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Being an introvert does not mean being socially reclusive. It does not necessarily mean that you are shy, a loner, afraid of social interaction, or that you have bouts of social anxiety. According to Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types, extroversion and introversion are related to how a person derives energy. According to Jung, extroverts derive energy from the external world, through interaction and communication, while introverts derive energy from within through reflection, thought, and contemplation. Extroverts are easy to make friends, and they usually don't hide their thoughts and feelings, so they will disclose their ideas and ideas to others, so that others will feel more comfortable around them. They are usually easy to get along with extroverts. They are very talkative and cheerful.
Their optimistic views and views on things make others feel one It's an uplifting sense of satisfaction that they cheer others on and put them in a better position. Therefore, extroverts are very important to society because they bring more confidence and hope to the public.
性格内向并不意味着与世隔绝。而且也并不定意味着你很害羞,不合群,畏惧社交或者时不时会有社会焦虑感。根据卡尔·荣格的心理类型理论,内向和外向与能量来源有关。根据荣格的理论,外向型个体,通过交际和沟通从外部世界获得能量;内向型个体,通过反思、沉思和冥想从内心世界汲取能量。 性格外向的人很容易交到朋友,而且他们通常不会隐藏自己的想法和感受,所以他们会把自己的想法和想法透露给别人,这样别人在他们身边也会感到更自在,他们通常很容易和外向的人相处,他们非常健谈,很开朗,他们乐观的观点和对事物的看法使他人感到一种令人振奋的满足感他们为他人加油,使他人处于更好的状态。因此,外向型的人对社会非常重要,因为他们给公众带来了更多的信心和希望。