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A Russian official says President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Petro Poroshenko, largely agree on what needs to be done to resolve the Ukraine crisis. Russian news agencies quote presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying the two leaders exchanged views in a phone conversation on ways to stop the "bloodshed" in southeastern Ukraine. Peskov said the views of Mr. Putin and Mr. Poroshenko "largely coincide" on possible ways out of the crisis. Ukrainian troops and pro-Russian rebel forces have engaged in fierce clashes in eastern Ukraine. A Ukrainian military spokesman, Andriy Lysenko, said Tuesday that 15 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in fighting in the east since early Monday. Most of the fighting has been around the city of Donetsk, the rebels' largest stronghold and one of two major cities controlled by pro-Russian rebels seeking autonomy from Ukrainian rule. The other city is Luhansk.
俄罗斯官员说,普京总统和乌克兰总统波罗申科就解决乌克兰危机所需条件的问题基本达成一致。 俄罗斯媒体援引总统发言人佩斯科夫的话说,两位领导人通了电话,就结束乌克兰东南部地区流血冲突的途径问题交换了看法。佩斯科夫说,对于可能解决危机的途径问题,普京和波罗申科的看法基本一致。 乌克兰军队和亲俄反政府武装力量一直在乌克兰东部激战。乌克兰军方发言人利申科星期二说,自星期一凌晨以来,有15名乌克兰军人在乌克兰东部阵亡。 大部分战斗发生在顿涅茨克周边地区。顿涅茨克是分离分子最大的根据地,也是亲俄
分离分子占据的两个主要城市之一。叛乱分子争取从乌克兰统治下获得自治。 分离分子占据的另一个城市是卢甘斯克。