
2023-12-25 15:28:36   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语四级真题翻译:黄色》,欢迎阅读!




In Chinese culture, yellow is a significant color, which carries a unique symbolic meaning. It embodies rulers’ power and authority in feudal society, where yellow was specifically used for emperors, for example, royal palaces were painted with yellow tint and the imperial robes were yellow. However, average people were not allowed to wear clothes in that color. In China, yellow also means harvest. When crops are ripe in Fall, wild field are golden every where. Then people celebrate the good harvest with happiness and gratitude.


此次题目考的是我们非常熟悉的中国传统文化,相对来说是比较简单的,无论从词汇和句子结构来说,对同学们不会造成太大障碍。在翻译时,要考虑到英文的行文特点及语法结构,比如,英语多避免重复,所以,在翻译时会用到一些代替,比如,it, that, those,these等。同时,会用到从句,此时,注意连词的用法,选对连词,避免出现逻辑问题。


In Chinese culture, yellow is an important color because of its unique symbolic meaning. In feudal society, it symbolizes the

rulers’ power and authority. At that time, yellow was designed to use for the emperorthe royal palace was painted yellow and the imperial robe was always yellow too. However, the ordinary people were not allowed to wear yellow clothes. In China, yellow also signifies harvest. The fields grow golden yellow in autumn when the crops mature. People celebrate the harvest cheerfully.


1. 注意用词多样化,相同意思的词采用不同的英文单词,避免重复,如:本题中“象征”就分别用了symbolizesignify两个词。

2. 注意句式多样化,多采用一些关联词,如:because of, at that time, however等词的使用,可以让译文更地道。

3. 意译与直译相结合,首先要保证译文忠于原文,不要一味追求辞藻华丽。


In Chinese culture, yellow is a very important color because of its unique symbolic meaning. In feudal society, it symbolizes the rulers’ power and authority. At that time, yellow was the color for the emperor. The royal palace was entirely painted yellow and the imperial robe was always yellow too, but common people were forbidden to wear yellow clothes. In China, yellow also symbolizes harvest. When crops ripe in autumn, fields turn entirely golden. People celebrates the good harvest happily.


In Chinese culture, yellow is a very important color because of its special symbolic meaning. In feudal society, it shows the emperors’ power and authority. At that time, yellow was the color for the emperor. The royal palace was entirely painted yellow and the emperor’s clothes were always yellow too, but common people were not permitted to wear yellow clothes. In China, yellow also means harvest. When crops ripe in autumn,

