
2022-05-13 10:09:13   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《世界日一览》,欢迎阅读!

1月:1Jan-New Years Day; Ist Sunday Jan.-黑人日; 26 Jan世界麻疯病日; 26 Jan International Customs Day国际海关日; January 27, International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust; 2月: 2 Feb - World Wetland Day世界湿地日; 27 国际声援南非日; 210World MeteorologicalDay国际气象节; 21 February - International Mother Language Day (UNESCO) 国际母语日; 21 Feb反对殖民主义斗争日(1946); 29 Feb世界居住条件调查日;

3月:1 Mar国际海豹日; 4 March- World Math Day; March 8 - International Women's Day 8 March -U.N. Day for Women's Rights and International Peace联合国妇女权益和国际和平日; 14 Mar国际警察日; 15 Mar International Day for Protecting Consumers' Rights国际消费者权益日; 17 Mar 国际航海日; 21 March - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Poster) 国际消除种族歧视日; 21 March -World Poetry Day (UNESCO) 国际诗歌日; 21 March-World Sleep Day; 世界睡眠日;21 Mar. 世界林业节;21 Mar.-阿富汗日;March 21-28, week of Solidarity with the People Struggling Against Racism and Racial Discrimination; 22 March - World Day for Water世界水日; 23 March - World Meteorological Day (WMO) 世界气象日; 24 March - World Tuberculosis Day (WHO) 世界防治结核病日; 30 Mar.-巴勒斯坦国土日(1976)

4月: 42 International Children's Book Day 国际儿童图书日; April 2世界孤独症日 2008年起)April 4, International Day for the Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action; 7 April - World Health Day (WHO) 世界卫生日; 47反思卢旺达大屠杀国际日; 410日:非洲环境保护日; 411World Parkinson's Disease Day世界帕金森病日; 13 April-柬埔寨日; 15 April非洲自由日; 41618日全球青年服务日; 422World Earth Day 世界地球日; 22 April-世界法律; 423日世界读书日(联合国教科文组织确立); 23 April - World Book and Copyright Day (UNESCO) 世界图书和版权日; 24 April-世界青年反对殖民主义日(1957); 26 April世界知识产权日World Intellectual Property Day (世界知识产权组织确立); 27 April-联谊城日; 4th Sunday April世界儿童日World Children's Day; 四五月间月圆日 世界佛陀日(1955) 5月:1 May国际劳动节; 3 May - 太阳日Sun Day (UNEP联合国环境规划署确立); 3 May - World Press Freedom Day (UNESCO) 世界新闻自由日; Tue second week May世界哮喘日; 8 May- World Red Cross Day 世界红十字日; 9 May战胜德国法西斯纪念日; 12 May国际护士节-International Nurses' Day; 15 May - 国际International Day of Families家庭日; 17 May - World Telecommunication Day世界电信与信息社会; 18 May- International Museum's Day国际博物馆日; 20 May-世界计量日; 21 May - World Day for Cultural Development世界文化发展日; 21 May - World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development; 22 May -International Day for Biological Diversity国际生物多样性日; 25 May -African Liberation Day非洲解放日; 29 May -International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers国际维和人员日; 31 May - World No-Tobacco Day (WHO) 世界无烟日; 2nd week May母亲节Mothers Day; 26 May-世界向人体条件挑战日(1993)世界高血压日:5月第二个星期六

6月:1 June国际儿童节International Children's Day; 1 June世界牛奶日; 4 June受侵略戕害无辜儿童国际日International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression; 5 June世界环境日World Environment Day (UNEP); 12 June World Day against Child Labor世界无童工日; 14 June世界献血日; 16 June国际非洲儿童日,17 June - 世界防治荒漠化及干旱日World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought; 20 June - World Refugee Day-世界难民日; June 21, 世界渐冻人(MDA=muscle disease神经肌肉疾病)关爱日;23 June国际奥林匹克日; 24 June-世界骨质疏松日; 26 Jun-联合国宪章日; 26 June国际禁毒日International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking; 26 June - United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture; 3rd Sunday June父亲节Fathers Day

7月:1 July-世界建筑International Architecture Day; 1st Saturday July -International Day of Cooperatives际合作社日; 1 July 亚洲“三十亿人口日”1988; 11 July -World Population Day世界人口日“五十亿人口日”(1987); 20 July-人类月球日; 26 July-世界语言创立日

8月:2 August - International Youth Day国际青年日; 6 Aug.- 国际电影节(1932); 9 Aug-International Day of


Solidarity with Struggle of Women of South Africa and Namibia国际声援南非和纳米比亚妇女斗争日; 9 August- International Day of Indigenous People 国际土著人日; 12 Aug.国际青年日; 13 August, International Left-handers Day (左手日,维护左手者的权利,虑其特殊需要); 23 August - International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition (UNESCO); 26 Aug.-纳米比亚日Namibia Day

