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关于5分钟英语故事短文:Bad Weed, Bad Call
Boy, this is the worst weed I’ve ever had, Wesley thought, even though it smelled great. He’d rolled two joints, smoked them both, and still didn’t feel high. He’d heard about some super weed that gets people so high that they think they’re straight. Maybe this was super weed. Naw, he thought. This is just crap. His best buddy had ripped him off! There was only one thing to do: call the police.
Wesley told the police his problem. They said they would be right over. He went to the front door and unlocked it. Slowly, he printed Buster’s phone number and address on a cigarette paper. He put it into the big baggie of grass. He wondered if his call was going to make TV news. Or maybe the front page of the newspaper: “Good Citizen Turns in Drug Dealer.” Wow! The city might make him an honorary deputy sheriff. He lit another joint—maybe the third one would be the charm ...
He heard the car doors closing and the footsteps approaching. All right, he thought. He wondered if they had brought a television crew with them. Maybe he’d make the 11 o’clock news. The police were very polite. They thanked him for Buster’s phone number and address. Then they arrested Wesley. “What for?” he protested.
“For possessing more than 28 grams of pot,” an officer replied.
“But this isn’t pot—it’s more ‘not’ than ‘pot.’ Why do you think I called you—I got ripped off!”
“Well, we’ll see about that after the lab analyzes it. If you’re both lucky, you did get ripped off.” 关于5分钟英语故事短文:Elvis Is Alive and Well
Tamara Smith sliced open an eggplant. The seeds were arranged in the likeness of Elvis’sprofile. “Oh, my God!” Tamara screamed. She was The King’s biggest fan. She had all his CD’s and all the DVD’s of his movies. She knew everything about the artist from Mississippi. She had been to his birthplace and to his memorial—Graceland—in Memphis. She had never actually seen him live, yet she worshipped him. She felt that she was his soul mate, because they were both born on January 8.
She always claimed that Elvis would be alive today if she could have contacted him that fateful day. She had had a strange feeling that morning in her own bathroom. She sensed that there was danger for Elvis in his bathroom. She suspected that he might slip in the tub, or maybeaccidentally electrocute himself with his hair dryer. But she wasn’t sure. All she knew was that Elvis must not use his bathroom that day.
She dialed Memphis 411, but Information told her that his number was not listed. She called the Memphis police, but they said she would have to get in line behind all the other crank callers. She called her cousin who lived in Memphis, but her cousin was out.
She almost died when she saw the TV news that night, August 16, the saddest day of her life. I was right, I was right, she kept repeating to herself. If only she had gotten through to poor Elvis.
Now she had this eggplant. It could mean only one thing—