
2022-07-13 16:03:31   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《星火英语》,欢迎阅读!
I’m not going to kid you. 我不是跟你开玩笑的。 After you. 你先请。

I’m really dead. 我真的要累死了。

I’d like to place anorder for your party dress from your catalog. 我想要订你们目录上的晚礼服。

5. May I order some flowers?我能订些花吗? 6. I just couldnt help it. 我就是忍不住。

7. I was deeply moved by the film and I cried. I just couldnt help it.


8. Could you tell her to call Carol as soon as possible?能不能请她尽快打电话给卡洛? 9. I’m sorry to bother you at this hour.很抱歉在这时候打扰你。 10. I’ve done my best.我已近尽力了。

11. As you all know, I’ve began to get up early to do some morning exercises these days for a

change.你们知道的,我这几天开始早起做早操给自己做个改变。 12. Jump in and get your feet wet. 到实践中去学。

13. I know most of you are afraid to embarrass yourselves by trying to speak English after these

first few lessons. But thats the best way to learn: when you meet an American, try a few words-jump in and get your feet wet.

我知道你们大多数人感到,刚上了几课英语就用英语来说话很不好意思。不过,当你见到美国人时,你不妨试着说一点。到实践中去学是最好的办法。 14. Dont play games with me.别跟我耍花招。 15. Can I leave a message?我可以留言吗?

16. I hope I didnt catch you at a bad time.抱歉这种时候找你。 17. Dont take it to heart.别往心里去。

18. When I’m shopping, I always fail to find clothes that suit people of my shape well. 我逛街的时候,总是找不到非常适合我身材的衣服。

19. Let me try talking him into the project we are handling at the moment. 让我试着说服他加入我们目前正在从事的这个项目。

20. I dont want to get involved in the business you told me last night, since I dont have extra

money to do that.我不想介入你昨晚告诉我的那个事情,因为我没有闲钱去那么做。 21. We ended up sleeping around the floor after drinking too much last night 我们昨天晚上喝了太多酒,最后都在地板上东倒西歪地睡了。

22. Unfortunately, it seems that theres nothing but some milk left in the fridge. 不幸的是,看起来电冰箱里只剩下一些牛奶了。

23. I used to take diet pills and eat diet food for one year when I was still in college. 我过去还在学校的时候吃减肥药丸和减肥食品有整整一年。

24. These business trips are wearing me out.这些商务旅行让我筋疲力尽。

25. The product you sent to me is not what I ordered.你们送来的产品不是我订的东西。

26. We have a reservation of two single rooms for three nights.我们预定了两间单人间,三天。 27. We dont want a group though, we want a private tour guide. 不过,我们不想加入旅行团,我们想找一名私人导游。 28. We should take our coworkers to celebrate this weekend. 这周末我们应该带同事去庆祝一下。

29. To be Frank, I’m not good at sports but I am crazy about sports matches.

1. 2. 3. 4.


30. It is defficult to transport, and it is associated with a host of encironmental issues, among them

acid rain.它很难运输,而且和很多环境问题有关,其中之一就是酸雨。

31. Do you happen to know how I can get to Times Square?你知道怎么去时代广场吗?

32. In order to protect our environmrnt from being polluted, I’ll do some publicity with my

classmates to explain the harmfulness of pollution.


33. As we all known, the encironment pollution is more and more serious during these years,

what we could do is to make great efforts in protecting environment gradually. 众所周知,这些环境污染越来越严重,我们所能做的是尽全力保护环境。 34. Cherish your life, protect the environment.珍爱生命,保护环境。

35. If you tracel by ship across the Pacific Ocen, you will cross the International Date Line. By

agreement, this is the point where a new day begins.

如果你乘船横跨太平洋旅行,你就会跨越国际日期变根线。按照规定,这是新的一天的开始 36. If the salinity of ocean waters is analyzed, it is found to cary only slightly from place to place. 如果对海洋里面的盐分进行分析的话,就可以发现在海洋里面不同的地方盐分是有细微差别的。

37. It is here that is to be found the source of the energy that the Sun constantly pours out into

space as light and heat.


38. For centurise it has been recognized that mammals and birds differ form other animals in the

way they regulate body temperature.

很多世纪以来人们认为哺乳动物、鸟类与其他动物的差别就在于他们恒定的体温。 39. If you are an average sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. 如果你是一个睡眠适中者那么你的睡眠过程会如下所示。

40. Tyrannosaurs were the largest land-living meateating animals that ever lived.They were found

in Asia and Northern America.


41. Though the people in the world are all opppsed to war, they can by no means acoid it. 虽然世界人民都反对战争,但是他们却无法避免它。

42. My aim is to become a good citizen so as to be able to render service to the country. 我的志向是做一个好公民以便为国家效力。

43. If every student can do according to what I said, the country will certainly be rich and


44. As is well known,books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. 众所周知,书籍教给我们人生、真理、科学以及其他许多有用的东西。

