
2024-01-28 06:50:10   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语汉译英》,欢迎阅读!
1、多么漂亮的纺织品展览啊! How beudiful the display of textiles.


Thank you.The suit in our economize has long intersty.Hunan embroidery has well established in the world.

3、我知道。我从事湘绣的进口业务已有十几年了。 I see.I have specialized in Hunan embroidery for more ten years. 4、哦!我们有许多种供您选择。请看这边,这儿有些流行款式。 Oh! We have wide varieties for you to choose from. Please look here,there are some fashionable patterns.


If your price is competitive,and your trade terms are favorable,I can would consider buying in from you.


It`s grade! I hope a lot of business will be conducted between us. 7、这种商品型号很多,你们要拿一种?

There are many modle for the particular product,which modle do you want?

8、如果需要的话,我们可以按你们的要求,接受特殊订货。 If you need, we can accept special orders to your reauirement.


I`m interested in your chemicals,could you quote us CIF on the following products New York.

10、这是我们的报价单,单上详列了全部销售条件。 This is our quotation sheets,with on all sales terms and conditions. 11、贵省所产的台布在我国市场上十分畅销。

The table cloths made in your province have a ready market in our country.

12、我们的价格和国际市场上同类产品的价格相比一直是偏低的。 Our price are on the low side,compared with the prices of the similar products on the international market.


Because of the price hike of raw material,we have to adqust our prices too.


Since the quality of the products is different,the prices are different.what you have ordered is the top of the line of our products,so the price is certainly different.

15、我们双方若在价格问题上都坚持己见,那就很难谈下去了。 If we both hang on to our own point of view on the price,it will be hard difficult to continue.


How about this?You take 5% off your offer,and I add 5% on my counter-offer.


If you agree to buy 200 cases more our products,we can conclude the deal at the price $138 per case FOB XinGang.

18、我们是不是先订购几台?如果确定好销,我们再来续订。 Can we place a small order? If the products do sell well,we will repeat the order.

19、你若能保证我3个月内收到货,我现在就可以向你订货。 If can guarantee that I can receive the goods in 3 month, I can place the order with you right now.

20、如果你们同意分批交货的话,我们可以保证如数供应。 If you agree to partial delivery ,we can guarantee that we can supply the mount as you required.


We will send you our purchase order in rwo days,and we want to ask you to hurry on the wxecution of the order.

22301号乌龙茶是高档茶。由于对健康有益,愈来愈受到欢迎。尤其是这几个月。国外订单不断地来,已经有些供不应求了。 No.301 Wulong tea is top grade tea. Because it is good for our health, it has become more and more popular. Espeially in receant moth, the oversea orders keep coming in ,we are having a supply probulem. 23、我们要公平对待所有股东,并关注其他利益相关者的利益。 We shall treat all the shareholders equally and shall be concerned with the interests of stakeholders.


Income derived from interest on deposits of foreign Banks in China's state Banks and on loans given at a normal interest rate by foreign Banks to China's state Banks shall be taxed. 25、与此同时,他们拨出一部分资金购买新设备。

Meanwhile they set aside part of their funds for the new equipment. 26生产主管每天腾出一个半小时检查新产品的生产

The production supervisor sets aside one and a half hours each day to inspect the production of new products.

27、我们的产品靠质量、信誉,尤其是品种的多样化来竞争。 Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety.


Social diversity is thus explicable in terms of an underlying structure consisting largely of economic factors.

29、很多人都赞成前一种办法, 但我个人喜欢後一种.

Many support the former alternative, but personally I favour the latter


30、存在着一些可供选择的生产计划,他们在技术上是可能的。 There are a certain number of alternative production plans that are technically possible.

31、他们辛勤的工作换回的是巨大的利润。 They made a big profit in return for their diligent work. 32、如果你同意做他们的导游,他们一定会给你报酬的。 They will give you a reward in return for your help if you agree to guide them


All the applicants will have to be interviewed in turn.

33这些因素都有助于塑造你们公司的声誉。 而你们的声誉接着又会对你们招工,吸引客户,获取资金,做生意的能力产生影响。 Those are all factors that help to shape your business reputation, which in turn affects your ability to hire people, attract customers, get financing and make deals.


Automobile industry is viewed as one of the most lucrative industries. 35、近些年,国际贸易被认为是促进一国经济增长的手段。 In recent years international trade has been viewed as a means to promote growth within a nations economy. 36、遗憾地说这批货不能令人满意。

I'm sorry to say the shipment didn't turn out to be satisfactory. 37、在不久的将来一切都会变好的。

Everything will turn out fine in the near future. 38、我想可以。该工厂月生产能力为5000台。

I should think so. This plant can turn out 5, 000 units per month. 39、我们购进了一条年产量10000台小汽车的装配流水线。 Weve purchased an assembly line turning out 10,000 cars per year. 40、与其巨大的农业人口比这一部门显得很小

This sector is small in relation to its enormous rural population.


There exists direct or indirect ownership or control in relation to such areas as capital, business operations and purchases and sales 42.我们必须进行关于那一问题的商谈。 We must have a talk with respect to that point.


With respect to the new investment in China, attitudes within our company are sharply divided.


It's going to raise a lot of problems with respect to atmosphere pollution.

45.我们若徵收进口税, 别的国家就可能报复我们.

If we impose import duties, other countries may retaliate against us. 46.政府决定不向灾区征收任何税收。

The government decided that no taxes or levies would be imposed on a disaster-stricken area .


The incentive scheme/mechanism is boosting the production of the company.


No doubt you know that an incentive discount encourages the buyers and helps expand the seller's business.


Such methods increased the poverty of the people and were a direct incentive to smuggling.

50.这一规定适用于各个部门的人员。 The regulation applies to the staff of all sectors. 51.这些建议不一定适合我们公司的生产经营。

These suggestions do not necessarily apply to our production and business operation. 52.股价下周可能下降。

The stock prices are likely to drop next week.

53.当地的这家钢铁厂越来越不景气, 有可能在三年内关闭。 The local steelworks has become more and more depressed and is likely to close within three years.


Their products failed to meet customers needs for their inferior quality.


As the protected infant industries grow, their costs sometimes fail to decline.

56.他们决定通过更多互利贸易进一步增进两国的友好关系。 They decided to further advance the friendly relations between the two countries by doing more mutually beneficial trade business. 57.上星期伊朗政府提高了石油价格。

The Government of Iran advanced the price of petroleum last week. 58.我们的合作将为我国汽车产业的发展做出贡献。

Our cooperation will contribute to the development of the automobile industry of our country.


The application of the new technology has contributed to the development and production of new products.


1. The behavior of prices 价格行为 2. Income and employment 收入与就业

3. The creation and Distribution of wealth 财富的创造与分配 4. Monetary economics 货币经济 5. Labour economics 劳动经济

