【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《高二下学期单词复习资料》,欢迎阅读!

1. 既可做可数名词也可做不可数名词:
disability 残疾; ambition雄心; annoyance烦恼; encouragement鼓励; desire渴望;satisfaction满意; relationship关系 2. 不可数名词:
eyesight视力; literature文学文献; assistance协助; access通道,路径,可接近性(have access to sth); dignity尊严;envy嫉妒; thinking思考; teamwork合作; conservation保存; paperwork文书工作;security 安全 3. 易错的名词:
literature 文献; certificate证书; architect 建筑师; sympathy 同情; declaration 宣布; cuisine 烹饪; dimension 维度,方面; the Antarctic南极洲; rectangle矩形; privilege特权;arrangement安排; astronaut宇航员; anniversary 周年纪念日 4. 易错的形容词:
clumsy笨拙的; suitable 合适的; beneficial 有益的; annoying讨厌的; adequate 足够的; accessible易接近的; sympathetic 同情的; elegant优雅的; absurd荒唐的; awful极坏的; junior 年幼的,资历浅的; theoretical理论的;annual每年的; opposite相反的; awesome令人敬畏的; rectangular矩形的; voluntary自愿的;political政治的; secure安全的;financial 金融的 5. 重点副词:
psychologically 精神上地; elegantly优雅地; absurdly 荒谬地; awfully可怕地; theoretically理论上地; annually一年一度地; vividly生动地; neatly干净地; narrowly勉强地; sharply犀利地; shallowly肤浅地; steeply陡峭地; awesomely敬畏地; weekly每周地; relevantly贴切地; remotely遥远地; economically经济上; politically政治上; financially金融上; securely牢固地 6. 重点动词及搭配:
adapt 改编;adapt/adjust to; adapt/adjust oneself to 使适应 annoy/ be annoyed at/with 使恼怒
conduct实施执行;指挥;表现为人;传导 resign辞职
congratulate sb on sth/ sb be congratulated on/ Congratulations to sb 祝贺某人某事 alarm/ be alarmed at 使警觉
scan/scanned/scanning 扫描;浏览;细看
accompany sb to sw/do陪伴某人去/做; accompany sb at/on 给某人伴奏;accompanied
declare sth (to be) n/adj 宣布什么怎么样;declare war on/against 对…宣战 envy/envied/envies/enving; envy sb sth羡慕,嫉妒 be the envy of sb/sth 令人羡慕的人或物
divorce sb/ be divorce from/ get a divorce from sb 和某人离婚 witness to doing 目睹…的发生;witnessed/witnessing
flee/flees/fled/fled/fleeing逃离,flee (from/into) the country逃离,逃到… drag sb out of/into/from 拖,拉,拽…/drag sb down把某人拉下来;drag sh/sb in把…牵扯进来;drag on/out拖延
urge that….(should) do/ urge sb to do sth催促,主张; have an urge to do sth 有做…的愿望
abandon sth/sb/doing放弃;abandon oneself to doing 沉溺于…;with abandon放纵 reflect on/upon 思考,考虑;reflect sth/that…反射,映射;be reflected in倒映在 scare sb (away/off) 吓(走)/ be scared to death吓死了/ be scared into doing be scared of sth/ be scared to do 某人害怕(做)某事
adjust to/adjust oneself to (doing) 使适应/ adjust sth调整,整理
participate in/ take part in/ join in参加活动;join sb (in doing)加入;跟某人一起做;join a party/a club成为一员 donate…to/donate blood捐献,献血 distribute… to 分发,分配 purchase sth/ make a purchase 购买
operate 运转,起作用,操纵/ operate on sb动手术