【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《描写请求帮助的句子英语》,欢迎阅读!

你能给我打个电话吗? Would you give me a call? Could you call me?
Can you ring me up?你今天晚上如果能给我打个电话的话,我将非常感激。 I'd appreciate it if you could call me tonight.
I'd appreciate it if you could call me tonight.你今天晚上如果能给我打个电话的话,我将非常感激。
I'd be glad to.我非常愿意。请关小点儿声。
Please turn it down. *turn down 是“关小”电视、收音机等的声音。另外关于turn还有以下几种用法。
turn up开大〈电视、收音机等〉的声音。 turn off关上〈电视、收音机等〉 turn on打开〈电视、收音机等〉
Would you please turn it down? *比较有礼貌的说法。 Would you please turn it down?能把声音关小点吗? All right.好吧! Not so loud, please. Please lower the volume.
It's too loud. Turn it down.太吵了,关小点声。 *带有命令的语感。等我回来。 Wait here until I get back. Please wait here for me.劳驾。
Excuse me. *用于向不认识的人打招呼时。是一句很常用的口语。 Excuse me.劳驾。
Can I help you?有事吗? Pardon me.喂,你! Hello, there! Hi, there!喂!
Hey! *表示呼吁、喜悦、吃惊等。口气有些傲慢无礼,所以对不认识的人最好用Excuse me. Yo! Hey, you!
Say! *比较旧的说法。