
2022-08-24 16:00:19   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《申请研究生推荐信模板》,欢迎阅读!


推荐信在录取过程中起到了极为重要的作用。实际上,仅仅是一封推荐信就有可能改变委员会对申请人的看法,从而改变录取的结果。下面是关于申请研究生推荐信模板,希望对您有帮助! XXX教授: 您好!


因为在职考研,初试成绩并不理想,若有幸能在您的指导下继续深造,我一定会更加努力,刻苦钻研。本科期间,我一直是一个热爱学习的学生,认真学习专业基础知识,注重实验实践锻炼。曾获得国家励志奖学金XXX,校“优秀团干”一次,校辩论赛“最佳辩手”,并且已获得英语六级证书。此外,虽然本科一直学的XXX学,课程几乎全是有机实验,但是我从大二开始就跟着老师进行“大学生科技创新项目—XXX”,立项并通过考核。除此之外,我XX,虽然不是核心期刊,但也是自己大学科技创新的结晶。 其实我就一直想发邮件给您,但因为担心自己初试不理想,就没有联系任何老师。这次复试完,我觉得自己也很有信心。我对您的研究方向很感兴趣,有强烈的好奇心和求知欲,特别希望能在您的门下就读,跟您学知识,做项目,进一步提高自己。若老师能给我这个机会,我一定会加倍努力,不辜负您的信任和期望!

非常感谢您能在百忙之中抽出时间阅信。冒昧致信,恳请海涵! 祝您工作顺利,身体安康! XX 年月日

To: Graduate Admissions Committee

It is my pleasure to write on behalf of Jane Student, who is applying to the PhD program in Research Psychology at Major University. I have interacted with Jane in several contexts: as student, as teaching assistant, and as thesis mentee.

I first met Jane in 2008, when she enrolled in my introductory Psychology class. Jane immediately stood out from the crowd, even as a first semester freshman. Just a few months out of high school, Jane demonstrated characteristics commonly held by the best college students. She was attentive in class, prepared, submitted well-written and thoughtful assignments, and participated in meaningful ways, such as by debating other students. Throughout, Jane modeled critical thinking skills. Needless to say, Jane earned one of five A’s awarded in that class of 75 students. Since her first semester in college Jane has enrolled in six of my classes. She demonstrated similar competencies, and her skills grew with each semester. Most striking is her ability to tackle challenging material with enthusiasm and endurance.

I teach a required course in Statistics that, as rumor has it, most students dread. Students’ fears of statistics is legendary across institutions, but Jane wasn’t fazed. As usual she was prepared for class, completed all assignments, and attended help sessions conducted by my teaching assistant. My teaching assistant reported that Jane seemed to learn concepts quickly, learning how to solve problems well before the other students. When placed in group work

sessions, Jane easily adopted a leadership role, helping her peers learn how to solve problems on their own. It was these competencies that led me to offer Jane a position as teaching assistant for my statistics class.

As teaching assistant, Jane strengthened many of the skills I have articulated. In this position Jane held review sessions and offered out-of-class assistance to students. She also lectured in class several times during the semester. Her first lecture was a bit shaky. She clearly knew the concepts but had difficulty keeping pace with PowerPoint slides. When she abandoned the slides and worked off the blackboard, she improved. She was able to answer students questions and the two that she couldn’t answer she admitted to and said she’d get back to them. As a first lecture, she was very good. Most important to a career in academics, is that she improved in subsequent lectures. Leadership, humility, the ability to see areas in need of improvement, and the willingness to do the work needed to improve these are all characteristics we value in academia.

Most important to a career in academics is research competence. As I have explained, Jane has an excellent grasp of statistics and other skills critical to a successful career in research, such as tenacity and excellent problem solving and critical thinking skills. As mentor of her senior thesis, I witnessed Jane in her first independent research efforts. Similar to other students, Jane struggled with finding an appropriate topic. Unlike other students, she conducted mini literature reviews on potential topics and discussed her ideas with a sophistication that is unusual for undergraduates. After methodical study, she chose a topic that fits her academic goals. Jane’s project examined [X]. Her project earned a department award, university award, and was presented as a paper at a regional psychology association. In closing, I believe that Jane student has the capacity to excel at X and in a career as a research psychologist. She is one of a small handful of student that I have encountered I my 16 years teaching undergraduates that has this ability. Please do not hesitate to contact me with further questions. 研究生推荐信攻略:

每位申请人在准备申请加拿大硕士时都面临一个很现实的问题,就是根据申请要求都必须提供两到三封教授推荐信。而目前学生找教授写推荐信,几乎都是自己写,由教授签名,甚至自行代签。当然,他宣称是教授授权的模拟签字,其实这都是错误的,都不是真实的。 首先,我们要了解推荐信应该谁来写:

1.必须要了解你的人,最好有一年以上,而且是直接了解你的人,亲友长辈或间接的人不要推荐。 2.推荐人不一定需要是大师级或正教授。当然具备此条件更好,但往往鱼与熊掌不可兼得。 3.推荐人要和你申请的专业方向是相关的。 4.写信的人必须要有时间及意愿。

重量级的人基本都很忙,不好意思拒绝,在来者不拒的情况下,推荐信质量必受影响。 5.如果离校很久,找不到过去的老师推荐,则找自己工作单位的领导比较恰当,如果申请的是MBA学位,那么内容就要注重在工作的综合表现能力上。 如何写好推荐信?





5. 推荐人在推荐信中最好将自己的职称,工作单位及联系方式注明,以便学校要查询时使用。 6. 切记,不要为找“闪光点”无中生有,或讲些表面大众化的夸赞之词,看完之后,一点感觉都没有,这是我在推荐信中最常见到的现象。


