【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《新常态下地勘单位加强财务管理的思考》,欢迎阅读!

【期刊名称】《中国国土资源经济》 【年(卷),期】2016(029)005
【摘 要】In the new normal, the geological prospecting units are confronted with a range of problems in pursuing development in the respects of budget management, business expenses, and ifnancial accounting. All of this has made us face a great challenge to manage the project funds. In response to this, this paper points out that the ifnancial department of geological prospecting units should step up efforts to supervise and inspect the funding spending, strengthen the staff’s ideological education work and the publicity initiatives of national ifnancial laws and regulations. We should work constantly to improve internal control system, raise our capacity to manage project funds, establish a ifnancial management system with budget management as our central task. At the same time, we should enhance the supervision and inspection work, and ensure the project spending safety and compliance with requirements.%新常态下,地勘单位在预算管理、费用支出、会计核算等方面还存在着一系列问题,项目经费管理难度很大。为此,地勘单位财务部门应加大对项目经费使用的监督检查力度,加强对地勘单位职工的思想教育工作,加强国家财经法规宣传力度;不断完善内部控制制度,提高项目经费管理水平;建立以预算管理为核心的财务管理体系;不断强化监督检查工作,确保项目经费支出安全规范。
【总页数】3页(P70-72) 【作 者】王双
【作者单位】中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心,四川 成都 610081 【正文语种】中 文
【中图分类】F407.1;F062.1 【相关文献】
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