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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《我去动物园看猴子的英文怎么写作文》,欢迎阅读!

Today, the teacher took the kids to the zoo to see the monkey. On the way, the students be jubilant and talked and laughed.

For a while, the students went to the monkey house, and saw many monkeys in therockery, some apples, some bananas when the hat, the tail hangs upside down and the use in the branches of trees. They look really naughty, the students look at thelovely monkeys, with a happy smile

今天,老师带着小朋友们去动物园看猴子。路上,同学们兴高采烈地说着笑着。 一会儿,同学们就到了猴子馆,看见许许多多的猴子在假山上,有的在吃苹果,有的用香蕉当帽子,还有的用尾巴倒挂在树枝上。这些猴子看起来真调皮,同学们看着活泼可爱的猴子,露出了开心的笑容 The monkeys in the zoo

Last week I went to the zoo and saw many monkeys.They were very clever and so interesting!

They were brown.They had a very long tail.When I saw them,they were climbing the tall trees.They liked jumping from one tree to another tree.It really made me feel very happy.Some visitors threw some food to them,such as bananas peaches,they were happy and ate them quickly.How interesting they were! 今天,学校组织同学们到动物园里去.同学们兴奋极了,有的把书包仍得高高的,有的叽叽喳喳的在一起讨论要先看哪个动物. 到了动物园,同学们先来到了猴山. 猴山里有一座假山,假山上住着一群活泼可爱的小猴子.这些小猴子神态各异,有的非常聪明,有的非常可爱,有的就非常调皮捣蛋. 先说聪明的猴子吧.如果同学们给它一个苹果,它就会拿着苹果,坐在山顶上吃,边吃边往四周瞧着,怕别人抢它的食物. 可爱的小猴子吃完香蕉后,把香蕉皮顶到自己头上,大摇大摆地走到猴山下,似乎在给大家表演时装秀. 后再说说捣蛋的小猴子吧.两只调皮的小猴子把尾巴吊在树枝上,悠闲地在荡着秋千. 了这些小猴子,同学们都忍不住哈哈大笑起来. 今天,同学们在动物园里玩得可真开心呀。 这个是原文,我也不知道你到底要小学还是初中的日记,我给你的这篇是按照小学度写的,如果不行你再问,下面的是原文:我的名字叫李明,我的朋友叫李红,今天是613号,天气晴朗,我们准备去动物园参观.我的计划如下,动物园离家约50公里,我们选择坐公共汽车去动物园,需要60分钟能到达,这样的话,我们早上8点就必须出发.在路上,我们的心情很激动,看着树上的小鸟唧唧喳喳的唱歌,好像知道我们要去参动物园,也在为我们高兴呢.大约过了一个小时,我们终于到达目的地了,我和小红下了车准备开始我们一天的开心的旅途.来到动物园,一进大门,绿树成荫美丽极了.有好多

的小动物呢,大象,熊,狮子老虎,蛇,熊猫,斑马,猴子等等.前面有座假山,上面有几只小猴子蹦来蹦去.我和小红就一下子围了过去,哇……猴子真多啊!有的猴子在吃桃子,有的猴子在看风景,还有的猴子在假山上荡秋千……最有意思的是猴子妈妈抱着小猴子捉虱子了.逗得我们哈哈大笑起来.瞧,它们玩的多开心呀!今天参观猴子我们也很高兴、快乐.这个是翻译过来的:My name is Li Ming,my friend called LI,today is June 13,the weather was fine,we are ready to go to the zoo to visit.My plan is as follows,the zoo is about 50 km away from home,we chose to take a bus to the zoo,60 minutes to arrive,so we must be 8 am off.On the road,we feel very excited,looking at the birds twitter in the trees,singing as if he knew we were going to visit the zoo,but also for us happy.After about an hour,we finally reach their destination,and I and the little red car down ready to begin our day of fun in the journey.Came to the zoo,into a door,tree-lined extremely beautiful.It has a lot of small animals,elephants,bears,lions and tigers,snakes,pandas,zebras,monkeys and so on.Block rockery in front,above a few small monkeys jumping up and down.Red around me and suddenly the past,wow monkey is really much ah!Some monkeys eating peaches,and some monkeys in sightseeing,there are monkeys swinging in the rockery on

the most interesting is the monkey mother holding a small monkey to catch lice.Amused us laugh.Look,they play how delighted!Today visit the monkeys and we are very happy happy.都是我自己写的,应该能用吧,。

I went to the zoo with Lee Ming to watch monkey,the biggest monkey look like a person,one of the monkey baby sat on the monkey mum's back and ate a banana,Lee Ming wanted feeding food to some monkey,but I told him :'Don't disturb them,'all the people must love animals because animals are our friends.

I went to the zoo with my parents today. We saw 200 and more animals. They are so friendly to us. Among them, I like the monkeys best. I think they are as smart as I am. They live together, eat by their hands, walk by their feet, also, they like bananas which I like too. Some of them were eating bananas while others were playing on the ground. We had a lot of fun. I couldn't wait to see them the next time.

This Saturday is Zh angyu's birthday, his parents took him and his two friends went to the zoo.That morning, the weather was fine. They decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient. To the zoo, originally planned with the animals according to a like, a lot of zoo visitors, not the

