【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《白雪公主》,欢迎阅读!
Snow White 角色:白雪公主(Betty)、魔镜(Shelly )、猎人(Nicole)、皇后(Amy)、王子(Kacy) 小矮人 Alice,Rita,Karen,Annie,Nicole,Shelly 旁白(Alice),音响负责人(Rita) 道具:魔镜、道具刀、皇后的斗篷、苹果、王子的胡子和斗篷、小矮人的服装要统一、小矮人的帽子、桌子一个、小椅子6把、花篮、道具花、七个小矮人的斧头
旁白:Long long ago, there was a beautiful girl called Snow White. Her father was a king.Her mother died and soon she has a step-mother. The queen treated Snow White badly. One day------- (音乐1)
皇后:Magic mirror,please tell me!Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?(边照镜子,边说) 魔镜:(恭敬地,精灵古怪地)My majesty,you are very beautiful,but Snow White is more beautiful than you! 皇后:(生气地)What?What?(向前进)Oh no!I’ll kill her. 魔镜:(畏惧地,向后退)退场
皇后:Hunter!hunter! Come here! (威严地) 猎人:(恭敬地)Yes,my majesty!(单膝跪地) 皇后:I order you to kill Snow White! 猎人:(不解地)But,but why? 皇后:(凶狠地)Mmmm?Go!Quickly! 猎人:(恐惧地)Yes,madam!(向后告退)
(音乐2 兔子舞)
白雪公主:(唱歌,旋转出场,音乐渐止) Look,flowers! Wow,they are so petty!(闻花朵,高兴地) 猎人:(在白雪公主身后,拔刀,想要行刺,但表情痛苦,不忍心,正犹豫) 白雪公主:Do you want some flowers?(回头看,看见猎人举刀很吃惊)What are you doing? 猎人:(I’m sorry!The queen wants to kill you!But I can’t! Run, run away! 白雪公主:(感激地,快要哭的)Oh,thank you!(礼貌地,拥抱猎人)
(音乐3 )
白雪公主:绕场三周,表现出冷、累、饿,在森林里走,背投上出现场景森林、下雪等 白雪公主:(眼前一亮,突然看见一座小茅屋) 白雪公主:(敲门)May I come in?(推门,进入。。。)
白雪公主:1,2,3,4,5,6,7!Oh,there are 7 chairs,seven desks and seven beds. I’m hungry! (吃点面包) I’m thirsty! (喝点水) I’m sleepy! (睡觉) 小矮人们:土豆歌 (上场)
1 potato,2 potato,3 potato,4, 5 potato,6 potato,7 potato,more 小矮人们:Who is she?Where is she from?Wake up!Wake up! 小矮人们:Who are you? 白雪公主:I’m Snow White!
小矮人们:Let’s play! (一起唱Walking,walking)
皇后:Magic mirror,please tell me!Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?(边照镜子,边说) 魔镜:(恭敬地,精灵古怪地)My majesty,you are very beautiful,but Snow White is more beautiful than you! 皇后:(生气地)What?What?(向前进)Oh no!I’ll kill her. 魔镜:(畏惧地,向后退)退场
皇后装扮成老巫婆,来到白雪公主的家 皇后:(敲门)May I come in? 白雪公主:Come in,please! 皇后:I’m very tired! 白雪公主:Sit down,please! 皇后:I’m very thirsty!
白雪公主:Drink some water,please! 皇后:(拿出一个苹果)Oh,good girl!This is for you! 白雪公主:拿着苹果唱歌 apple round 然后咬一口,倒下。 皇后:狂笑ing-------------离开 第四幕
小矮人唱土豆歌回来,惊讶地 小矮人们:What’s wrong?
What happened?
Oh no, Snow White! (大哭)
王子:Snow White,wake up! (摇晃白雪公主的身体) 小矮人:Snow White,wake up! 白雪公主:醒来
王子和白雪公主:深情地 王子唱 You are my sunshine! 所有人一起:唱if you are happy