
2022-09-16 13:05:21   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语美文摘抄欣赏短文摘抄》,欢迎阅读!


It was many years ago. I as a young dd sitin on the coch reading a faiy ale o my lttle ir. She sat net to m ith er hed n my ar as old th tle Wen i cme to the n I fished with thse fas wods And they ive happily ever after A looked over t he with he wy, brow hai nd big, inocent eyes could ee the le n he face ad I nevr ted i to end It awnd o me then that he ening of the ook as ha I ed fr her I ted her to lie happil ever ater

很多年前我还是个年轻的爸爸,坐在沙发上给小女儿讲童话故事。她坐在我身边,头枕在我胳膊上听我讲故事.故事的最后我用那句经典的话作结束语: 从此他们过上了幸福的生活. 我看着她,她有着卷曲的棕色头发和大大的、天真的眼睛,我能从她的脸上看到微笑,我希望能永远这样看着她。那时我明白了故事的结尾也是我对她的期望,我希望她 从此过上幸福的生活。

Stll deep in my heart I knew ht tis culdn t lways e so I knew tht there wul be ties whe he heat was brken. I knew there ould b time whe she rid i grie and I oudn fort er I knew there would be times hn al she fel was fear, adns, sorow, and espr. s I stroked er har an ile at her I hoped that thoe times woud be rie ad hat she would he jy in her life re ofte than not。 Living haply ever ater thuh semed out of the uestion

然而内心深处我知道现实并非总能如我所愿。我知道有时她会伤心;我知道有时她会伤心地哭泣,而我却不能给她安慰;我知道有时她只会感到恐惧、伤心、懊悔和绝望。我抚摸着她的头发,对她微笑,我希望那些时刻都能很快过去,希望她的生活中更多的是快乐,然而,从此过上似乎是不可能的。 It to me a lot of years o ealiz tht it IS ssibe to lie hapiy ever afer. ou just e to o it on day at a time Hapins yo e in t soe ear tha you gt a the end o your journey Happines in t something dependent on wat lfe ads you. Happines is somethin ou create in yur life ch** by ch** and a y day 很多年以后我才意识到从此过上是可以实现的。你只需要 认真过好每一 .你看到的幸福并非你人生旅程最终的奖励,幸福不是取决于生活赐予你什么,


The truth s appiness es when yu ove. Lov is a gift fom God I i lov tht ed broken hearts It i love that heas grie. t i lve ta givs us joy. hoose to live happily ever after one dy at a tme.

事实是幸福就是付出爱时的体验,爱是上帝恩赐的礼物。只有爱才能修复受伤的心灵;只有爱才能抚平伤痛;只有爱才能给我们带来快乐。选择 从此过上幸福的生活,过好每一天。


Beore he io Olympc Games came th medi rrted sm plaers ht caght eople attention. Ther i no oubt tat tee layrs e beatiful face, wich hlps them wi the ttenton. But th re imrtant thing is that they ae no ony talentd, u aso wor vry har. The nce to tak part in th lympic Gmes means the lyers are excllent and thy he stood out n their coutries. f they in the olden medl in the Oympic Games, tey wll gain gret fame and ne aroud the world The beatiful face rings player te maket ential which means they will e fas easiy but o the conditio that they are th top playrs Maria haa is he bst xaple. She i bauiful nd top es playr al the ime. o aility ecides our sition on the society

里约会到来之前,报道了一些吸引人们注意力的球员。毫无疑问,这些球员拥有美丽的面孔帮他们赢得关注,但更重要的是,他们不仅,而且训练非常勤.有机会参加会的球员都是非常优秀的,意味着在自己的国家是脱颖而出的。如果他们在会赢得金奖,他们将获得巨大的名声和金钱.漂亮的脸蛋可以给球员带市场潜力,这意味着他们会比较容易出名,但前提条件是他们得是球员。玛丽 莎拉波娃就是最好的例子,她长得漂亮,也是的网球运动员。所以,能力决定着我们的地位.


My dream shool day strs at 8:30 am It fishe at 3 p.m so we woud h a ot of time fo afte-school actities。


We he hlf n hour or c. We cn et nyting nd t wit each te. We cn lso listen to music in the hall e at n apl very day, b**use t ca keep us halty 我们有半小时的午餐。我们可以吃任何西和互相聊天。我们还可以在大厅里听流行音乐。我们每天吃一个苹果,因为它可以使我们保持健康。 We he hiese, Mths, Engish and physics very ay **use the r usefl and ver imrtant We wear school uforms on nday.


My drea schol has a pak o one side an shoppng all on te ther We he a i library wit a lot of useful boks. We lo e a swiming o and tens ourt. We cn do an civities after school or t weeends


W oly he hlf a hor of hmewrk every dy. W o no do homework a weekens very th, we o on a scool rip o museum r a theatre. In the sumer time we can go to Bejin o Shangai. Every wek, e o to Dongzhou Prk or hopping malls


I lk m deam school life vey much. 我非常喜欢我理想中的学校生活。

