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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语翻译》,欢迎阅读!

1. A book, tight shut, 15 but a block of paper.

一本书,紧紧合上,只是一堆纸。译文需增加“废”字,以使意义明了。 增译为:闲置之书,只是一堆废纸。 2. Success is often just an idea away.

成功往往只是一个念头的距离。译文需增加“失败”一词,以使原句意思表达完善。 增译为:成功与失败往往只是一念之差。

3. On condition that you sign this receipt, I11 pay the money.

只要你在收据上签字,我就付款。译文译出了套语on condition that,多余。 减译为:你在收据上签字,我就付款。

4. The price offered by John is much cheaper than that of Mark.

约翰的报价要比马克的低得多。译文需增译英语中的替代词that以符合汉语的习惯。 增译为:约翰的报价要比马克的报价低得多。

5. Speed and reliability are the chief advantages of the electronic computers. 速度和可靠性是电子计算机的主要优点。译文需增译形容词以使语句形象生动。 增译为:速度快,可靠性高是电子计算机的主要优点。

6. You were, you are, and you remain to be the consumers of our products. 你们永远是我们的客户。译文需增加表示时态的词汇,以突出感情色彩。增译为:你们过去是,现在是,将来仍然是我们的客户。

7. The inflation distorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift and crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike. 通货膨胀使我们在经济方面的决定不能顺利执行,使节俭的人反而受到惩罚,并且使挣扎的年轻人和靠固定收人的老年人都受到严重打击。译文需增译部分词语以使其明了。


8 The Chinese government has always attached great importance to environmental protection. 增译:中国政府历来重视环境保护工作

9. Let us know the detailed information on your market. 请告知我方知晓你处市场详细情况。译文中译出了代词us,多余。 减译为:请告知贵方市场详情。

10. In spite of the fact that his initial experiments had failed, Prof. White persisted in his research.

尽管事实上怀特教授最初的试验失败了,但他仍坚持研究。译文重复译出了名词the fact 及其同位语从句。 减译为:尽管怀特教授最初的试验失败了,但他仍坚持研究 11. Stainless steel possesses good hardness and high strength.

不锈钢具有高硬度,高强度。译文译出了动词possess,不符合汉语习惯。减译为:不锈钢硬度大,强度高。 12. Planning and market forces are both means of regulating economic activities.


1. The child doesn't like this book. Show him a more interesting one. 这个孩子不喜欢这本书,给他找本有趣的书看看。英语中用名词性代词 one 替代名词book,汉语译文中应将其重复译出。名词性替代多由the one (s), the same, the kind, the sort等名词性代词充当。 2. We dont want any more money. Weve had enough. 我们不要任何资金了,我们的资金已经够了。英语中用不定代词 enough 代替 enough money,汉语译文中需将其重复译出。名词性代词也可由 all, both, some, any, enough 等不定代词充当。

3. Our company is in this building and theirs is in that one. 我们的公司在这座楼,他们的公司在那座楼。在同一句话里,英语用物主代 theirs 替代名词 their company用代词 one 代替名词 building而汉语译文则均需重复原词。名词性替代也同样可由 mine, yours 等物主代词充当。

4. This reception room is lighter than the one next door. 这间接待室比隔壁的接待室亮。英语中用代词 the one 代替名词 the reception room,而汉语译文中需将其重复译出。

5. The price offered by ABC Group is quite cheaper than that by CAP Group. ABC集团的报价比CAP集团的报价低得多。代词that替代了名词price英语中某些含有比较级和最高级的句子多用代词替代重复部分,而汉语译文中要将替代的部分补出。


6. The best watches are those made in Switzerland. 最好的表是瑞士表。代词 those 替代了复数名词watches,而汉语译文中需将其重复译出。

7. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 书有可浅尝者,有可尽食者,少数则需咀嚼消化。本句为培根的名言,英文第二和第三分句省略动词are以使英文言简意赅,而汉语译文中需将其补译出。

8. They are all excellent entrepreneurs, and Kerry is the most excellent I’ve ever seen. 他们都是优秀的企业家,但克里是我见过的最优秀的企业家。英语在形容词excellent后省略相同的名词entrepreneur,而汉译英中则需将其译出。