9月:8 September - International Literacy /Anti-Illiteracy Day (UNESCO) 国际扫盲日; 8 Sept.-国际新闻工作团结日(1958); 10 Sept.-世界预防自杀日;16 September-国际保护臭氧层日International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer /International Ozone Layer Protection Day; Sept 20国际爱牙日; 21 Sept or 3rd Tuesday Sept.- International Day of Peace国际和平日; Sept 22欧洲无车日; 26 September or 4th Sunday Sept.- 国际聋人日; Sept 27 World Tourism Day世界旅游日;Sept. 28世界教师节(联合国教科文组织确立)Last Week September - World Maritime Day (IMO) 世界海洋(海事); Last Sunday September 世界心脏日;

10月:1 October -International Day of Older Persons国际老年人日(老人节); 1 Oct.国际音乐; 2 Oct.-国际和平日与民主自由斗争日; 4 Oct- World Animal Day 世界动物; 4-10 Oct- World Space Week世界空间周; 5 October - International Teachers' Day 世界教师日; 1st Monday October - World Habitat Day世界人居日(世界住房日) ; 9 October - World Post Day 世界邮政日; 10 Oct-World Mental Health Day世界精神卫生日; 10 Oct-World Sight Day世界视力日; 2nd Wednesday October -International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction际减灾日(1990-1999 国际减灾十年); 11 Oct.-:世界镇痛日; 11 Oct.-声援南非政治犯日; 12 or 15 Oct, 1999)-世界60亿人口日; 13 Oct.-采取格林威治时间为国际标准时间日; 14 Oct-World Standards Day世界标准日; 15 Oct-World Rural Women's Day世界农村妇女日; 15 Oct-国际盲人节(白手杖节); 16 October - World Food Day世界粮食日; 17 October - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty国际消除贫困日; 22 or 18 Oct-World Traditional Medicine Day世界传统医药; 24 October -United Nations Day-联合国日; 24 October- World Development Information Day世界发展新闻日(发展信息); 24-30 Oct-Disarmament Week裁军与发展周; 30 Oct.-关贸总协定签订日; 31 Oct.-世界勤俭日

11月:6 November - International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in war and Armed Conflict;10 November -World Science Day for Peace and Development (UNESCO) ; 10 Nov.-世界青年日(1946); 11 Nov Week-International Week of Science and Peace国际科学与和平周; 14 Nov-World Diabetes Day界糖尿病日; 16 November- International Day for Tolerance国际宽容日; 17 Nov-世界戒烟日; 17 Nov.-国际学生; 20 November -Africa Industrialization Day非洲工业化日; 20 November -Universal Children's Day国际儿童; 21 November - 世界电视日World Television Day; 21 Nov.-世界问候日(1973); 21 November - Philosophy Day; 25 November -国际消除对妇女的暴力日International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women ; 29 November - 声援巴勒斯坦人民国际日International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People ; 12月:1 December -World AIDS Day 世界艾滋病日(1988年); 2 December - 国际废除奴隶制日(废除一切形式奴役世界日)International Day for the Abolition of Slavery; 3 December -International Day of Disabled Persons国际残疾人日; 5 December - 国际志愿人员日International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development ; 7 December -International Civil Aviation Day国际民航日; 10 December -Human Rights Day世界人权日; 11 December - International Mountain Day ; 12 Dec-International Children's Day of Broadcasting国际儿童广播日; 18 December -International Migrants’ Day国际迁徙者日;






1957 国际地球观察年;1959 世界难民年

1960 世界难民年;1961 国际保健医疗研究(卫生及医学研究) 1961 世界种子年;1964 太阳极小期国际观察年

1965 太阳极小期国际观察年;1965 国际协助年;1966 国际米年 1967 国际观光年;1968 国际人权年;1970 国际教育

1971 与人种差别斗争国际年;1972 国际图书年;1974 世界人口年 1975 国际妇女年;1978 国际反对种族隔离年;1979 国际儿童年 1980 国际禁烟年;1981 国际残疾人年;1982 制裁南非国际年

1983 世界广播年;1984 世界青年年;1985 国际森林年;1985 联合国年; 1986 国际和平年;1986 国际农业年;

1987 援助无家可归者国际年(无家可归者收容安置国际年) 1987 国际声援年(支持朝鲜和平与统一国际年) 1988 艾滋病情况通报年; 1988 国际旅游年; 1990 国际扫盲年

1992 国际空间年(国际太空年) 1993 世界土著人国际年

1993 世界环境年;1994 国际家庭年; 1995 纪念"二战"死难者国际年(国际宽容年)

1996 International Year for the Eradication of Poverty消除贫困国际年 1998 International Year of the Ocean国际海洋年;

1999 International Year of Older Persons; and Centennial of the First International Peace Conference国际长者年 2000 International Year for the Culture of Peace

2001 International Year of Volunteers; and of United Nations Year of Dialogue Among Civilizations; and International Year of Mobilization Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Tolerance 2002 International Year of Mountains; and International Year of Culture Heritage; and International Year of Ecotourism

2003 International Year of Freshwater

2004 International Year To Commemorate the Struggle Agianst Slavery and Its Abolition 2005 International Year of Microcredit; and International Year for Sport and Physical Education 2006 International Year of Deserts and Desertification 2007 International Year of

2008 International Year of the Potato; and International Year of Planet Earth; and International Year of Sanitation; and International Year of Languages

2009 International Year of Reconciliation; and International Year of Natural Fibres 2010 International Year of Biodiversity国际生物多样化年 2011 International Year of Forests国际森林年


