【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《关于植树节的英语作文:快乐的植树节》,欢迎阅读!

We rushed to the hillside, look a look, ah! Hill bare, an old tree standing there alone, a nod to us, as if in said sadly: “kid, you finally come, I have lived here for decades, but without a partner and friend, really lonely.“ I thought to myself, today we planted more than ten tree, a few years here will become a beautiful forest. Red flags fluttered over the slopes, and the students chosen good afforestation of the battlefield. Some carrying hoes dig buffalos; Some with a spade spade soil; Some moved saplings; And holding a small bucket of water to the river. She (he) did, face red. You look! On the other side of the male students dressed in camouflage uniforms, do full head big sweat, also helping to clean, they don”t you let me, I won”t let you, hard work. Side of the female students, all dressed beautifully dressed, negotiate for a shake a put. They are also not to be outdone, doing the hard and sweat on your face straight downwards drip any brush, all tired panting.
Look! The captain of our class work hard. I saw her two feet slightly open, put into a “eight“ word, hands tightly hold the saplings, afraid of saplings fall down. Mid-team leader behind have a bucket
of water, may be prepared to give small sapling “drink“. Monitor the bow around his waist, with the foot, small shovel in hand, is a spade a spade to smaller saplings! Fill out fill in, the soil in the buffalos is full, the sapling has firmly when local stopped. Mid-team leader loosen the hand, and the first step on the soil with their feet tightly, then pour the water slowly into the soil, water slowly sink in, seedling “drink enough water, nodding, as if to say:“ thank you for your cultivation, I must grow into towering trees, for you to play in my shade and read a book, “.
To complete the task of planting trees, I look a look, wow! New plant trees, rows can be beautiful!
The breeze is blowing, saplings nod and smile, chattering birds in the sky, as if to say: “these children are capable.“ This year”s Arbor Day is really happy!
最终来了,我在这儿住了几十年,可没有一个伙伴和朋友,真孤独。”我心想:我们今日种上十几棵树,几年以后这里肯定会变成一片漂亮的树林。 山坡上,红旗招展,同学们选好了植树造林的好战场。有的拿着锄头挖树坑;有的用铁锹铲土;有的搬小树苗;还有的拿着小桶到河边打水。她(他)们干得热火朝天,脸上红通通的。你瞧!那边的男同学身穿迷彩服,干得满头大汗,也顾不上擦一把,他们你不让我,我不让你,埋头苦干。这边的女同学,个个穿得花枝招展,小辫子一摇一摆。她们也不甘示弱,卖力地干着,脸上的汗水直往下淌也顾不上擦,个个累得气喘吁吁。 瞧!我们班的中队长干得多卖力啊。只见她两脚微微张开,摆成了一个“八”字,双手紧紧扶着小树苗,生怕小树苗倒了。中队长身后有一桶水,可能是预备给小树苗“喝”的。班长弓着腰,弯着脚,手里拿小锹,正在一锹一锹的给小树苗培土呢!填呀填,树坑里的土满了,树苗已稳稳当当地站住了。中队长松开手,先用脚把土踩紧,再把水渐渐地倒进土里,水缓缓地渗进去了,树苗“喝”饱了水,连连点头,似乎在说:“感谢你们的栽培,我肯定长成参天大树,让你们在我的树阴下尽情地看书、玩耍”。 植树的任务完成了,我抬眼一看,哇!新栽的小树一行行,可美了! 微风吹来,小树苗点头微笑,天上的小鸟叽叽喳喳地叫,似乎在说:“这些小朋友真能干。”今年的植树节过得真欢乐!