
2023-04-08 04:57:12   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读:5 ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《做饭也快乐英语日记带翻译》,欢迎阅读!



There are many kinds of people's mood: happy, happy, sad, sad, painful and so on. And there are many factors that lead to mood: an action, an expression, a small thing and so on.


A few days ago, before school began. My mother occasionally goes out early to buy food, and my breakfast is nothing.

还记得那天早上我被闹虫无情地叫醒了我昏昏沉沉地洗漱完成后。我看了看手表发现现在8点到了该吃午饭的时分了。我翻遍整个傧相但是也没找到能够开袋即食的吃的我又再橱柜里找方便面,但是没有找到。我坐在沙发上考虑我上午应该吃什么?我把我会煮的东西和能够吃的东西比照发现我只会做蛋炒饭! I still remember that morning when I was awakened mercilessly by the noisy insects, I finished my drowsy washing. I looked at my watch and found that it was time for lunch at 8 o'clock. I went through the best man, but I couldn't find anything to eat. I went back to the cupboard to find instant noodles, but I couldn't find them. I sit on the sofa and think about what I should eat in the morning? I compare what I can cook with what I can eat and find that I can only make fried rice with eggs!


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I took two eggs and rice out of the refrigerator. I do it in my own way. I open the valve of natural gas first, break those two eggs and put them in the bowl.


I turned on the fire again. Take the oil pot and pour a few drops carefully. Shake the pot. The oil "pricked" and exploded. This is not over, I picked up the egg, a knock, then break, the transparent egg white and golden yolk then slipped into the pot. Only the sound of "sizzling" was heard. Only the sound of "sizzling" was heard. The oil was boiling. The yolk seemed to dance in the pot. The albumen around the yolk made small white bubbles. Some of them were like nipples, some of them were like small electric beads in the flashlight. After a while, the edge of the egg was a little yellow. I picked up the spatula and turned over carefully. 我从速倒入煮好的白米饭和火腿肠一同炒。

I quickly pour in the cooked rice and sauteed with ham.


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