
2022-03-27 21:18:16   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《耐克英文广告词_广告词》,欢迎阅读!


耐克英文广告词(热门篇) 1. It's not about the shoes 2. It's about knowing where you going 3. not forgeting where you started 4. It's about having with courage to fail 5. not breaking when you are broken 6. taking everything you've been given 7. and make something better 8. It's about work before glory 9. in what's inside of you

10. It's doing what they say you can 11. It's not about the shoes 12. It's about what you do in they

13. It's about being who you are born to be

耐克英文广告词(最新篇) 1.“恨我吧,因为我也为同样的理由被爱着。”

2.If you really want it 只要心够决

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3.you'll push back pain 就能征服痛苦 4.use it利用它 5.control it 控制它

6.if you really want it 只要心够决 7.living your dreams 实现你的梦想 8.if you really want it 只要心够决 9.learn from the fails 从挫折中学习 10. learn how to win 学习胜利 11.if you really want it 只要心够决 12.everything to your fire 将所有燃烧成激情 13.all the pain 所有痛苦 14.failures 失败 15.criticisms 批评 16.glory 荣耀

17.take the ball 出手夺球 18.take the last shot 出手绝杀

19.you can do anything you want to 你可以做到任何事 20.if you really want it只要心够决

鞋子的创意广告 1. 谁说航空科技只适用于空中飞行! 双星牌皮鞋

2. 千里之行,始于足下! 双星牌皮鞋

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3. 现代人的神行太保! 双星牌皮鞋 4. 尽显男子汉的风度! 双星牌皮鞋 5. 穿上双星鞋,好事自然来! 双星牌皮鞋 6. 万里皮鞋,伴君走天涯海角! 万里牌皮鞋 7. 虎威牌皮鞋令您步步生威! 虎威牌皮鞋 8. 自由自在,惟我虎威! 虎威牌皮鞋 9. 金帆伴你,一帆风顺! 金帆牌皮鞋 10. 天天穿,日日顺! 万事达皮鞋

11. 款式流行,活泼流畅,构思独特! 万事达皮鞋 12. 万事达------万事通达! 万事达皮鞋 13. 令您足下生辉! 润达鞋 14. 情侣鞋的知心话...... 润达鞋 15. 润达,踏出您的新天地! 润达鞋 16. 走向新里程! 字牌鞋

17. 买好鞋,请认“一字牌“! 字牌鞋 18. 鸿鹰齐飞! 鸿鹰鞋

19. 节日礼物------倍福来童鞋,最漂亮、可爱! 倍福来童鞋

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