
2022-03-21 06:23:21   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语口语对话》,欢迎阅读!

AYou don't look it. I bet Carlos is excited. Do you know yet if it's a boy or a girl?你看起来一点不像。 我想卡洛斯一定非常高兴。

知道是男孩还是女孩吗?BNo, we don't. Not yet. We should be able to find out at my next ultrasound. I don't care what sex the baby is as long as it's healthy. Carlos is really excited about the baby. He has been going with me to every prenatal appointment and we'll be taking a Lamaze class together soon.不,现在还不知道。 下次B超检查的时候,我们就知道。 只要他健康,男孩女孩都没关系。 卡洛斯是非常高兴。

每次产前检查他都陪我去,很快我们还要一起参加产前培训班。 AHow was your first trimester? When my wife had our daughter, she had a lot of morning sickness.你怀孕头三个月情况怎么样?我老婆怀我女儿的时候,早上起来总感觉到恶心。

BOh, it was horrible! I was nauseous all the time, but I'm better now. Did your wife have a natural delivery or a caesarean?噢,我也挺厉害。 我总是感觉恶心,不过现在好多了。

你老婆是自然生产的还是剖腹产的AShe had a natural delivery, but she was in labor for 12 hours! I was in the delivery room the entire

time and wish I had an epidural, too.她是自然生产的,不过整整生了12个小时。


BTwelve hours! I can't imagine doing that.12个小时呀,简单无法想象怎么熬过来的ADon't think about it. I'm sure you’ll have an easy delivery. Let me know when the baby shower will be.你现在别想这些。 我相信你会顺利生产的。

什么时候举行出生仪式告诉我一下。 BThanks. I will.好的,我会的。


AOh, wow, are you moving yourself or are you using a moving company?噢,你是自己在搬家还是请了搬家公司?BI'm renting a U-Haul and doing it myself. I'm putting some of my furniture in storage since we plan to move back here after he graduates.我从尤豪公司租了辆卡车自己搬。

我将我的一些家具寄存起来了,因为我打算男友毕业后还搬回来ACan I help? Do you need me to forward your mail?需要我帮忙吗?要不要我帮你转信件?BThanks for the offer. I've submitted a change-of-address form to the post office so I hope my mail will get forwarded automatically. One thing I have to remember to do is to shut off the utilities-gas,

electricity, and phone-but I'll have two more weeks to do that.谢谢你的帮助。



AWell, good luck in Vancouver. I don't envy you. I hate moving. Let me know if you need any help with those boxes.好,祝你在温哥华好运。 我可不羡慕你,我讨厌搬家。 如果你需要我搬那些箱子,你就吱声。

BThanks a lot. I appreciate it.太谢谢了!看了英语口语对话的人还看了:1.关于6个人的英语对话2.两人英语对话短文3.英语聚会实用情景对话4.3分钟英语情景对话5.有关赞美的英语口语及情景对话

