【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《形容歌声好听的成语》,欢迎阅读!
1. 鸣唱如雷 - "singing like thunder" 2. 声如杜松 - "voice like fir trees" 3. 音若琴弦 - "voice like a harp string" 4. 雅音如玉 - "elegant voice like jade" 5. 嗓音婉转 - "voice graceful and melodious" 6. 歌唱如鸟 - "singing like a bird"
7. 音腔甜美 - "sweet and melodious voice" 8. 声音清亮 - "clear and bright voice" 9. 声音柔和 - "soft and gentle voice" 10. 声如磬音 - "voice like a chime"
11. 歌声悠扬 - "song with a long and sustained tone"
12. 音质优美 - "excellent vocal quality" 13. 声音温暖 - "warm and comforting voice" 14. 嗓音清脆 - "clear and crisp voice" 15. 嗓音清新 - "fresh and clear voice" 16. 声音婉转 - "graceful and melodious voice" 17. 声音清晰 - "clear and distinct voice" 18. 声音优美 - "beautiful voice" 19. 声音迷人 - "enchanting voice" 20. 声音如笛 - "voice like a flute"
21. 歌声动听 - "song pleasing to the ear" 22. 声音悠扬 - "long and sustained voice" 23. 声音清亮 - "clear and bright voice" 24. 声音甜美 - "sweet and melodious voice" 25. 声音优美 - "exquisite voice" 26. 声音如玉 - "voice like jade" 27. 声音柔和 - "soft and gentle voice" 28. 声音如杜松 - "voice like fir trees"
29. 声音婉转 - "graceful and melodious voice" 30. 歌声优美 - "exquisite singing voice"