【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《单相思-李阳疯狂英语》,欢迎阅读!

第二部·第七节 生活实际问题-单相思,我该怎么办?
Unrequited love 单恋 【疯狂星级】
★★★ 三星级·高中生级·国际公民级 【疯狂短评】
This is a universally common dilemma! Everyone has been faced with the problem of telling or not telling someone their true feelings! Mr. Know-it-all offers some very practical advice on dealing with this particular situation, but as in all matters of love, it's easier said than done! Dear Mr. Know-it-all, 亲爱的万事通先生,
1 In 1997, when I was finishing college, I met a beautiful girl and we became good friends. After graduation we kept in touch through letters. Gradually『逐步地;渐渐地』I found I was in love with her.
1 在我1997年大学毕业之际我遇上了一位漂亮的女孩并成为了好朋友;毕业后,我们一直保持着书信来往。渐渐地,我发觉我爱上了她。 【额外成就感】
学到一个超级口语要素“keep in touch”(保持联系),这是我们日常生活中最常用的口语要素之一。
2 As a result, I refused the advances『主动姿态;对异性的友好表示』of another woman I knew in my office, and at that point『时刻』, I realized『认识到;领悟到』I should make my feelings known to the woman I loved.
2 结果,我拒绝了办公室一位女孩的求爱,与此同时,我认识到应该让我所爱的人知道我的感情。
3 I Wrote a letter to her expressing『表达;表示』my love. She responded『作答;回答;答复』right away『马上;立刻』To my great disappointment, she refused my love, saying she had always thought of me as her big brother and that she just enjoyed exchangin『交换;交流』ideas and thoughts with me. I am in so much pain now and don't know what to do. Should I continue to keep in touch with her or forget her and disappear from her life? I hope that I can get some advice from big brother Know-it-all.
3 于是,我写了一封信向她表达我的爱意。她很快就给我回信了。让我失望至极的是,她拒绝了我。她说,她一直都把我当成是大哥哥,只是喜欢与我交流思想而已。我现在伤心极了,不知道如何是好,我应该继续与她联系呢,还是忘记她、从她的视线中消失?我希望万事通大哥能给我一些建议。 Frank法兰克 【额外成就感】
express: 表达;表示。
*I cann't express how grateful I am for your help. (对你的帮助,我感激不尽。)
*His actions express his love more than any words could do. (他用行动表示的爱胜过任何语言。) respond: 作答:回答;答复。
*I asked him where he had been, but he didn't respond. (我问他跑哪去了,但他却不作答。)
*She responded to my letter by a phone call. (她收到了我的信,给我回了个电话。) Dear Frank, 亲爱的法兰克
1 On a pain scale『等级;级别;大小;程度』of one to ten, unrequited『得不到报答的;无回报的』love, or love that is given but not returned, can be right up there just above『超过;在……之上』an operation or a visit to the dentist. It is much worse than both. Medical procedures tend『有助于』to heal quickly. Broken hearts can take years to heal『治愈;使恢复健康』and sometimes never do.
1 在大大小小的痛楚中,单相思或没有回报的爱所带来的痛楚和手术或看牙医后的痛相比,前两者更甚于后两者。医疗手段可以很快治愈肉体的创伤,而破碎的心却需要多年才能复原,有时甚至终生也难以愈合。
2 Most of us have our first run in/encounter/experience with unrequited love in our late teens, during high school. We watch from afar『从远处看』as our truly beloved wanders『漫游;闲逛』the halls of the school. We make every effort to spend as much time with that person as possible. We also make every effort to be
sure that person does not know how in love we really are. But that is no way to go through life.
2 大多数人在十八九岁时都有过单相思的经历。远远地看着自己所爱的人在学校大礼堂漫步;想方设法地尽可能与心仪的人呆在一起;我们也会力图把爱埋在心底,不让对方知道我们是多么的爱她。然而,我们总不能就这样度过一生。 【疯狂解释】
late teens 表示“十七八九岁”这个年龄阶段,其实这个解释并不疯狂,因为 teens 表示“十几岁(13-19岁)”,early teens 指“十三四岁”,middle teens 指“十五六岁”,late teens 自然就是表示“十七八九岁”了。
3 So then comes theinevitable/unavoideble『不可避免的确;必然发生的』day when we have watched“Titanic”too many times or listened to too much Celine Dion and we get up our courage and go to them in a dramatic『戏剧性能的』flurry and confess our true feelings.
3 因此,当看了无数次“铁达尼号”和听了无数遍席林迪翁的歌以后,在那个迟早都会来临的日子里,我们终于鼓起勇气在忐忑不安中走向她们。
4 A couple of hours later it is all over with and all we want to do is turn back time and go back to admiring『欣赏;观赏』them from afar. We want to go back to the sweent taste of our fantasies『幻想;梦想』thinking how wonderful it will be when we can be together. We want to go back there because rejection『拒绝』leaves a bad taste in our mouths that we can never quite get rid of.
4 几小时之后,一切都已结束。我们唯一所希望的就是让时光倒流,回到远远地赞赏她们的那个时候;回到我们甜美的梦境中,想着能与她在一起有多么的美妙。我们想回到从前,只因她的拒绝在我们心中留下的阴影挥之不去。
a...taste in the mouth: 在口中的余味;一个……的印象;一种……的感受。 *His rudeness to the teacher left a bad/nasty taste in my mouth. (他对老师的粗野无礼给我留下了一个极坏的印象。)
*They all went home with a good taste in their mouths. (他们心中都怀着好感回去了。)
5 My advice to you is to let her go. You can't force her to fall in love with you. The only thing worse is begging her to love you.
5 我的建议是由她去。强迫她爱上你仅仅是比乞求她爱上你稍好一点的办法而已。 6 It is difficult for me to even advise you to maintain『维持;保持』your good friendship with her, because much like being on a teeter-totter with someone heavier than yourself, things will just never be even/balanced/equal.[I hope you feel better and I wish you the best of luck.]【超级精品句】
6 我甚至难以建议你继续保持与她的友谊,因为对我来说这是一件很难的事,这跟叫你与一个比你重许多的人玩跷跷板没什么区别,结果都是不可能的。希望我所说的对你会有所帮助,祝你好运!