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quality ['kwɒlɪtɪ]
1[ C, U]质量,品质;②[U]优质,高标准; ○3[C,U]特征,特质 n.○
Everyone can greatly improve the quality of life. 人人都能大幅提高生活质量。
Sometimes you wonder where your kids get their good qualities. 有时候你会奇怪,自己的孩子是在哪里养成那些优良品德的。 quarrel ['kwɒr(ə)l]
2抱怨的理由 vi.争吵,吵架||n. [ C,U ]①口角,争吵,拌嘴;○
固定搭配:quarrel with sh.与某人争吵 || quarrel about/over sth.争吵…… I had a terrible quarrel with my other brothers. 我和其他几个兄弟大吵了一架。 quarter ['kwɔːtə]
n. [C]四分之一,一刻钟
► Three quarters of the students have left the school. 四分之三的学生都离开了
queen [kwiːn] n. [C]女王,王后
They were bowing as the king and queen walking in. 当国王和王后进来时他们屈膝致敬。
question ['kwestʃ(ə)n]
n. [C]问题,疑问
► May I ask you some questions我可以问你一些问题吗
► He is without question the best man for the job.毫无疑问他最适合做这份工作。
[without question 毫无疑问] 短语: the question 离题,在问题之
of the question 没问题,毫无疑问 of the question 不可能的,办不到的。 a question to sb.向某人担问题 question 毫无疑问
questionnaire [,kwestʃə'neə; ,kestjə-]
Teachers will be asked to fill in a questionnaire. 教师们将被要求填写一份调查问卷。 queue [kjuː]
n. [C]行列,长队
Please queue up to register. 跟读 请排队挂号。
Her hair was pleated in a queue. 她的头发编成了一条辫子。 quick [kwik]
You'll have to be quick. The flight leaves in about three hours. 你得快点了,那个航班大约3小时后就起飞了。 I got away as quick as I could. 我尽快地离开了。 quiet ['kwaɪət]
► Could you keep the kids quiet while l’m on the phone.我在打电话,你让孩子们安静点好吗 quilt [kwɪlt]
n. [C]被子,被状物
He picked apart an old quilt. 跟读 他把一条旧被子撕得粉碎。