【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《消防安全日》,欢迎阅读!
尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!
每年的11月9日是中国的全国消防日。在电话号码中,119是火灾报警电话,与11月9日中这3个阿拉伯数字通形同序,易为人们接受,而且这一天前后,正值风干物燥、火灾多发之际,全国各地都在紧锣密鼓地开展冬季防火工作。为增加全民的消防安全意识,使“119”更加深入人心,于是从1992年起把这一天定为全国消防日。 提到消防,同学们自然会想到令人毛骨悚然的火灾二字。是的,火,带给人们光明,赋予人们温暖。但是火也吞噬了无数生命,留下了累累伤痕。2003年11月24日凌晨,俄罗斯莫斯科人民友谊大学学生宿舍发生火灾,近200名学生受伤,41名学生死亡,其中,中国留学生受伤46人,死亡11人。这场大火用血淋淋的数字和惨痛的代价,给我们敲响了安全防范的警钟,警醒我们火灾是威胁日常学习、生活安全的重要因素。身处人员密集的校园的我们,应在脑海中长期鸣响“119”警铃,提高防火意识和技能。希望大家能做到“三懂”、“三会”。“三懂”即懂得火灾的危险性,增强消防意识;懂得火灾形成的原理,不玩火;懂得火灾预防,积极开展消防宣传。“三会”即学会火灾报警方法,学会使用灭火器扑救小火,学会火灾自护自救的方法。要时刻牢记消防安全,学习消防知识,消除火灾隐患,防微杜渐,防范未然。 我想每一个人都不能也不应该忘记安全与生命是紧紧联系在一起的。关注安全就是关注生命,关注安全就是关注我们自己!
Dear teachers and students: Good morning!
November 9th is the annual National Fire Prevention Day in China.
Refer to the fire, we will naturally think of it with scare.Although fire gives us light and warmth,it brings us countless disasters. In the morning of November 24, 2003, a fire broke out in the dormitory of People's Friendship University in Moscow, Russia. Nearly 200 students were injured and 41 students died. Among them, 46 Chinese students were injured and 11 died. The fire, with bloody numbers and painful price, sounded a warning to our safety, and warned us that fire is an important factor threatening our daily life.
We should improve our awareness of the fire and I hope we can do the following ‘three understandings and three skills’. Three understandings tell us that we need to understand the danger of fire;we should know the principle of fire formation and do not play with fire; We need to have the knowledge of fire prevention and carry out them publicly.Three skills mean that we should learn to send a fire alarm ; to use the fire extinguisher to extinguish a small fire and to save ourselves from fire.
Dear teachers and students,let’s bear in mind the fire safety and I do hope we can take safety as the most important thing in our life.
My speech is over,thank you!