard conversations and understanding _____perspectives. Adivisible Bdivine Cdivergent Ddispensable 参考答案:C
10[单选题]The firms then prepare their genetic cocktails and develop them inside live chicken eggs in ______conditions. Asemantic Bsterile Csoluble DSleek 参考答案:B