新视野大学英语视听说教程2(第二版)答案(带unit test)

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Listening skills BBDCAListening in Task1 FTFTF Listening in Task2 BBDAC

Listening in Task3classicalpeacefulrelaxingJazzsadnessheavy metalenergysporting eventsphysical laborroad accidents Let's talk Task 1 Good Morning to Allsuccessmusical talentswithoutsecond partreplacedlegal actionreal owners

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 specialjoketalentproudloudjoyhonestydancertalkwonderedcapturefan Task2BAADC Task 3 TFTTT Unit 1 test 1-5 CCDCB

1.favorite band 2.Not anymore 3.no longer 4.a big fan 5.collected 6.the ones 7.Going crazy 8.Maybe to you 9.pressure 10.fall in love 11.get it 12.from time to time 13.Go on 14.music video 1-5BCDDA 1-5CDABA 6-10 CDCBC Unit2

Listening skills: Making inferences ADBCB

Listening in > Task 1 directorsound effects good story think sadviolent light-hearted movies mystery moviein the futureTask 2 DCDAB

Task3film,directors,actors,important,the United Kingdom,viewers,40 million,Olympic,World Cup,time,artistic value,depth,Best Picture,favor,science fiction Let's talk > Task 1 ABCDD

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 memorizing linesremember one lineI hear the guns roara loud boomforgot his lineTask 2 ACCADTask 3 FTFTF Unit 2 test 1-5 CBABD

1.a very good 2.starring 3.best-seller 4.a new classic 5.violent 6.somewhat 7.before 8.the calmness 9.death 10.thought 1-5 DBDCA 1-5 CCBAB 6-10 CCBAC Unit3

Listening skills: Identifying people's identity BCDAA Listening in > Task 1 go outflaming redcrushchickenlikesgutsturn him downkeeping everythingtell herTask 2earlylate teensDouble-datingGroup datinmarryAdult datinghardlyBlind datenever Listening in > Task 3

(3) An announcement about the wedding was published in the newspaper. (2) Wedding invitations were sent out to relatives and friends. (1) The minister greeted the guests in the church.

(8) The minister talked about the meaning of marriage. (4) The bride and the bridegroom exchanged vows. (7) The minister prayed for the couple.

(6) The minister declared the couple husband and wife. (9) The reception was over.

(5) The minister signed the certificate. Let's talk > Task 1 BBCDA

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 BDCA Task 2 the young man's plansa nice houseGod will provide for usDon't worry, sirplay the


role of GodTask 3FFTTF Unit 3 test 1-5BDCDC

1.He's engaged 2.even 3.fell in love with 4.swept him off his feet 5.popped the question 6.getting married 7.lonely 8.divorced 9.different 1-5CADBA 1-5BCADD 6-10CACBD Unit4

Listening skills Obey your thirst.Drivers wanted.She works while you rest.Make yourself heard.We lead. Others copy.Good to the last drop.Don't leave home without it.No business too small, no problem too big. Listening in > Task 1 shoesfunnya lot of lifeadextra springmoneymillions of dollarsfor nothingreach the tophard workfocus onforgetTask 2FTFFTTask 3ABBCC Let's talk > Task 1 TFTFT

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 banned tobacco adsyoung people smoking cigarettesways around the lawnew customers old onessmoking on campus Task 2 ACBDDTask 3 FTFTF Unit 4 test 1-5BBCDC

1.We do 2.change the image 3.do some surveys 4.different age groups 5.all the time 6.your users 7.target 1-5CAAAB 1-5CDCDC 6-10CBDBC Unit5

Listening skills ABBDC Listening in > Task 1

(2) The couple was going to celebrate the wife's birthday. (5) The husband put the cat out before the taxi arrived.

(3) The cat shot back into the house when the couple was going to the taxi. (1) The husband went back to chase the cat out. (4) The wife told the driver a lie. (6) The husband got into the car. Task 2ADBCCTask 3CDBAC

Let's talk > Task 11-6: five dollars, chops, worst/lowest quality, barked, finest, money 7-12: own/have, followed, apartment house, third floor, scratched on, door 13-18: yelled at, stop, smartest/cleverest, lamb chops, looked at, his key Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5: a dog, delighted/pleased, one of her friends, be close, interview 6-9: warn, smell, foretell/predict, a chickenTask 2CBCDD

Task 3 1.in the theater2. a ticket3. well-trained, intelligent, human4. any problem, leave the theater, any other dog5. let the dog in, almost empty Unit 5 test 1-5ABACA

1.how's 2.they seem to be 3.protects them from 4.all the time 5.scaring away 6.though 7.they're lazy/they are lazy 8.avoid being seen 9.much faster 10.like horses 11.in Greek 1-5BCDAC 1-5AACBC 6-10DBCAD Unit6

Listening skills:Dialog 1: D, The first girl (The girl who wears the short skirt


Dialog 2: B, No, she hasn’t.

Listening in > Task 11-4: looks funny, looks fine, out of fashion, good on her 5-7: out-dated, following the fashion trends, no wonder

Task 21-5: fashionable clothes, trends, copied, traditional center, are guarded 6-10: July, great numbers, a high price, starting point, only a part Task 3 1-5: DACBC

Let's talk > Task 11-5: different and daring, Teenagers, their legs, shorter and shorter, five inches 6-10: loose morals, never appear, look childlike, women’s liberation, traditional Further listening and speaking >Further listening > Task 1 1-5: TFTFF Task 2 1-7: nervous, afraid, first time, locker, blanket, come out, wore

Task 3 1-4: new clothes, full of clothes, university tuition, clothes in fashion 5-7: the Middle Ages, part-time job, not too expensive Unit 6 test 1-5DDCAC

1.trying on 2.a business suit 3.in a blouse 4.cotton tights 5.a dress 6.a miniskirt 7.to an office 8.catch more eyes 9.suit 10.a typical boy 1-5ACBDC 1-5CBAAD 6-10BCDAC Unit7

Listening skills:1-5: BAADB

Listening in > Task 11-5: banker, loan, saving, save, spend, mortgage, property, property values, risen/gone up/increased by 30 percentTask 21-5: ABDCCTask 31-5: FTFTF

Let's talk > Task 11-7: money, all his money, promise, in the casket, sitting, next to, close 8-14: box, locked, foolish, all that money, go back on her word, put the money, check

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 11-7: the beggar, needed help, careful, a job, a hard time, waste, good luckTask 21-5: DCBDATask 31-5: TFFTT Unit 7 test 1-5CDABC

1.give me a loan 2.What for 3.support 4.are spending 5.hard up myself 6.let him know 7.get nowhere 8.easy-going 9.general manager 10.my luck 1-5DCBAB 1-5BACDA 6-10BDCCC Unit8

Listening skills:1-6: First, not only, but also, Also, Instead, More importantly 7-11: though, Moreover, In fact, Last but not least, for example Listening in > Task 1 1-5: FTFTFTask 21-5: BDCAC Task 31-6: give out, number, online, sites, credit card, low 7-11: outgoing, thieves, offers, mailbox, front door Let's talk > Task 1 4-5-6-7-3-2-1

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 11. freeze2. tall, shorter, red jacket3. his gun, open, the rest of the people4. key, safe5. calm, a medal Task 21-5: ADCDBTask 31-5: FTTFF Unit 8 test 1-5BDDCA

1.in prison 2.the greater part of 3.small office 4.things 5.3 meals 6.get a break 7.play games 8.get fired 9.all ears 10.allow 11.on the phone 12.change places 13.In spite of 1-5BCDDA 1-5BACBC 6-10ADABD


