【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《伊索寓言中的经典故事 英汉对照》,欢迎阅读!
The Fox and the Grapes
One hot summer’sday a certainFox saw a juicy bunch of Grapes hangingfrom a vine.It certainly was very hot, and the Fox was thirsty for something todrink.“These Grapes are just what I need to quench my thirst!”said the Fox.But the vine on which the Grapes hung was too high for him to reach evenwith his longest stretch. So he decided to jump.
Drawing back a few paces, he ran towards the vine and took a great big leap,but missed the Grapes.
Turing around, he jumped again. This time too, with no success.
TheFoxtriedtojumpfortheGrapesagainandagainandyetagainandagain, in vain. Sincehecouldnotreachthedelicious-lookingGrapes,theFoxfinallyconcluded,“These Grapes must be sour!”and walked away with his nose in theair, through hotter and even thirstier than before!
但葡萄藤太高,即使狐狸伸长了脖子也够不着。因此他决定跳一跳。 狐狸后退了几步,朝着葡萄藤跑过去并猛烈地跳起来,然而他没有够着葡萄。
The Two Pots
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Therewereoncetwopotsfloatingdowntheriver.Oneshinedhappilyin the sun while the other looked dull and unpleasant from being wet inthe water.
Thatbecauseonepotwasmadeofbrassandtheotherwasmadeofclay.“Please do not come near me!”said the clay pot to the brass one.“Why not? We could be friends,”said the brass pot.
“No,”repliedtheclaypot,“Iamtofragile.Ifyoutouchmeevenonce I will break into pieces. Imuststay far fromyouand cannotthinkof being your friend. Please go away, you will find someone downstreamjust like you to play with!”
The brass pot, disappointed and sad, then floated away as the rivertook him across to another corner of the river bank, while the clay potwet and cold in the wind, seemed to suddenly grow a shade gloomier.
铜罐又失望又伤心,随后被河水冲着,漂到了河岸的另一角;而陶罐在风中又冷又湿,看上去忽然更加灰暗。The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail
A Fox who was caught in a trap escaped, but in so doing, he
losthistail.Afterthat,hefelthislifeaburdenfromtheshameandridiculetowhichhewasexposed,soheplannedtomakealltheotherFoxesbelievethatbeingtaillesswasmuchmoreattractive.Inthisway,hecouldmakeup for his own loss of the tail.
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He gathered a good many Foxes and publicly advised them to cut offtheir tails. He said that they would not only look much better
withoutthem,buttheywouldgetridoftheweightofthebrush,whichwasaverygreat inconvenience.
Oneoftheminterruptedhimandsaid,“Ifyouhadnotyourselflostyour tail, my friend, you would not thus advise us.”
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