【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《简单幼儿英语儿歌-The Farmer in the Dell》,欢迎阅读!

简单幼儿英语儿歌-The Farmer in the Dell
The farmer in the dell,The farmer in the dell,Hi-ho,The derry-o,The farmer in the dell,The farmer takes a wife,The farmer takes a wife,Hi-ho,The derry-o,The farmer takes a wife,The wife takes a child,The wife takes a child,Hi-ho,The derry-o,The wife takes a child.The child takes a nurse,The child takes a nurse,Hi-ho,The derry-o,The child takes a nurse,The nurse takes a cow,The nurse takes a cow,Hi-ho,The derry-o,The nurse takes a cow,The cow takes a dog,The cow takes a dog,Hi-ho,The derry-o,The cow takes a dog,The dog takes a cat,The dog takes a cat,Hi-ho,The derry-o,The dog
takes a cat,The cat takes a rat,The cat takes a rat,Hi-ho,The derry-o,The cat takes a rat,The rat takes the cheese,The rat takes the cheese,Hi-ho,The derry-o,The rat takes the
cheese.The cheese stands alone,The cheese stands alone,Hi-ho,The derry-o,The cheese stands alone.