
2022-06-27 06:01:22   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《有关龙的汉语成语》,欢迎阅读!
2012年是龙年, 历史影响上看,龙在中华大地呼风唤雨近万年,最终成为民族图腾,精神象征,文化标志,情感纽带。沃尔得英语学习认为,在中国文化中,龙有着重要的地位和影响。上下数千年,龙已渗透了中国社会的各个方面,成为一种文化的凝聚和积淀。龙的文化除了在中华大地上传播承继外,还被远渡海外的华人带到了世界各地,在世界各国的华人居住区或中国城内,最多和最引人注目的饰物仍然是龙。现在让我们跟着沃尔得英语培训的刘佳老师一起来学一些有关的成语和俗语吧。 1. 叶公好龙

叶公:春秋时楚国贵族,比喻口头上说爱好某事物,实际上并不真爱好。 Lord Ye’s love of the dragon professed love of what one really fears.

2. 画龙点睛


adding eyeballs to the picture of a dragon to bring it to life, which is to put the finishing touches to something

3. 望子成龙

希望自己的子女能在学业和事业上有成就。 hold high hopes for one’s child …

4. 藏龙卧虎

指隐藏着未被发现的人才,也指隐藏不露、深藏不露的人才。 crouching tiger, hidden dragon undiscovered talent

5. 车水马龙


heavy traffic on the street/be crowded with people and vehicles/incessant (endless) stream of horses and carriages

6. 老态龙钟


be old and shaky; doddering old age; old appearance with bent back and unsteady steps

7. 龙凤呈祥

在中国传统理念里,龙和凤代表着吉祥如意,龙凤一起使用多表示喜庆之事。 prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix/in extremely good fortune

8. 乘龙快婿


Riding dragon with an ideal son-in-law son-in-law with a promising future or endowed with talents and good looks

9. 虎穴龙潭


a hazardous spot

10. 龙飞凤舞

原形容山势的蜿蜒雄壮,后也形容书法笔势有力,灵活舒展。 like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing

lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy; elegant handwriting; exquisite calligraphy; flourish one's pen quickly and dexterously; swift movement of calligraphy

11. 生龙活虎

形容活泼矫健,富有生气。 a lively dragon and an active tiger

12. 攀龙附凤

喻依附帝王以成就功业或扬威。亦比喻依附有声望的人以立名。 fawn upon the influential people/social climbers

13. 鱼龙混杂


fish and dragons jumbled together various kinds of people mixed up; a mixed lot

14. 群龙无首

一群龙没有领头的。比喻没有领头的,无法统一行动。 a host of dragons without a head; a group without a leader

15. 大水冲了龙王庙

大水冲了龙王庙,一家人不认一家人:比喻本是自己人,因不相识而相互发生了冲突争端。 conflicts arise between people on one's own side

16. 虎踞龙盘 形容地势险要。

a strategic fortress as if guarded by a tiger and a dragon

17. 龙生九子

龙生九子之传说龙生九子是指龙生九个儿子,九个儿子都不成龙,各有不同。 the nine sons of the dragon

18. 龙争虎斗

龙虎一样争斗。比喻势均力敌的各方之间,斗争或竞赛十分激烈。 a fierce struggle between two evenly-matched opponents

19. 来龙去脉

本指山脉的走势和去向。现比喻一件事的前 因后果。 the beginning and subsequent develop ment of; cause and effect

20. 龙马精神

龙马:古代传说中形状象龙的骏马。比喻人 精神旺盛。 energetic/full of vigor