9. I went to the headquarters of that company because 1 wanted to. 我去了那家公司的总部,因为我想去那儿。英语中用to代替了整个动词不定式。当某个动词不定式词组在句子中再次出现时,我们可以只用to这个词,而不必重复整个动词不定式词组。

10. Have we got enough money? I think so. “我们有足够的钱么?”“我想钱是足够的。 so可用来替代肯定的that从句, not替代否定的that从句,它们常与Im afraid, believe, expect, fearguess, hope, suppose, think等词语搭配。汉语译文中需将替代部分重复译出。

11. He spoke for the first motion of the directors and against the second. 他赞成董事们的第一个提议,反对第二个提议。英语在形容词second后省略相同的名词motion of the directors,而汉译英中则需将其译出。

12Among the four oil paintings, two appear to be real, others false. 在这四幅油画中,有两幅看起来是真的,另外两幅看起来则是赝品。英语原文中省略动词及其不定式appear to be,而汉语译文中则需重复动词“看起来是”

补充:In this chapter, we define business ethics as the principles and standards that determine acceptable conduct in business organizations.

The acceptability of behavior in business is determined by customers, competitors, government regulators, interest groups, and the public, as well as each individual’s personal moral principles and values. Enron is an example of one of the largest ethical disasters in the 21st century. Two former Enron CEOs, Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling, were found guilty on all counts of conspiring to hide the companys financial condition. The judge in the case said the defendants could be found guilty of consciously avoiding knowing about wrongdoing at the company. Many other top executives including Andy Fastow, the chief financial officer, were found guilty of misconduct and are serving time in prison. The fall of Enron took many layers of management pushing the envelope and a great deal of complacency on the part of employees who saw wrongdoing and ignored it. Most unethical activities within organizations are supported by an organizational culture than encourages employees to bend rules.

本章中,我们将商业道德定义为判定在商业组织中可接受行为的准则和标准。商业行为的可接受性由下列因素所决定,它们包括:客户、竞争对手、政府监管部门、利益集团、公众以及每个人的个人道德准则和价值观。安然公司事件就是二十一世纪的一例最声名狼藉的道德丑闻。安然公司的两位前首席执行官,肯•莱(Ken Lay)和杰夫•斯基林(Jeff Skilling,因对其蓄意掩盖公司财务状况的所有指控成立而被判定有罪。审理该案的法官表示,被告因故意隐瞒其了解该公司的不法行为,可被判决有罪。许多其他高层管理人员,包括财务总监安迪法斯陶Andy Fastow,因失当行为而被判决有罪,现正在监狱服刑。安然公司的轰然崩溃,究其原因,一方面是管理层中有很多人铤而走险,另一方面是其员工们眼看着这些错误的做法却坐视不理,听之任之。怂恿员工不必较真的组织文化对组织机构内部的大多数不道德的行为起到了推波助澜的作用。

Push the envelope

大家也许都熟悉envelope这个词,知道它的意思是信封。但是在push the envelope这个习惯用语里,envelope可不是信封的意思。它是个技术性的词汇,机械其它设备的性能范围,或者功用极限。比方说,如果一辆汽车的设计规格为最高时速一百八十公里,但是你却以一百九十公里的时速驾驶这辆车,那么你就是在push the envelope超越它的性能范围了,或者是在玩命了。但是push the envelope这个习惯用语的应用范围并不局限于机械工程。它也转用到日常生活中,用来指人际关系的紧张化。请听这个例子: 例句-2He pushed the envelope when he hit his wife at the party after getting drunk. She asked for divorce the next day. 显然他喝醉酒当众殴打妻子的行为已经超过了他太太的忍耐限度,所以太太第二天就提出要和他离婚。让我们再听一个把push the envelope应用在技术领域的例子,讲的是飞行员试开新飞机: 例句-3Test pilots often have to put themselves into danger. Sometimes they have to push the envelope to see whether a newly designed plane really can meet the limits the designers planned. 他说:试飞飞行员常不得不冒生命危险。有时候他们必须让新设计的飞机的机件在达到性能极限的情况下运转,以便测试飞机是否符合设计人员所规划的安全范围。 所以push the envelope意思是接近甚至超越安全限度。

