【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《两会双语:2021政府工作报告要点梳理以及英文注释(上)》,欢迎阅读!
2020年,中国在新型冠状病毒疫情防控取得重大战略成果,在全球主要经济体中唯一实现经济正增长,脱贫攻坚战取得全面胜利,决胜全面建成小康社会取得决定性成就! 1. 经济恢复好于预期,全年国内生产总值增长2.3%。
With gross domestic product (GDP) for the year growing by 2.3 percent, a better-than-expected recovery was achieved.
2. 城镇新增就业1186万人,年末全国城镇调查失业率降到5.2%。作为最大发展中国家,在巨大冲击下能够保持就业大局稳定,尤为难能可贵。
A total of 11.86 million urban jobs were added, and the year-end surveyed urban unemployment rate dropped to 5.2 percent. It is truly remarkable that China, the largest developing country in the world, has kept overall employment stable in the face of such an enormous shock.
3. 城镇新增就业1186万人,年末全国城镇调查失业率降到5.2%。作为最大发展中国家,在巨大冲击下能够保持就业大局稳定,尤为难能可贵。
A total of 11.86 million urban jobs were added, and the year-end surveyed urban unemployment rate dropped to 5.2 percent. It is truly remarkable that China, the largest developing country in the world, has kept overall employment stable in the face of such an enormous shock.
4. 全年为市场主体减负超过2.6万亿元,其中减免社保费1.7万亿元。
We reduced the burden on market entities by more than 2.6 trillion yuan for the year, including 1.7 trillion yuan in social insurance premium cuts and exemptions.
5. 年初剩余的551万农村贫困人口全部脱贫、52个贫困县全部摘帽。
All remaining poor rural residents, totaling 5.51 million in early 2020, were lifted from poverty, as were all of China's remaining 52 poor counties.
6. 大型商业银行普惠小微企业贷款增长50%以上,金融系统向实体经济让利1.5万亿元。 Inclusive finance lending by large commercial banks to micro and small businesses increased by more than 50 percent. The real economy thus received an infusion of 1.5 trillion yuan from financial institutions.
国内生产总值增长6%以上 GDP growth of over 6 percent
城镇新增就业1100万人以上 over 11 million new urban jobs 城镇调查失业率5.5%左右
a surveyed urban unemployment rate of around 5.5 percent 居民消费价格涨幅3%左右 CPI increase of around 3 percent 进出口量稳质升
steady increases in both the volume and quality of imports and exports 国际收支基本平衡
a basic equilibrium in the balance of payments 单位国内生产总值能耗降低3%左右
a drop of around 3 percent in energy consumption per unit of GDP 粮食产量保持在1.3万亿斤以上 grain output of over 650 million metric tons
1. 财政:今年赤字率拟按3.2%左右安排
We have set the deficit-to-GDP ratio for the year at around 3.2 percent.
2. 减税:将小规模纳税人增值税起征点从月销售额10万元提高到15万元
The VAT threshold for small-scale taxpayers will be raised from 100,000 yuan to 150,000 yuan in monthly sales.
3. 降费:中小企业宽带和专线平均资费再降10%
Average rates for broadband and dedicated internet access services for small and medium enterprises will be lowered by another 10 percent.
4. 创新:以“十年磨一剑”精神在关键核心领域实现重大突破
Fully devote our time and energy to making scientific explorations and major breakthroughs in key technologies, just as a blacksmith in the past would spend years forging the perfect sword.
5. 消费:稳定增加汽车、家电等大宗消费
We will encourage steady increases in spending on home appliances, automobiles, and other big-ticket items.
6. 乡村振兴:做好巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接
We will align efforts to consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation with