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3 著者-出版年制文后参考文献表著录格式示例 1 期刊中析出的文献

黄荣辉, 陈际龙, 周连童, . 2003. 关于中国重大气候灾害与东亚气候系统之间关系的研究[J]. 大气科学, 27(4): 770787. Huang Ronghui, Chen Jilong, Zhou Liantong, et al. 2003. Studies on the relationship between the severe climatic disasters in China and the East Asia climate system[J]. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (in Chinese), 27(4): 770787.

Samelson R M, Tziperman E. 2001. Instability of the chaotic ENSO: The growth-phase predictability barrier[J]. J. Atmos. Sci., 58: 36133625. 2)普通图书

高由禧,徐淑英,郭其蕴,等. 1962. 东亚季风的若干问题[M]. 北京:科学出版社,1227. Gao Youxi, Xu Shuying, Guo Qiyun, et al. 1962. Some Problems about East Asian Monsoon[M] (in Chinese). Beijing: Science Press, 1227.

李崇银. 1993. 大气低频振荡[M]. 北京:气象出版社, 201pp. Li Chongyin. 1993. Low Frequency Oscillations in the Atmosphere[M] (in Chinese). Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 201pp.

中国气象局. 20042005. 台风年鉴 (20032004)[M]. 北京:气象出版社. China Meteorological Administration. 20042005. Typhoon Yearbooks (20032004)[M] (in Chinese). Beijing: China Meteorological Press.

IPCC. 2001. Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis[M]. Houghton J T, Ding Y, Griggs D J, et al., Eds. Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 881. 3 论文集、会议录

叶笃正. 1997. 赵九章纪念文集[C]. 北京:科学出版社. Ye Duzheng. 1997. Collected Works for the Commemoration of Professor Zhao Jiuzhang[C] (in Chinese). Beijing: Science Press. 4)专著中析出的文献

陈联寿. 2001. 热带气旋运动研究进展的综述[C]// 陈联寿等. 全国热带气旋科学讨论会论文集. 北京:气象出版社,19. Chen Lianshou. 2001. An overview on progress in research on tropical cyclones motion[C]// Chen Lianshou, et al. Proceedings of National Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (in Chinese). Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 19.

符淙斌. 1991. 海洋过程和气候变化[M]// 叶笃正,曾庆存,郭裕福. 当代气候研究. 北京:气象出版社,212233. Fu Congbin. 1991. Oceanic process in association with climate change[M]// Ye Duzheng, Zeng Qingcun, Guo Yufu. Current Research in Climate (in Chinese). Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 212233.

张铭,曾庆存. 1983. 台风中螺旋云带数值模拟的初步结果[C]// 台风会议论文集. 上海:上海科学技术出版社,92100. Zhang Ming, Zeng Qingcun. 1983. Preliminary numerical simulation results of spiral bands in typhoon[C]// Proceedings of Conference on Typhoon (in Chinese). Shanghai: Shanghai Science & Technology Press, 92100.

Christensen J H, Hewitson B, Busuioc A, et al. 2007: Regional climate projections[M]// Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Solomon S, Qin D, Manning M, et al, Eds. Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. 5 学位论文

段晚锁. 2003. 非线性最优化方法在ENSO可预报性研究中的应用[D]. 中国科学院大气物理研究所博士学位论文, 120pp. Duan Wansuo. 2003. Applications of nonlinear optimization method in the studies of ENSO predictability[D]. Ph. D. dissertation (in Chinese), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 120pp.

杨蕾. 2004. 北半球准定常行星波活动及其变化:资料分析和模拟研究[D]. 中国科学院大气物理研究所硕士学位论文. Yang Lei. 2004. Activity and variability of quasi-stationary planetary waves in the Northern Hemisphere: Data analysis and simulation study[D]. M. S. thesis (in Chinese), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 6科技报告

